Candce gets busted .

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Phineas: I am tired of the way Candce tries to get us in trouble all the time aren't you Ferb?
F: nods  His head . Yes .
P:  Glad we are on the same page. According to Candve she can bust us when she wants. Thats about to change today. We will not be treated like we are crazy people any more .  Why are you looking at me like that  ferb?  That's what she think we are .   Trust me she thinks we're nuts  for building every day .   F: She thinks our inventions are big and weird.   Who is she to say that ?     phineas   :  I must say we are all crazy in our own way .   F: yes.there is no such thing as normal. She has yet to realize that out .   P: So I guess she was right we are crazy after all.  When we are done with her she will wish she was always a good sister to us. one that note. We are getting revange on our sister for-treating us like we are stupid . I have had it with her behavior towards-us .   Today she will pay for the hurt she caused my friends . She will pay for the invations she ruined. we will do whatever it takes to make her see what she did to us is wrong . Let her see the pain and tears she brought to me these years. let her feel whst is like to have somthing in her life ruined .! She thinks we always get away with things . But it's not true . she just always wants to get us in trouble. That's not cool. We are trying to live this summer with out her yelling for no reason. We are going to not let her ruin the time we have to be with family and friends. The time we spend having fun in yard . She will not get the way of us today . We are not letting her win. This is the last day Candce will yell your busted. The only one getting busted is her . Lets go kick her but . This invitation right here will help us get Candce back for everything.
F: I am listening. .
P: we are building something big and obvious today. So she sees it trys to bust us but instead busts her self. 
f: well thats a good idea. Lets get started .
p: thats what i am talking about ferb. Today will be a fun day . Cant wait to see her face when she gets busted.
f: she will deny what she did .
p: we will have to make sure she doesnt do that.
I: hey phineas what cha doing ?
P: definitely not something bust-worthy . he winks to ferb. Ferb laughs at  this . i : not sure what that was about.  P: just a inside joke with me and ferb . Today we are building somthing that will help us get rid of Candces obsession of busting us .
Buford: does the plain involve hurting her? I want in if does. I want to punch her for what she has done.
p: no violence  is in the plan today .
F: violence is never the answer. We will handle the situation the way it should be handled with words .
Buferd:  o man . I wanted to punch her. Can I yell at her?
P: yes. we all will all yell at her.
Balljeet: I think she just going to bust you guys no matter what we do .
P: Thats part of the plain getting her to  "bust us". We are going to trick her to thinking she is busting us . When she is really busting her self.
I: that plain sounds interesting. Can I help? Did I tell-you how cute you look today ?
P: yes you can help us. no you didn't tell me that . Thank you .you are cute too . I find it hard to not take my eyes off you at the moment. He blushs .  I think i am in love with you .
I:   she screams .she is happy Phineas Likes her back. Love you too.  You are so hansome. kiss me . They kiss That was a good kiss. I love you . Can't wait to help you today.
P: I love you too.  I enjoyed kissing you .
I/ I enjoyed it too. Do you  know how long I loved you ?
P: well I loved you all my life . So I am saying your whole life.
I: yes. I was going to say I love you for a thousand years .
P: wow that long time to love someone. Did you just reference twilight?
I : yes. You saw that movie?
P: saw all 4 of them . My sister made me read the books and see the movies with her when I was younger. I always thought Jacob has a temper and I wonder what Bella's life would have been if she chose him over Edward.
I: I did not think you like that stuff.
P : well I d0. Just not as much has my sister.
I: well . I like that you like that stuff.
P: that's good. love you 3000. Its fromEndgame .
I: ok . I am not sure . If I seen that movie. Not really into marvel movies.
Balljeet: that movie creeped me out so did the twilight movies. Ginger made me watch them all with her . She likes both movies.
P : well Isabella we should watch endgame together at some point .
I: ok . For you I will see it .
p:lets do it later at my place .
i: ok. i will be staying over. we can see it than . is ok that i invited my self to sleep over?
p: yes its fine. cant wait.
i: me too.
F:I knew that was marvel quote. Cute kiss by the way .
Buford : I can't believe Isabella hasn't Seen that movie . It's good . Phineas you are such a nerd.  I want to see the kiss again.  I am in for the project.
Balljeet: I am not sure if you meant  to do this but . Your plan sounds evil . Love that you  kissed Isabella today.
P: Yes. we ment to do it . Ferb I and I are evil geniuses . everyone stares at him. Hey calm down guys. We are not really evil . We were just joking  but we are geniuses .
Buford.: well I actually believed you were evil geniuses. Because I knew there was something off about you guys since the day I met you guys. .
Balljeet:   That's not nice to say Buford. They are not evil. Just have evil thoughts.
p; no. we dont have evil thoughts .
Buford: ok . But I still think ferb is evil. He might have the sith in him still.
I: Buford shut up.  No one is evil here .
F : what happens if Candce finds out about the plain before we are done ?
P: than we will think of anther way to deal with the issue. Come on guys. The project is waiting for us to start.
F: well for the record. I think Candce is crazy for busting us all the time .
P: I do too .  Not sure why she hasn't given up on busting us . She fails and still goes to do it  the next day .  Buford: She is so stupid. P: Buford ! only I can call my sister stupid.   Buford: sorry I didn't meant to insult you .  P: that's ok . I realized that Ferb and I are more of an adult than Candce is and we are younger than her.
I: that's strange  you are just seeing that now .
P: yes it is. It must be embarrassing to our sister that we are smarter than her .
F: true . Well I think the building is big enough to catch her eye . It touches the sky .
P: yes . She is coming out now.
C: what do you think your doing ?
P: we are building a sky scraper . And it would be great If you showed mom what we did .
C: are you asking to be busted ?
P: maybe .
C: well that's strange. Normally you don't want be busted. Well if you want to be busted. Than I can call right now
Mom: Candce why are you calling me ?
C: I need you to get home . Something weird is going on with phineas and Ferbs. They asked to be busted today.
M: well I will be home soon .
C: I will finally bust them today.
P: maybe you will not bust us since we are doing nothing busy worthy .
C: I knew it. You don't want  to help me bust you . You just want see me fail .
P: well that's not true . We want to make you happy . If it takes busting our selfs . we will do it .
C; no . You don't care about me . I didn't ask for this is.
P: . Your lot dummer than I thought. Today we asked you to bust us to see if you are smart enough to not do it . But apparently you not . You will still do it even if we didn't ask you .
C: wait you tricked me . I thought you are on my side .
P:  yes we tricked you . I know you don't understand why we did what we did today but in time you will.
F: for the record if you want us on your side be nicer . You are so mean to us .
C: what are you talking about? l didn't do anything to you guys.
P: really ? You know what you did . You saw the video. we would never chose sides with  a person who hurt us .
C: what's that supposed to mean ? You didn't show me a video.
P: you will find out sooner or later . Opps I said to much . You will see the video soon and understand what you did .
F: we know you are wrong to bust us all the time  . We are telling you to stop busting.
C: why are you saying things like this ?
F/: we told you were are trying to help
You out .
C: I don't understand still . Hey look moms here . I can show her what you did .
Mom: I am home . Candce were is the big building have to see .
C: outside. Come with me .
M: excuse me?
C: come outside now please?
M: that's more like it. She follows her out side .
C: do you see it '?
M: all see is a tent .  Candce, I don't think the boys made this tent .
C: They didn't make the tent mom. The boys are in the tent. They are built something in the tent . It is a huge building they made. You got to come with me to see it.
M/ why didn't you say that before. Let's go find them
C: ok . Move it mom .i don't want miss my chance to bust them.
M: going as fast a can. You need to slow down. I can't keep up with you .
C: you are so slow . Let's go. We are close I can smell Phineas and Ferb. M: why do you say you can smell them ? C: They smell like oil and sweat. I know my brothers scent . They are up to no good . I can feel my busting senses tingling. M: that's weird you know how your brothers smell. I don't know that and I am thier mother why do you know that . C: I don't think you would understand why I know thier scent . She takes her mom hand and goes running in the tent.
P: hey mom . So glad you could make it . Can't wait to show you the skyscraper we built.
M: what ?
P: we have something to show you .
M: ok
P: look forward
M: I see it. Candce your so busted for hurting your brother's this way .
C: whst ? There is a big building here with a screen attached to it and I am the one who is in trouble.
P: watch the vedeo .
C: watch's it . It is a vedeo of her yelling at phineas and calling him names and pushing ferb out of the way when he try's to end the fight .She calls them stupid for building things all the time . She says other offensive things .like how she wishs phineas and ferb were normal brothers and how she wants them to stop being realated to them.  The worst inslut was that she said she wishs they were never born.Phineas gets hurt by this and starts crying and yelling at her she is the worst sister .
F: we go through this everyday with you Candce. You never listen to us . We are trying to help you not hurt you .
C: what ever .
P: well that's if thats how you feel . Than I am happy ferb vedeoed this so the world can see what a monster you are. The vedeo ends .

C: that's not fair . I didn't know they were filming me .
M: don't matter . Your in trouble missy . You are grounded for life.
P: maybe that punishment is a little harsh.
M: fine . Not for life but for a long Time. Now go to your room.
C: wait phineas . I am sorry phineas .
P: no your sorry you got busted. You dOnt care about what you did to me amd Ferb. I want  you leave now.Your making things worse.
F: don't look at me . I can't help you Candce you did this to your self . Go to your room like you were told . She sadly goes to the stairs . Feeling guilty for what she did to her brothers .
F: do you feel bad for her ?
P: no.
F: same here . The damage is done .
P: yes . We finally got her .
F: yes we did . They high five .
P: that felt good to do .
F: yes it did . We showed her who's boss .
P: that's true.
M: Boys dinner time .
P: ok .
M: why don't you  tell your dad what Candce did and why she isn't eating with us .
P: Candce hurt my feelings. She insulted me and Ferb. She didn't listen when we said it stop . She does this every day to us . She pushed ferb and slapped me in the face for what I did .
M: well the slapping part wasn't on the vedeo I saw . P: she did it after we finished the vedeo. I will show the vedeo dad .
D: after the video ends . Thank you for bringing this up . I know it must be hard for you guys to talk about this . But I am glad you told us .

M: yes . It was a good thing you showed us the vedeo so we could understand what Candce did . I know you boys care for her. We do to but if she isn't treating you guys right you got to talk to us no matter how scary it to talk about it . You really proved to us that we were wrong about candce. So thank you for talking about it . We are so proud of you boys . She hugs them.

P: thank you mom. We should talk more often about these things. I hope she is not upset at us .
M: I agree we should. I am sure . Candce wil not be angry at you for this .she will angry at me
P; your right. Thank you for everything.
F: we appreciate the kind words from you both .
M: welcome. Go to bed boys . It's been along day and Tom Candce will be in a better mood.
P: ok . Good night
M: night boys . We love you and want what's best for you both and if it means punishing your sister more we will do it .
P: we love you guys too. Have a good night .
F: good night
M: night boys
D: have a good one . Don't forget to bring up this food for your sister. He hands phineas a plate of food
P. He takes the plate . We will give this to her now . Night again . They go upstairs to her crying from candces room
P: hey can we talk .
C:sure .She looks sad . She lets the boys in.
P: what hell Candce? You should be more upset about you did to us.
C: yes . I know I should. I feel bad for hurting you guys . I am sorry. I should not have says those things . I was wrong about you guys . You guys are amazing at building and I am wanting to do what you do but I am always busy with Jermey. I am so mean to you because I want you both safe
P: ok. That makes sense . We understand. But your still grounded untill mom says other wise .
C: are you upset ? I am upset with myself. So I don't blame you if you are . I love you guys . I never wanted it to be like this between us . Please say something guys . I understand your upset but I don't like this silent treatment your giving me.
They boys don't talk for while more . Phineas breaks the silence. He hates silence  it makes him uncomfortable.
P: Ferb was the one who said we should not talk to you after what you did .  I agreed with him . It was something that had to be done .
C: why are you doing this to me  ? What have I done to deserve this ?
P:You think you still didn't do anything to get punished. You should see by now the only person that is busted is you . Your a messed up girl. Sorry to break it to you but we aren't alway going to be here to talk to you about this . What ever is gong on with you Candce I hope you figure it out soon . Tired of being the one who has to deal with your mistakes.
C: I get it . I am sorry . Please forgive me for everything.
F : I don't believe you . I think your not understanding still.  we are not happy with what you did.
C: I  get everything your saying guys but I don't understand why you will not  say it is ok what I did .
P: he is starting to get upset with Candce for not listening. No your still are not getting the point. I am done talking to you about this .  There is no point of explaining things to you further.  You just going to bust us no matter what we do .
C: I understand where you guys are coming from , l am so so sorry. I feel guilty for hurting you guys . I messed up .
P:. You will never understand how we feel . I am sorry it took you so long to see your mistake. Bye sister. We are disapointed with you. See you Tom . He and ferb walk towards the door.
C: bye . Thank you for dinner. Wait guys  , your wrong I do get what your going through.
P: welcome. I don't see how you possibly could get it if your still treating us the same way you did before getting grounded.  I would like you to think about what you did . Sorry does not cut for the pain you did . Good night
C: night
They go to bed because they are tired from the long day they had . Perry sleeps on Ferbs bed . Phineas furs Ferbs night light on and goes through bed

 Phineas  and Buford fight Where stories live. Discover now