Fight and wheel ride

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The phone rings . Phineas picks it up .
Hello Buford what up ? You never call . On the other line we hear  a very angry Buford.  F: he is growling like a bear . P: yes he is . B: dinner bell . You know why I called? P: no . I also don't know .why your so angry at me ? We are friends. We don't talk like this to each other . Unless , I did something to upset you . I don't  remember making you upset about anything lately.   So I am sure that's not the reason your calling . B: ok . So your really think you didn't hurt me lately?   Are you sure  you don't  know why i am  calling ? P:yes I am sure . I got no idea why I getting this call . I don't remember hurting anyone lately. Buford: Hate to break it  you phineas but your wrong  .  You hurt my feelings lately. maybe this will ring a bell for you .  Since have yet to figure out why I am mad and calling you. I will give you a hint . One word . Isabella . Does that bring up any memories of hurting me .? P: no .  She would never hurt you . She  is my girlfriend. I thought you were cool with that . What is going on Buford? Buford.: I am angry at you because you stole my girl . I like Isabella just as much as I like food. You know  I love food . so yes I am in love with your girlfriend.  Sadly for me you took Isabella away from me  before I had any chances to ask her out .  I know she liked you over me  for years , but I am still pissed  off that you took her from me . You should pay for the damage you did to me by stealing the true love of my life. She will love me soon . I know she can't ignore  the feelings she has for me .  You think she has Not even thought about her feelings for me . I knew I am a better for her . I can give her something you can't and that's  the right amount of time with her. You still haven't figured out how to have her in your life and build . To me it seems like your not fit for Isabella. I am more of a man than you are. You are nothing to her .  You treated her like crap for years . Do you really think that she could forgive you for the way you ignored her feelings towards you .   She hates you . She lost her feelings for  you . She knows you hurt her and can't deal with it again. I never will treat her the way you did . You definitely are not a good boyfriend. I should be dating her  not you . You are nothing but a nerd that try's to get a girl to like him but still doesn't know how to do anything romantic because he still doesn't know what true  love is .  If you knew what it was I would have Isabella in my arms and I would be sleeping with her .    P: you are wrong about everything. She will never like you . She likes me . I an the best option for her. I love her . I always have . I am a  good boyfriend . Sure I git a lot to learn about love but at lest I am not jealous of something I can't have . You are  nothing but a bully.  You dare tell me that you treat her right . You have no idea how much she means to me and you will never get between the love we share for each other.    I know I hurt her in the past I am working on trying to make it up to her now that I have her  as my girlfriend. Buford; Phineas you are the most oblivious person on the earth. Why would Isabella like you when you  can't understand her feelings towards you .I am going to state the obvious I am the one she wants .  P: I am not sure who told you she likes you but I know my girlfriend . Isabella likes me and not you B: Let's have a fight and see who is the strongest.  If I win I get Isabella. If you win you can keep her as your girlfriend. If you don't do this  fight  than I will take  it into my own hands and break up you guys and steal her my self. P: I normally don't do fights but I am not losing Isabella for 'this.  You will not touch her ! She is my girl.  It's on Buford. See you in my yard  soon .   You will not get away with this Buford. Buford: we will see . I might date her after this  and you may not have a girlfriend . Get ready to lose her phineas because I am coming for you . I never lose a fight. P: well I am sure I will win her heart no matter how badly you think she wants you . Even if I do lose and you win that doesn't change the fact that issy didn't like you in the first place and never will . Good luck. Buford: you too . Break a leg. I mean it . So I can win. P : hangs up  he is pissed at Buford. What a stupid guy he is to think she likes him . Buford: hangs up . He starts lifting some books so he can win Isabellas heart. Back at the Flynn fletchers home we see phineas got some things to train with . There is a tread mill and weights . The boys are bringing the stuff in side . Phineas runs upstairs to his room to put down some other-things they got to help phineas win. The boys also got a punching bag from the mall to help  train phineas for the fight . P: He starts punching a bag to practice .  The bag is in there room. Hanging from the ceiling near phineas's bed .  The rest the training stuff is on ferbs side of the room so he can teach phineas how to use them. P: who does Buford think he is ? He can't get away with trying to steal my girl. You are going down . F:  ferb walks into the  room . Sounds like you are having fun with that bag there . Also , are you sure you want to do this ? . P: yes .  I am having fun here . He throws more punches at the bag. I am so sure I want to do this fight. I am ready to kick Bufords butt all the way back to where he came from . I don't  think he is from America originally. So I can deport him home where he belongs. F: are you sure he from some place out of the U.S ? P: yes I am sure he is . I think he is  Dutch.    F; true . His last name gives it way.   P; I am ready to prove to Isabella I am the man she needs. No matter how many threats Buford says they still cant scare me away from the girl I love . F:phineas use that energy to beat Buford. P: I will .  F: yes I know you will . You something he doesn't have and that's a big heart . I now you care about Buford since his your friend but don't let that stop you from protecting Isabella and showing Buford he is wrong to mess with you .  Look him in eyes and say Buford I am not scared of you are losing tonight. That's how you start the fight. P: He smiles at ferb knowing he will beat Buford. O boy my phones ringing . Can I take a break to answer it ? F: yes . Just a few have a few quick things to ask you to do . Don't work out to much. I Don't want you to hurt yourself before the fight. Get a lot of rest before the fight . We can't have you fighting tired.  I am worried about you . This your first fight . I don't want you to hurt self doing a wrong move . He thinks your weak because you love her  and he think that he is better than you . He will use your love you have against you . He will make it sound like your the bad guy. Don't listen to him . P:I will workout safely ferb .   I am sure I will fight safe tom . I will sleep early tonight so I can get plenty of rest for the fight . Don't worry about me .   You know  I don't like people worrying about me . I hate worrying you.  Every thing will be ok . This will be my first and last time fighting anyone . I promise you Ferb I will not get hurt tom . I will be great tom. I get this . I am resting a bit now tired from practice. F: I understand.   Glad your resting. If I didn't worry about you than  what type of brother would I be ? P: You would be a bad brother if you didn't care about me so much . I worry about you all the the time . That's why I am so protective of you all the time . excuse me  ferb , I got to take this call. F: I know you worry about everything  I do Phineas . You got to stop doing that before your worry your self sick .   P: well I gess I just worry about the ones I love .   F: yes you worry to much about others . P: well caring about my friends and family is my weakness. F: yes yes it is Buford might use that against you .  P : I know that why I got to make sure he doesn't get in my head .  F: Phineas you better  get the phone soon .  The line is ringing like crazy. It's driving me nuts. P: lol . I know I am picking up the phone now . P: hey issy I: hello phineas.   P. . I was just going to call you . I wanted to tell you that  I will win this fight for you today  .  I : Look phineas  about the fight , you should be carful. I don't want you getting hurt  Buford plains to do painful things to you today . I know this because I spoke to balljeet . He told  me that Buford hopes that you will give me up today and he will take me all for his self.  He even said Buford wanted to give you black eye and beat you to death. I am scared for you phineas . Your risking your life for us . Buford is not going to back down anytime soon  . P: the fight is important to win . Buford made it clear our relationship is on the line here.  I : I know balljeet told me that as well . I really don't want to lose you phineas. I love you too much to end what we have . She starts crying p:  don't worry I will be safe .  Please stop crying . Your going to make me cry .  That's not something I should do now because I going to fight Buford shortly. He will think that I weak if he sees me crying . I am going to win today. Buford has no chance of beating me . Ferb trained me well for the fight. I love you too . You will not lose me tonight . I will kick Buford in the but so hard he will wish he wasn't born. I: she stops crying. I am still scared for us. I know you say you will win  but I get help thinking that we are risking our relationship for this fight. The fact that Buford could knock you out and you can get a connection  and you might not  remember me or anybody else you love .  That is scary .  P; here you issy . That scares me too . But I am ready for anything to happen today.    I : You could die phineas. I respect you wanting to fight. I want you to win tonight as well . I hope you know that  Buford might say things to make you mad so he can win. Don't fall for his tricks . Be the optimistic person I know you are and beat him hard. P:  thank you . I will take your advice Isabella. I will not get knocked out that hard tonight .  You don't have to worry about me forgetting you . I will never forget you . I love you to much to ever forget us or anything about you . I will try to stay positive about this fight for us , I will stay strong for you and my friends and family too . I will not back down tonight. I will push through the fight and come out a winner. If it makes you feel any better to tell you the truth I am a little nervous to fight  Buford tonight . I am scared for us as well .  I am not sure what will happen to us if I lose the fight. So I gotta try my best to safe this relationship. I know I will not let Buford ruin what we have . I will win this fight and everything will be back to normal. I : You can win .   You will  blow me away like you always do . You are smart boy and u will  defeat him. I will be there cheering you on . Good luck phineas .  I love you . P: thank you .   I love you 2 . He hangs up and steps in to the rink that ferb  and him built for the fight.   The fight starts with with Buford hitting phineas hard in the face many times . Things are not  going to well for phineas .   He misses  many shots . Buford punched him down . Phineas kicks Buford in the stomach. Ferb thought that this was  phineas's best move of the fight . Phineas punches Buford hard in the nose . Buford gets a bloody nose and hits phineas so hard He gets knocked out and doesn't wake up . Until he hears Isabella call out to him . Get up phineas  . I believe in you .  Don't let him win .  Her words  was enough for phineas to get up and finish the fight. He kicks Buford in the face and knocks him out hard. He won the fight with that move. I : you won phineas . You did it . We are saved . She runs to hug phineas . P: I couldn't have won it with out you .  He hugs her back . I : I wasn't going to let Buford win , you deserve me and him .
P: I couldn't agree more . He kisses her on the lips . They walk  back inside to phineass house . Ferb smiles at him and gives a thumb up for winning the fight. Balljeet ; you got some nerve standing up to Buford like that . He probably is going to  get you back for what you did .
P: I feel like Buford learned his lesson and he will not be bullying me or anyone around here any more . 
F: well I hope that  your right . I also hope that Buford realized he was wrong to pick a fight with you .
P: I hope so too . Well it was a good fight anyway .
Balljeet: Buford is coming your way phineas . He does not look happy . Buford:  has angry tone in his voice as he approaches phineas . he points a finger at him and says I lost to you this time phineas but next time you will lose to me. With that he starts  to walk out the yard with balljeet in arms and angrily glaring at the rest of group. He stops at the gate and says you will rue this day phineas . You will see one day issy will be mine and you will understand that I was the one she wanted along . Than there will be no more phinabella .  You all are idiots if you think I am  going to let this go so quickly.  He drops balljeet. He walks back towards the group . He has his his fist close to phineas and is ready to punch phineas  in the face . Phineas stops it though . Buford : he glares and phineas . Phineas you had it out for me from the start of the fight. He points to ferb angrily. Ferb you were glaring at me the whole time and Isabella you were making rude remarks toward me . He points to balljeet angrily . balljeet : balljeet covers his head in fear . He thinks he is going to get hit for what he did . But Buford just yells at him and says this you  were cheering for phineas why couldn't you just cheer for me instead nerd? . Balljeet : because he deserved to win not you .
Buford: ok well now you get a wedge later for that .
Isabella you were cheering for phineas and not for me. I was a little offended I was not  getting your cheers girly .  He glares at Isabella. She glares back at him .   Buford: rolls his eyes at her .annoyed by her behavior and pissed off at the rest of the group still. I thought we were going to make it easy for me to win this time phineas. P:  you thought wrong Buford .  Buford: you are so lucky  you got friends here besides me because if you just had me I would be yelling a lot more at you for what you did . But you did win this time phineas. Well played.  P. Thank you Buford .  If you start a fight with me again  candce will be involved .she will not hesitate to call your mom and tell her everything you did to me .  Buford : Welcome he spits out the word like is poison. He hated being polite . But phineas was making impossible not to be polite with his positive attitude,. His attitude was starting to annoy Buford a bit . What ever you say phineas .  no more fights with you .  F: no fights with me ether . Shit will go down if you start a fight with me . Buford: I would never pick a fight with you ferb. You are someone I don't want to mess with .  P: ok . Am I someone you want to mess with ?  Because it seems like you want mess with me still .
Buford: I never said that .  P: you didn't have to say it . Your negative attitude showed you clearly didn't care if I won. All you cared about is  you winning the fight . Fighting is not about winning it is not about who fights the hardest to  get what they want .  It's about trying your best to succeed . It definitely is not about  bragging that you won .  Or getting angry you lost . If you lost than you man up and own your mistake.  I don't think you deserve to have us as your friends. Your are not a nice person Buford.  You don't realize that you can't win everything.  You win some you lose some.  That how life is Buford. Life is not perfect. Your not perfect . no one's perfect. I am not perfect and nether is ferb or any one else here . Life  has  its up and downs . It is like a roller coaster. You can be upset you lost .  Just don't wine about it to everyone that's called being a sore loser and no one likes a sore loser . You are not going to be getting Isabella any time soon . I plain to be with her for a while . Wether you like it or not,  phinabella is still going strong. It will continue to for  a long time. So knock it off . If I were you I would never fight with me over my girlfriend again .  Is that clear ?  Buford: yes .    But you don't deserve to win still I do . P:  phineas is to angry to realize Buford is still fighting him and thinks he has not lost .  P: good . Now I want you to  get out of this backyard before I regret forgiving you . Buford leaves. Still pissed off  he slams the gate behind him.  Ferb: I thought he never leave.
P: same here . He was bing so rude before. Glad he lost he does not deserve Isabella or any girl. 
F: I couldn't Agree more .  Wanna build a snow man ?
P: what is summer time . We can't do that.  Lol
F: I was joking . Let's build a wall.
P:   Like the wall  of China?  Ferb : yes
P: not today bro . I think that project has been already done by the  Chinese. We are not building a wall . Today we are building a Ferris wheel . That's much more romantic than building a wall .
F: were did you come up with that ideA? Did you get from online?
P: no. I didn't get from online. I am able to come up with romantic things when I want to . Don't give me that look ferb. I can be romantic too you know . Your not the only romantic one here .  I got the idea  yesterday when we went to fair. I took one look at the ride and thought wow we should build one of these. Isabella will love this ride  and rest is history. That's how these blue prints were made.  Unless Isabella wants do something else  we can change the plans.
F:  Well I think she will I  agree  to the plans
I : hey phineas whatcha doing ?
P: building a Ferris wheel. Is that ok with you ? If not we can change it to something you like .

 Phineas  and Buford fight Where stories live. Discover now