Çhåptër Ñîñëtéèñ

47 10 1

Aspen's P.O.V.

Before I left I had looked through my mothers things carefully. When I looked under her bed I found a leather book. Which is now in the back seat of my stolen grandmothers car. I've been driving for six hours straight.

The Freakshow is in a small town in Arkansas called Romona. At the rate I'm driving I'll probably be there in an hour or so.


When the tents come into view, my exhaustion almost engulfs me. I stop my car and practically sprint to the biggest tent. I run into a woman with blonde hair.

"Hello, welcome to the Freakshow.  My name is Elsa. Are you here for pleasure or business?" The woman asks.

"I want to join the Freakshow," I say.

"What are your talents? Or deformities?" Elsa asks.

"I'm a witch, I van control things with my mind, plus I can sing," I look at her, hoping she'll let me join.

"Welcome, we'll accept you. Let me get Jimmy to show you around, unfortunately you'll also have to share a tent with him because we're running low. Is that okay?" She looks at me.

"Yes, I'll take what I can get."

"Jimmy!" Elsa yells.

"Coming!" A guy calls from somewhere.

A guys starts to approach us he has weird 50s style hair with lobster hands he's really cute though. I stare at him the whole time Elsa explains to him our sleeping arrangements.

The best part about Jimmy is, he makes my power drain a little. I like that.

A/N: This chapter was to just tell you about how she gets there and what her thoughts are on Jimmy. She'll see Kit and Skylar in the next chapter and then in chapter twenty-one she'll read some of the diary and have her first performance. This version of the Freakshow is going to have more killing involved.

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