A Group Date?

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Did you know that Matthias has an older sister?

Half sister, technically. And don't worry if you didn't know. I didn't know unti Matthias invited me to go to dinner with his family. His family is nice overall. He's got a younger sister in seventh grade, and a younger brother in fifth grade, and then an older half sister who's twenty.

I personally felt really awkward. I was meeting my recent boyfriend's family and his half sister's fiance. To me, that's something that you shouldn't do until you've been dating for years, but apparently Matthias wanted to leap start the slow and delicate process that is meeting your boyfriend's parents.

The evening began at four, when Matthias picked me up. He was in khakis and a polo, and his normally messy hair was styled nicely. I've never been to a 'casual formal' event before, so I put on a skirt and a v-neck t-shirt with no logos, because logos are apparently informal (as I was informed by my mother).

"You look nice," I complimented. At least, I attempted to compliment him. He glared at me.

"I do? Because I do not feel nice." I shut the door and strapped in. This was going to be a slow night. "I feel humiliated and exasperated. And frustrated." I was slightly shocked at how he was acting. Matthias was rarely angry, if ever. Sure, he got frustrated and irritated just like everyone else, but never angry. He was never fuming like he was now. He quickly ran his hand through his hair while letting out a tense breath.

"What's wrong? Do you not like your family?"

"Oh no, my family is great. It's Angie that I don't like." He scowled. "Or 'Angela' because she's suddenly 'mature.'" He used air quotes to prove his point.

"She can't possibly be that bad."

"I don't think you understand. Angela has brought home three finaces in the past year, and just before every wedding she calls it off like some sort of spoiled brat who didn't like the toy she was given. Except this isn't just a game. This is real life with real people and real emotions, but my parents still act like she's an angel child. And after a while you get sick of it."

"I'm sorry," I said unsuredly, not necessarily knowing what to say. I had never had any trouble with my siblings at all. I was the older, more responsible sibling, and the only person that I had ever truly been mad at was Jai. And that was only ever temporary.

But the way Matthias spoke about Angela was with a bitterness that I could not fathom. Every word he spoke about her was spat out with a distatse and hatred. I suddenly felt guilty because I had a virtually perfect family. I was sick to my stomach and couldn't quite think straight.

"You don't have to feel bad, Eira. It's not your fault and it's not mine either." He glanced over at me with the same anger in his eyes. I had a feeling that it wouldn't wear off until Angela was gone from his life yet again.

"You aren't going to get over this easily, are you?"

"No I'm not. Angela has been on my nerves my entire life. Soon enough I'm going to snap, and that day is going to be awful for not only her, but everyone around me too."

"Make sure you call me on that day. I'll make sure that I stay away from you on that day." Matthias smiled a little, in the way that he was both angry and a little relieved that I wasn't going to treat him any differently just because he was angry.

"You'll be the first one I call." I laughed delicately.

We arrived at his house shortly after.

He walked in first nodding his head at Angela when we entered. His house was very put together, organized with a set color scheme of cream, brown, and red. It was nice, but to me it seemed slightly bland, lacking the individuality that I really think a home needs. Their house almost looked like it'd been pulled right out of a magazine.

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