40:\\ Lonely

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I had been sitting alone at lunch for almost three weeks now. I tried talking to Violet, but anytime I came anywhere near her, Aaron somehow appeared. It was repulsive how annoying he was about her. I only wished I could have a man like that... without the asshole attitude of course.

School became a blur to me, always being repetitive and obnoxious as quiz after quiz would pass by. I could only wish that it was my senior year already. But it wasn't, it was merely the start of the second semester of my junior year of high school— the most important year in terms of college admissions— and here I was unsure of what life would hold for me next. I didn't know what I wanted. I had nobody to talk to about anything. I was an only child with working class parents who were never home. I was alone in this world, totally and completely.

It was hard for me to have anymore hope. I couldn't see things getting better.

I kicked at the sand as the cool beach air flew threw my hair. It made me feel cool, relaxed, calm.

I couldn't get over the fact that Aaron and Violet were dating or whatever they were doing. I resented her because I've crushed on the boy forever. I felt my eyes tear up and I let the water race down my cheeks. It didn't matter, the sun was setting and he beach was empty.

I hated this feeling. I hated feeling like I wasn't good enough or worth it enough for my friend, the one friend I had, to turn against me. Tears rushed down my cheeks as I sat in the sand, pulling my phone out of my skirt pocket.

Violet Veowsalot 🤓

I stared at her contact on my phone, contemplating giving her a call. Maybe asking her for forgiveness. I just didn't want to look weak. I didn't want anyone to think I cared that much about them. I didn't want to be hurt more than I already had been.

I threw my phone across the sand, the waves approached it and pushed it into the sand. I wouldn't have cared if the ocean had swallowed it up. But it hadn't.

I stood up and grabbed it before the waves could strike again.

I gasped when a voice spoke behind me.

"You're Stacy right?" It said. I didn't recognize it as the last ounce of light disappeared. I was too far from the pier to have any light to see whoever's face. I could see that it was obviously a male, the broad shoulders and the height gave that away rather quickly.

My heart began racing in my chest as a cool ice sliced through my hair. I shivered as the man approached. It was cold and eerily hot at the same time.

"Y...yes. Who are you?" My breath caught in my throat as he walked closer. I felt myself backing away until the water began gliding onto my feet.

"Let's just say I'm a friend. My name is Jared, Aaron's friend. I know what's happened to you and all that you've been through because of Aaron. I want to help you. And you can help me too." He said.

My interest was peaked as I walked closer to this boy named Jared. I had seen him before. In fact, I'd seen him play in a lot of the football games. He was good, but my eyes had always been there to watch Aaron play. Aaron was just good at everything. An idol. It used to make me happy to think of him that way, but now I was angry.

"Help you, h...how?" I stuttered as he approached.

He walked up to me, making me walk further back into the water as the waves now reached my knees. It was cold as my toes sank deeper into the ocean covered sand.

"Look, I have a plan. You just have to trust me."

"Plan for what?" I was starting to get annoyed with him, afraid that he would hurt me, but more annoyed that he had ruined my peaceful night.

"What we can do to split up Aaron and Violet. I want Violet and I know you want Aaron." I grew angry at his words. Even when I was trying to not think of them, I was forced to. It was like the world revolves around them and it made me so mad.

"Look whoever you are. I don't care about Aaron and Violet. All I care about is finishing high school. So you can take you stupid stalkerish self and leave." I crossed my arms, finding the courage to walk away. The nearest person, aside from Jared, was probably half a mile or more away. I didn't have time for his childish games. I wanted to move past things and be friends with Violet again.

I was so alone. I can't stoop to her level. As I continued rushing off, moving as fast as the sand would allow me, I contemplated a few things.

One, if I did befriend Jared, I could be popular and hence no longer lonely. Jared was some nice eye candy so maybe that would help my current loner status. I was getting sick of people staring at me eat alone during lunch. Two, he said he wanted to help me get with Aaron. Isn't that what I want too? I realized that yes, maybe it is and Violet can go to hell.

As the wind rushed past me, I whipped around to see him still standing where I had rushed off. He was still looking at the water as if I was still there.


I began walking toward him, feeling more powerful than I had moments ago. I saw his lips upturn in the moonlight. I wish I had been the type of person to enjoy moments and not consistently worry about others, but I definitely was not.

"What's the plan? I'm in."

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AMAZON PAPERBACK LINK: https://www.amazon.com/Boy-Who-Read-Minds-ebook/dp/B08RYV11F2/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=veronica+Soliman&qid=1609863783&sr=8-3

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