Çhåptër Tŵëñtŷ~Sévèñ

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Bobby's P.O.V.

"I just need you down here boys, it's uh about the apocalypse. Our last chance at survival is sitting on my couch with Kit," I smart off to Dean who has me on speaker phone.

"Castiel wants to come too Bobby," Sam talks over whatever Dean's about to say.

"Yeah, yeah, bring the damned angel too," I groan inwardly.

After an annoying reassurance from mommy Dean that they would be here in two hours I moved to go look trough my books to learn more about the Lilith and Eve myth between Lucifer.

When God created man he first created Adam and Lilith. Adam seen himself above Lilith while Lilith saw herself as an equal. After many disagreements she finally gave her soul to Lucifer, promising her life in the end as long as he gave her years of freedom. Now she was the first to be decieved.

Eve was the second, now we all know the story of the apple, however, most of the recorded history is false. Adam ate the apple, and Eve didn't want Adam to die. She also gave her soul to thd devil and she too was deceived into selling her soul.

It is believed that in the near future these two lovely women will once again return, Lilith to give her life and Eve to truly be deceived by the devil. That is how the end of the world will come around.

I close the book and rub my temple,"Balls."

A/N: I hope I didn't offend anyone with the way I wrote "the true events of Lilith, Eve, and Adam" so please don't hate me if I went against your religion or whatever. But yeah that's clearly important in the story. And also keep in mind I just wrote this chapter at like 2 in the morning.


~Your loving author<3

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