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Hoshiko joined her mother for breakfast silently

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Hoshiko joined her mother for breakfast silently.

"How are you feeling?" She asks her daughter, whose eyes and expression are blank before a half hearted smile graces her lips.

"I'm okay," she tells her, and her mother worries.

"Are you sure? It's not bad today? You start a new school, and you're not with your brothers," her mom reminds her. After Hoshi's incident a year ago, her parents announced their divorce. No matter how much they insist that Hoshi had nothing to do with it, her brain pins it on her. Just like her brain pins everything on her. Her father got her twin older brothers and her mother got Hoshi, moving them both far away to the Miyagi Prefecture. At least now she has to opportunity to make friends, and people won't look at her like some freak who spent some time in the hospital.

Hoshi knew she had to be careful with her next words in order to not worry her mother.

"I can control it. I'm okay," she reassures her mother softly, before eating a little more and then going to get dressed.

The uniform for Aobejohsai was pretty. Hoshi liked the tan plaid skirt. She left her long black hair down. She decided to grow it out more after she quit volleyball. It's down to her lower back, nearly reaching her hips. She thinks it's quite pretty. She put some lip balm on before grabbing her backpack and leaving the house.

They moved quite close to the school, so it was less than twenty minutes before Hoshi reached the building. She was a bit early, and wandered further into the campus, not being able to hold back her curiosity from the gyms. She hears the familiar sound of the balls on the court and creeps up to the door, peaking in. Boys clad in light blue shorts and white shirts were hitting volleyballs, and it made Hoshi's heart ache.

She watched as a handsome boy did a jump serve, and the annoyance on his face when it went out. She could easily tell what was wrong. Her brothers are insanely talented volleyball players. One of them is known specifically for his sets and serves but they're both incredible.

"Are you one of Oikawa's fans?" Hoshi jumped as she heard the voice, turning to see a boy with broad shoulders and dark hair.

"Oi-Oikawa? I don't know who that is," she admits softly, nervous by his sudden appearance. He raises his eyebrows.

"Oh? Well, what're you doing?" He asks her. Hoshi absentmindedly plays with her hands before speaking.

"I.. enjoy volleyball. Tell the one practicing serves that he's moving his wrist too much," she speeds up her second sentence before trying to walk away, but she's gently grabbed before she can.

"How did you know that?" He asks her, and she looks up at him with a pout.

"It's not that hard to see you just have to pay attention," she says with her eyebrows furrowed and he raises an eyebrow.

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