vi; nightmare fetishist

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STILES WOKE UP SCREAMING, but he didn't need to scream for Juliette to know he was having a nightmare. To understand how she knew, you must first know that Juliette wakes up at the sound of footsteps, heavy breathing, or even the muffled sound of a car racing through the neighbourhood streets; which meant she would rarely ever have a full six hours of sleep.

    It started with him mumbling in his sleep, to which Juliette groaned in annoyance and folded her pillow behind her head to cover her ears. Then, she was bothered by the sound of his quick movements against the fabric. When she finally turned to him with the full intention of scolding him awake, she realised from his short and heavy breaths what he was experiencing. Then, he proceeded to scream.

    In alacrity, she sat on his bed beside him, trying to get him to stop screaming. "It's alright!" She yelled through his screaming. "You were dreaming, Stiles!"

    But Stiles didn't stop screaming, not until his eyes landed on hers, then shifting his eyes to his fingers to count them. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and he buried his head in his hands after he was done making sure he wasn't still in a dream. He messily rubbed his hand over his face, clearly still in shock. Juliette remembered being in Eichen House, and constantly waking up through her roommate's constant screams. But Juliette wouldn't rush to her roommate's bed to calm her, instead closing her ears shut and attempting to sleep through the screams.

    Juliette heard his silent cries, but wouldn't go farther than her hand gently rubbing his back. "It was just a dream, Stiles."

   "I woke you up." His voice cracked, heavy with stress.

    She's never seen him in such a fragile state before, making her feel as if she isn't supposed to witness this, as if she's trespassing. We aren't there yet, Juliette thought to herself. "I wasn't asleep, anyway. Haven't had a good nights sleep since Eichen." His expression shifted, giving into concern.

    Stiles, still not fully awake, mumbled; "Sorry."

    "Besides, I have to take a pill everyday a little past midnight." She explained further, not wanting him to worry. "So if you scream like that every day at exactly twelve o'three, it would be like you're my own personal alarm".

Juliette noticed the way he subtly swung his head side to side as if it was the heaviest thing in the world. "What time is it?" He asked softly, half asleep. She didn't want to open her phone to check, afraid the brightness of the blue light would prevent him from going back to sleep. "Go back to sleep, Stiles." Slowly, she put her hands on his chest, applying slight pressure on it until he landed on his back, his head to the pillow.

Juliette grabbed his pillow that fell to the floor, the one he can't sleep without, placed it beside him, he fell into a deep sleep.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

   Juliette woke up to the smell of pancakes. Rubbing her eyes while letting out a yawn, she stretched out her arms. Looking over her shoulders, she noticed Stiles' bed was empty. She checked her phone, receiving several texts from Isaac, which she chose to ignore until later. She walked to the bathroom, washing her face and changing into a pink sweater and high waisted denim jeans.

    Walking down stairs, she saw Stiles and the Sheriff on the counter. "How come you're only making pancakes because she's here?" Stiles asked, stuffing a bite into his mouth.

    "Good morning." Juliette said as she sat on the kitchen counter.

    Sheriff Stilinski shot a warning look at his son before flashing a smile at the teenage girl, handing her a plate of blueberry pancakes. "Good morning, Juliette." He nodded towards her. "Did you get a good nights sleep?" He asked, and Juliette nodded as she cut her pancakes into pieces. "What about you, Stiles?"

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