We're back !

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This link is the vedeo of  We're back song by Phineas and Ferb.

SDirector  Hello everyone, here's the run down for today . we are going to go through the song a few times than we will  work on the rest of movie .
P: let's do this thing !
F: yes I agree .
Buford: I can't wait for the rest of the movie to be done .
C : me too
Director :  Ok everyone. We're going to start now .
I: hey phineas . Good luck today.
P: thank you . Same to you issy.
D:I thought I said  we are going through the song today. Why aren't you guys getting ready to do that ?
Doof:  I was getting ready to  that  but this platypus got in my way . He points at Perry who is blocking doofs path. D: well that's not my problem. Why is the rest of cast ignoring me ? Doof : don't know. Hey why are you still here ? Perry : grrr. . Doof : I don't know what that means . It better mean I am getting out of  your way . Perry does not move . Doof : come one perry the platypus get out of my way .
Perry: grrr . He shakes his head .
Doof : fine have it your way . I will go around you stubborn Perry.
Perry bites doof for saying that
Doof : owe . Why Perry it's not right to bite people. Didn't your owners rise you better than that . If not that they are bad at taking care of you .
Perry.: stomps on his foot . He is angry at doing for saying phineas and ferb are bad at taking care of him.
Doof: owe. O it's on. He kicks Perry's hat off . It goes flying and hits Carl . Who picks it up and puts in his pocket.
Perry: is pissed doof did that and punchs his nose .
Doof/ look I am sorry I said those stupid things about your owners .
Perry: he smiles at him
Doof : so we good now ?
Perry: grrr. He steps on doof for fun.
Doof: ok . So we are not good ? He punch's Perry.
Perry: ; rolls his eyes. Try's to walk way
Doof : grabs him.. ok perry at this point you are still upset with me . i am right?
Perry: shakes his head no .
Doof: ok so you forgive me ?
Perry: shakes his head yes.
Vanessa: dad . don't fight with perry. His owners are near us.  Put him down before they see.
Doof: well I wasn't going to start a fight with him .  He puts Perry down.
Vanessa: well you should be aware of the fact that you can't call him an agent around his family.
Doof: he is my nemesis. I know that I can't say that stuff .
Vanessa: please dad . don't do anything stupid today .
Doof: well that I cant promise. I do stupid things a lot.
V: yes you do dad . That's why I said not to today. I think perry just peed on your shoe dad .
Doof: o that's nasty . Perry where are your manners?
Perry: rolls his eyes at him . And kicks him
Doof: why are  you being mean to me ? I didn't do anything evil yet .
Perry: glares at him when he says evil.
Doof: calm down perry. Not building any evil things.
Perry: is not convinced. He still glares at him .
Doof: ok . Think what you want .
Perry: Is still glaring at him
Doof: man you glare for a long time for a platypus.
Perry: rolls his eyes at him . He has a second hat with him and puts it on .
Doof: well that explains why you can fight so good .
V: Perry go back to your owners . My dad can't handle being around you  unless he can fight you .
Doof: that's true . Bye for now .
Perry waves bye to them and goes to find phineas and ferb. He takes off his hat and then goes back to pet mode and sees phineas and wonders over to him.
Phineas: there you are perry . He picks him up . Where have you been all day ? Why are you all wet ? Let's dry him off ferb. He grabs a towel from ferb . They dry him off . He smells like pee. I think he peed on him self .
F: Yes I agree. He needs a bath .
P: well let's do the quickly now . We have time to do that . They go to the bathroom and bath Perry in the sink . Than dry him off . Than they go back to movie set .
F: Perry hasn't missed out on much. He takes Perry from phineas.
P: that's true . He scratches Perry's belly.
F: he loves when you do that .
P: yes he does.
I: o phineas I got tell you something
P: ok . Can it be after practice?
I: ok. I will tell you about my feelings for you later.
F: well that's going to be a interesting talk.
I: i am not sure if he will understand the fact I am trying to say I love you to him .
F: he will understand you. He loves you too .
I: smiles at ferb than stares at phineas.
P : you like what you see ? I : yes . I do like what I see .  You saw me staring at you ?   P: yes I did .  I : How embarrassing is this . I am sorry. P : it's ok . I kinda like it when you are checking me out . To be honest I was staring at you too .
I: really ?
P: yes .
I: I like this attention from you .
P: well I plain to give you more of it .
I: o phineas. You so cute when you blush .
P: I can say the same about you .
I; you think I am cute ?
P: it's a scientific fact . I know science doesn't lie . I would not lie ether. Your very pretty. That reminds me my mom said she was making extra food and didn't think my family could eat it all tom . So I was wondering if you want to eat dinner with me Tom? My family would love to have you over .
I: I would love to. I will be wearing a nice dress.
P:I can't wait to see that . You look pretty in anything you wear.
I:thanks phineas and thank you for the invite. By the way phineas I think your cute too.
P: welcome for the invite and the compliment. Thanks .  I am going be right back .
M: hey phineas wasn't expecting you to call so soon. Hey mom just calling to tell you the food will not go to waste tom night. I invited Isabella over for dinner tomorrow.  She will eat the let over food that the family doesn't eat . M: ok . thank you for the heads up .
P: bye mom. Got go . I am at practice now .
M: ok . good luck on that movie.
P; thank you . I love you.
M:I love you too .
P; he is now in the bathroom . He is freaking out over the fact issy likes him . Texts ferb : Hey ferb meet me in the bathroom. Ferb reply's . I am on my way .
P: hey there .
F: hi Phineas.  what's up?
P: I found out Isabella likes me and  she is going to eat dinner with us tomorrow night .
F: I am glad you found out she likes you back . I can't wait for dinner tom.
P: me too . Mom said she was making spaghetti Tom .
F: well we have to back to practice now .
P: I know . I just wanted to talk about that stuff.
They walk back to the room where they are filming things for the movie.
I: hum I wonder where phineas went off to. I can't believe he likes me back. 
C; hey do you know where phineas is ?
I : Hey . Um I actually don't know where he is . Why?
C: He texted me that he has to talk to me and to find him now .
I . Well I think he is here with Ferb. They should be around. You can start looking for them over there by the fake tree .
C; ok .
P: hey everyone! We're back. Lol I just quoted the song we're practicing.
F:lol.  the song is stuck in my head .
P: me too . It's catchy. He starts singing the song.
F: o no now I am going to start singing.
P: stops singing. I think it would be great if you practiced before practice started.
F: well we did practice together at home .
P: true .
I:. Hey phineas . I just wanted to let you know that Candce is looking for you . She she wants to talk to you . She sounded angry.
P:  Hey Isabella. Well it's  never a good thing when a angry Candce is trying to find you .
F: no it's not .  Well  she probably just wanted to talk about the text you sent her .
P; yes that's makes sense why she is looking for me 
C : there you are . She is glaring at them .
P: hey Candce. You found us! He is oblivious to her glare .
C; yes I did . you wanted to tell me something.
P: yes . Isabella is going to come over Tom for dinner.
C: that's all you wanted say? I am glad she is coming over Tom .
P: yes . Me too . Super excited for it .
C: Well that's great. she is going to have a fun time tom . P; well I hope so . Not sure if she will like the food  . C: well let's hope she does . P: also are you going to be there ? C: yes . I will be home tomorrow night .
P: good . C: don't you have ferb to talk to about this to . P: he was the first person I told . Also ferb thinks that you should bring Jermey  tomorrow night . He is bringing Vanessa. C: well I think he can go to dinner tomorrow . You will see us both tomorrow night.   She goes to leave to find Stacy .
P: Where are you going ?
C: to find Stacy . She wanted to go talk to me about something.
P: well before you go . I got a question for you . Are excited for the movie?
C: yes , I will be the star of the show . 
P. You do realize . You will be sharing the spot light with me and ferb. C:  darn it . I thought it was just my show .  P:  well you thought wrong . Also , ferb wanted to know if you want us to build a camera . Since you broke yours yesterday. C: . No . I don't want you to build a new one . I want you to fix my old one . P; well we can't fix the old one . C: are you sure it can't be fixed ? P: yes , we tried to fix it already it seems to be broken. C:. thank you for wasting my time .i am telling Jermey to get me a new one for my birthday
P: that's rude . We did try to help you . It's not our  fault your camera can't be fixed. We could get you one sooner than that or build one .
C: No I don't want you building one or getting me one. I already told you that before.  I just asked Jermey to get a new one for me .
P. ; ok . So you don't want our help
C. Nope.
P: well our work is done here Ferb.
F: yes it is .
C/ bye guys . Going to find Jermey. He said he would get the camera for me .
P: bye Candce.   That's good he is getting it for you .
I : hey phineas.  I can't wait for Tom
P: me too . I will pick you up at your place at 5:00 .
I: ok. I am looking forward to it . She is batting her eyes at him . I love hanging with you phineas.
P: yes . I am too. We can talk more about this some where private if you want to.  I :  I agree we should talk about this in a more private place later. I love hanging out with you too . She grabs his hand .
I : oops sorry I grabbed your hand
P: it's ok . I like it . He blushes
I : ok . Can I hold it tighter ? She blushes
P: go head I am not stopping you . She squeezes phineas hand and he does it back . And she smiles at him he smiles back . Issy seats closer to phineas and he raps his arm arou her . I: I love you phineas. P; I love you too . Your so cute . Your blushing like crazy . I : well so are your blushing too . In fact got Turing reddder by the second. P; o boy . That's so embarrassing. He covers his cheeks. I: hey don't do that. I like to see you blushing phineas. She removes his hands from his face . O phineas got checks are warm. P: Issy there's no words to express my feelings for you right now . He places his hand on her cheek.izzy your burning up . I: so are you . She plants a kiss on phineas's cheek. Her kiss makes Phineas blush more . P : I don't want this moment to end .   He plants a kiss on her cheek. I: me nether . She flushed from the kiss Let's hold hands the whole practice.
P: not a good idea.
I : why not ?
P: the director will not like it .
I ; can we do something before practice starts
P; ok .:
I: she kissss him on the lips . Phineas blushes and kisses her back . They make out untill phineas breaks the kiss.
P: whst was that ?
I: a kiss for good luck at practice.
P: well I liked it .
I: me too phineas
P; thank you for that kiss .
I: no thank you for letting me kiss you .
P; how could I say no to you .
I: I don't want to stop talking to you .
P: me nether .
I : I want to watch a movie tom after I eat dinner with you .
P; we can do that .
I: just us watching the movie tom .
P; I can't do that . I will let ferb now of the plain so he is aware of it .
I; ok . Can't wait.
P: I gess you can say this was our first kiss today and Tom will be our first date even though my family is there . It still counts .
I: true. When we start dating for real you owe me a lot of dates
P; I agree . For now we can be friends and kiss sometimes If you want.
I: that sounds like a plan. They kiss again .
F: well I think that you guys should get a room.
P; shut up ferb.
I : well I want to sit like this all night.
P: me too . But we can't .
I: why not ?
P: The director is coming our way . He doesn't look pleased.
I: ok.

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