Phineas has bad dreams .

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One day phineas is driving his car .  It is dark outside.  He was on his way back  home from work. Than all the sudden he hit something a rock that in the middle of the road. He gets out .  P: o no I hope I don't have a flat tire .  He looks to see if he does .  It doesn't seem like any tires are broken. He keeps driving. When all the sudden, he runs over a nail in the road . He has flat tire but still managed drove all the way home .  He finally is able to get his car parked. He gets out of his car and sees not only does he have a flat but he also notices that there is blood on the front his car. He has no clue where it came from.  He is trying to pump air. In his tire. Than when he is done He looks next to his car is Isabella.   She is not pleased. She is bleeding on her foot.  I: (angry ) phineas you ran me over with your car. I was going to take the trash out and  than you came  zooming in here with that flat tire.  I: Your tire almost popped off I could  have  died .    You could have gotten hurt . I was worry about you when you drive in to the drive way like a crazy person. You v could have gotten anther Flat tire. I found a sharp rock on the ground that you almost hit . P : issy look at me I fine I am not hurt . I will drive more carefully next time . Let's see that foot of yours .  She gives him her foot . Hum doesn't seem like it's hurt to bad . Opps frogot to get my work bag from the car I will be  right back. Phineas accidentally presses the gas button while he is getting his bag. And the cars starts to  rolll back into the street.  Phineas has to  put the car in reverse to get it back on the drive way of his house. He forgot he told Isabella to stay where she was and runs in to her other foot. 
P: Opps I can fix that honestly didn't see you there
I: the next time you run me over with a car I will be dead. 
P; don't say that honey.
  A few days later
I ;  still angry that phineas ran her over .  you are a bad driver . You drive so slowly  and  still don't see me standing there .
P: I rather  be safe than sorry. Well I can't see everything. You were in my blind spot. That's why I couldn't see you .
I: that's makes sense.  I am not angry any more .
P: that's good . Got get some tools be back soon.
On his way to the tool shops he bumps into ferb and they  get the tools they need and drive back together. Ferb leaves his car at mall for Vanessa to pick up. They are almost a phineass house than suddenly they hit something. Phineas thinks is a nail and gets out . But it's not a nail.   It's Isabella . Ferb  sat alone in the car . He was confused about why issy was there . So was phineas. They both had no clue why she was standing in the middle of the street. Ferb tried to tell phineas to keep driving but he didn't . He stoped drivin and gets out the car and walks over to issy. Ferb thinks this a stupid idea . They are both going to get killed if they don't move . Thought Ferb. He gets out to try to tell them to get in the car where it's safe but sees them talking doesn't want to interrupt them so he heads back in the car and waits for phineas to return . P: Isabella what were you doing in the middle of the street?   i almost killed you . I : was  looking for my patch I dropped it . i was on a  walk  with pinky.  I found the patch .
P;  go  home . We will  talk later about this. He gets back in the car .   Ferb  is very confused about everything but doesn't ask phineas.
They get home and phineas relizes Isabella isn't in the house. He goes out to find her in the middle of street where  he hit her before.  Phineas: did anther car hit you after I did .  I: no you hit me twice .  P: o boy . Are you ok?  I: I am not going to make it . I love you phineas .   P: No you are . Not dying on me .  Isabella I never wanted to hurt you please. Wake up . 
Isabellas spirit comes to hant phineas that night after she dies. She comes and says you killed me phineas . How could you I loved you ?  P: I love you too  don't leave me issy. Ugh I am going crazy.   This isn't real .   Issys spirt : or is it phineas . You are going to die so you can be with me forever.  P: your not real Isabella a dead . You don't scare me . Issy is gone it's all my fault . I got to be dreaming because I don't see how issys spirt could have found me  when  I didn't tell her where I live .  He wakes up from the dream.  he is dranched in sweat, He is trying to  calm  him self down from the dream he had .   he sees ferb is still sleepimg . P: It was just nightmare that means Isabella is alive. O but what if it wasn't a dream.  He gets up  out of his bed to check if he was  dreaming still. He is trying not to wake ferb. He looks out the window of his house  with binoculars to find Isabella  sleeping in her bed in her house . He smiles .  He sighs in relief. Thank god she is ok and  she is alive .  F:  ugh phineas is late at night why are you up? P: just was thinking about things. .  But I am ok don't worry F : . If that's the case than  go back to bed. Phinead is still looking at her house.  Still a little scared from his dream he had .  F: I I am not falling for that . Your lying to me . What's wrong phineas ? I heard you wake up crying and I heard you screaming in your sleep. You seem a bit out of it . Did you have anther nightmare about Isabella dying ? He gets up to find his brother looking out the window. P: yes anther bad nightmare. I haven't gotten much sleep lately . Can't seem to go back to bed after my night mare . F:I can tell you look tired . I understand Hard to sleep after those . You been having them a lot lately . Are you ok ? You don't look to good bro . You look paler than usually do. p; no . I am not ok . Still a bit freaked out about the nightmare . He starts crying thinking about the nightmare. F: come here . It's ok . He hugs him to calm him down . Phineas your trembling like crazy. It's ok . I am here . You got nothing to fear. How about you talk about the nightmare you had tonight to me so I can help you through it . P; ok . since the attack of the pharmacists happened and the beak my nightmares been happening more often to me . I would never have forgiven my self if she had died . Or if she is hurt and I am not there. F: go on phineas I am listening.
P: I can't bring my self to talk about it . F: ok I understand. Sounds like you got some bad dream . Sorry your going through this. . Your not alone we will get through this together. The nightmare you had it must have scared you badly if you looking at her  house.
P: You got no idea how bad it scard me . She was dead in nightmare. Ferb she was dead because of me . He starts tearing up remembering the nightmare he had . I had to make sure she was safe and alive when I woke up .
F: well she is alive and save so go back to sleep.
P; ok .  I will try to . He goes back to bed but has  anther bad dream where ferb is after him with a gun and is trying to kill everyone.  Phineas wakes up before ferb kills him in his dream and he goes back to sleep trying to forget his two nightmares. He finally can't sleep and goes to sleep with ferb . so he can sleep better. He finally sleeps with Ferb in ferbs bed safely protected by his brother who's arms were wrapped around him.  The last thing phineas saw was ferb smiling in his sleep then passed out for  the night.

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