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   I woke up to the sound of the horses neighing in the backyard. I could hear their hooves gallop on the dirt path that led toward the farm. It wasn't a disturbing noise that I was annoyed of. I didn't mind the galloping because it was kind of soothing.I climbed out of my bed slowly and brushed my thick, frizzy red hair from my face.

   I knew that Papa was outside, but I wasn't sure about Mama or Ilona. Mama and Papa hadn't been arguing as often, which was always good to hear. I was starting to get more sleep, I was starting to have better dreams, and I was starting to feel more comfortable. It felt like the old tension that would block the fresh air in this home had disappeared. I liked things better this way, seeing them fall more in love rather than growing further apart. They spent more time together when they weren't busy and they even made more time to hang out with us.

   I smiled to myself thinking about it. I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I gave my eyes some time to adjust to the light. I turned on the faucet and quickly splashed water over my face as an attempt to wake myself up. I continued to wet my hands and then run them through my hair so that it looked less messy for now. I searched the counter for a hair band or a scrunchie so that I could quickly tie my hair up. I know Papa didn't like it when I didn't do my hair, but it wasn't like I had anywhere to go.

   I quickly brushed my teeth and decided to skip brushing my hair since I had already tied it up. I didn't feel like changing out of my pajamas just yet, so I chose to slowly walk out of my room and head for the back door in the kitchen. I also usually walked around barefoot. Mama didn't like when I did that because she always tells me that I can get cut by something. It hasn't happened yet, so I keep doing it. It's kind of a habit by now.

   I slid the glass door closed behind me and started to walk out over the long grass. It kept poking my legs harshly as I continued to walk. I started to cringe at the kind of painful feeling. It was really annoying and it was kind of hurting. 

   "Papa, can you please cut the grass?" I shout out hoping he would hear. I wasn't exactly sure where he was.

   Instead of my dad's response, I heard Lucky's collar jiggling and bouncing nearby. I could tell he was coming my way as the sound got louder and closer. I smiled to myself as I looked around and found him approaching from my right. 

   I crouched down so that I could reach face to face with him. He was panting heavily and wagging his tail rapidly. I giggled and started to pet down his golden, long, soft fur. Eventually, he rolled into the grass with his belly up. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face because I saw it coming. Lucky was a sucker for belly rubs.

   I heard footsteps coming from around the corner of the house. 

   "Hey Vess," I heard Mama say. I turned to look at her for a few seconds before I gave Lucky one last pat and stood to my feet. 

   "Goodmorning. What are you guys doing out here?" I asked, walking through the tall grass until I was by her side. She started to walk down the side of the house so I followed after her.

   "Well your dad is feeding the horses. I was just watching." She explains, leading me off to the stables. Mama was never a huge fan of horses. She thought they were ugly.

   "I would figure," I laugh, looking up at her with a small smile.

   She smiled faintly to herself as she ran a hand through her red, red hair and stared off toward where we were walking to.

   We didn't speak too much as we went. It wasn't like it was awkward or anything, we just didn't talk. Sometimes our family was pretty quiet and instead comforted each other with our presence and not our words. Sometimes we had nothing left to say. To some people it would have been an awkward silence but to us it was neutral. 

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