You think he is still angry still? / candce has a bad day

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Phineas ;  Do guys think Buford is still Pissed I beat him yesterday in the fight .
I: well he definitely was angry yesterday. He didn't say hi to you today . So I vote yes.
F: well he has to grow up .  He definitely is upset still.
P: well I didn't mean to upset him more. I was just trying to win my girl back. He really needs to stay away from me and Isabella for the day . After yesterday I don't trust him with Isabella. He tried kissing her when I went to the bathroom. Unfortunately there is nothing to do about him liking Isabella still.
I: why does he have to like me ? I hate him .
P. I think he has stop liking you soon .
I : true .
P: Well I am not one to get mad . But he tried to take issy from me . So I am definitely not forgiving him for that .
. F. Well I gess the feeling is same for me too
Buford: why' are you all looking at me.? I just walked in the door. I feel like I missed something .
Balljeet: they think your still mad at phineas about yesterday.
Buford/ o yeah I am mad about that . Phineas you owe me  something. You think you won but I really did win the fight so hand her over phineas . You lost because you cheated . So I won . I deserve the prize.
Phineas is mad at him for not letting him speak. Every time he try's to Buford slaps me . He says it's pay back yesterday .   Finally after Isabella tells Buford to stop hurting phineas or she will hurt him. Buford stops hitting him says sorry . This gives phineas the chance to speak P: That was not ok to hit me for winning yesterday. But since I am your friend I am letting it go . I forgive you . But don't hit me again or I will tell ferb to hit you and he hits hard . Buford : fine no more hitting I get It . P.: no you don't get it . Because you still think you won yesterday. I also don't owe you anything. I am dating Isabella . So if is her that you want I am not heading  her over . I : Why are you still acting like  a jerk Buford ?   Get hold of your self . I don't like you like that . I like phineas and you know that . So back off . Buford gets angry at this he yells at issy to shut up and kiss him so he can prove to him he is a better kisser than phineas . I won yesterday so suck it up princess. Phineas is a loser . I am the true winner. Isabella slaps him on the head for the last few comments he made about phineas. He tells him not to insult phineas again or she well slap him again . Buford says sorry . He feels phineas he sorry for stoping him from talking.He tells him he can finish whst he was before . P: I am thankful that you said sorry. But you had no reason to say things you said about me . So I don't. I don't know if I can forgive you for what you have done . Now let me finish what I was saying before I was interpreted by Buford. Once again sorry phineas. I ; shut up Buford. He knows your not sorry for what you did . In fact every one is yard now your not sorry because you like picking on people for fun I know you enjoyed hitting him and insulting him . So you saying sorry means nothing to the rest of us in this yard. F. She is right . That was a weak apology.phineas needs a better one than that. Buford.: whst ever you say ferb. I got nothing now. But I gess I make a better one later. Phineas clears his throat to get everyone to stop talking. But unfortunately it doesn't work . Buford is now fighting with balljeet over something and can't hear phineas trying to get them to be quiet. But Isabella does. I: Buford please be quiet and let phineas talk . He is trying to say something. Remember whst said about hitting you ? Buford. Yes I do . Please don't hurt me . I will be quiet . I. Good not a word from you untill you really say sorry to phineas. B.: ok . I: I thought I told you not to talk so I can hear phineas talking . Buford.: he has not started talking yet . I: that's because he is waiting for you to stop talking so he can start talking Buford: on that note I will be quiet. I: thinks to her self . He is finally quit . Man he was annoying. Phineas starts talking again. His voice gets Isabella to smile . P: thank for finally letting me talk Buford. You need to respect your friends more or you will not have any soon . Also , I think we agreed yesterday you would not fight with me again  Buford . Buford : I dint remember doing that . But if we did than I will not fight again today. P. That's bullshit . Every one in the yard gasps. They never heard phineas say a bad word. Ferb says to them phinead says bad words when he gets really upset sometimes. He gets it from candce. I : well that makes sense why he knows that word now . Every one is quiet now . They have thier full attention on phineas so hearwhat else he is saying. P: sorry I cursed. It's just that I could not come up with a normal word to say how stupid Buford was begging before. Thinking I would fall for you saying sorry. Well I am not because you don't mean it . We all know you will fight with me anytime you want to . It doesn't matter if I tell you not to . I can't believe that you still think you won the fight yesterday .  I won yesterday . I didn't cheat . I was the stronger one yesterday be ferb trained me . I bet you didn't practice before the fight yesterday. Buford: i did practice on my own . I'm like you I didn't need training from anyone. You are a bad fighter and don't deserve to know you beat me yesterday. In my eye your still a loser to me . How Isabella likes you over me I have no clue. But your still weak compared to me . I knocked you out cold yesterday during that fight . So technically I should have won the fight you embarrassed me yesterday by beating me . . P: That's so childish of you to think you should have won . How dare say I embarrassed you by beating you ? You embarrassed me today by insulting me unfortunately of every one . After I fell down yes during the fight I got up . So you lost . So stop saying otherwise. I know I won just say it already and understand it's for the best I won because you don't know how to treat any girl with respect. You can't even respect me so . You thought you would get Isabella to like you . I am not sure how you would do that . Your just not a very likable person. It blows my mind you think you would have any chances with her when you made it clear she doesn't want you . She wants me . So back off . I ; Stop thinking you won it's really annoying to hear say it all the time . P: I couldn't agree more. Buferd: well I am just staying how I feel about everything not trying to annoy you . I was just thinking I should have won yesterday. Not that you should have lost . I should have hit you so hard you get a connection . That way I would win, next fight we have I will do that . P: Buford there will be no next fight at this rate . I won there is no need to fight me anymore. I hate fighting and will not do it anytime soon. Buford: why should listen to you . I know you would fight me if threatened to take Isabella away . He grabs Isabellas arm. She try's to getaway but can't because Buford now has her in a choke hold . P; get your heads off her . Buford: what are you going to do about it . If I can't have her than nobody can . I: phineas help me . She try's to get out of Buford s choke hold . Phineas: I will not let you kill her . I love her . Kill me instead. If you kill her no one will forgive you . I think you should let her go now . F: he glares at Buford. Balljeet: times up my friend. Let Isabella go . Buford: glares at balljeet: stay out of this or I will kill you too. He kicks balljeet . He also kicks ferb. Phineas: I will not let you hurt my friends. Buford: o really ? Because I will hurt everyone you love . Since you took away my girl . P; She is not your girl. Let go of her . You are killing her . Ferb Buford. Let Isabella go! He comes to try to rescue Isabella. He punches Buford but that doesn't work. Phineas now has had it with Buford and punch's his face . P: that's for messing with my friends. Now drop my girl. Buford.; I might have killed her but You are going to live with this for the rest of your life . I would kill you right now for taking her from me but that would be to easy. With that he drops Isabella who is not breathing. Ferb does cpr . She comes back . Phineas is yelling at Buford. What the hell ? You are so stupid. I will not forgive you for this . Buford: well I don't think you have to : i hard you a way to began wilth. P: Your really pushing my buttons Buford.  I think you have be quiet. I will make you pay for this . He sees Isabella get up . And smiles .
I:  I am not dead . I was just sleeping . I tricked Buford into thinking I was dead. Also phineas won your a sore loser Buford
Buford: how are you still alive Isabella? I thought I killed you . Also phineas you got buttons ? Phineas I didn't know you were a robot, . He laughs at is joke .only he finds that joke funny. No else does . Everyone else is dead silent. They are now more pissed at Buford.
Balljeet: it's a figure of speech Buford
P: thank you at lest some one gets what I meant. But since Buford doesn't I will translate it for him . You are getting on my nerves and I am starting to
lose my patience with you Buford. You are on thin ice Buford, you say one wrong thing and this can end up badly for you .you are making me mad . I know you don't want to hear me yell at you . So leave before I lose my temper with you .
Buford: phineas you make me laugh. Your not really angry with my joke . I am not really angry about yesterday still . I was joking with you .  ferb rolls his eyes at buferd .     in responce to thay buferd gets mad at phiness for it and he glares at phineas , he is also still at bit bitter about yesterday. he is ready to punich that smile off phineass face. phineas was smiling . and saying he is angry. that was beouse phineas didnt know how he was feeling .  about buferds jokes.  he just knew he wanted him out of his yard.  for he was bothering him and ferb .
P. Stop lying. I know that you still mad . But now you got me mad at you because your not leaving when I told you to .i had it with you . I can't deal with you any more . I am done being nice to you Buford. You leave or I will yell at you and so wilk my sister. i will call her if  you make me more upset . he is close to calling candce. he has is phone out ready to call her if needed.
Buford:    dont call her . i a.m leaving  since your sister is scary when she gets mad and so are you . I don't want to upset you guys .  I think I will be on my way out now . I am not angry about yesterday i just think that I should have won not you. buferd leaves.with a upst look on his face as he walks out of the back yard.

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