61:\\ Last Chance

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cw: gross


I couldn't handle it. I was too upset; I moved. I moved on the day of Jared and his father's funeral. I told myself that it was fine. I had dealt with enough in that town and nobody had to know. This, I decided, with the ever-so-helpful Trina, that we would move away. Trina made me do it. She was the influence behind my impulse decision.

I lived with Trina now, wishing she were Amy every single day. Was this it for me? Perhaps she was right. Maybe we were whatever soulmates were supposed to be.

Amy texted me once to tell me that her sister was sentenced to death row. She had been convicted of murder against Ethan Kowell. And get this, cannibalism. She was crazy.

I personally believed that this news, which the entire United States knew about now, should have sent her to a mental health institute to see if she had any underlying mental health problems. But on the second day of her trial, she'd made Amy upset and in that second, she admitted to the murder of Ethan Kowell. I guess liars couldn't contain their lies forever; I'd be lying if I had said that Ted Bundy was anything less than a sociopath with no feelings. He didn't feel guilt for lying as opposed to Bailey Bloom who felt bad after weeks of stressing out her entire family.

Her statement went out to the local news and traveled worldwide. She was given three life-sentences and once she admitted to harming over forty men in the past four years, it was death row for her.

"I didn't mean to kill him!" She had cried in court, Amy staring at her with tears in her eyes. I had seen it on television and read about it in the paper. I was long gone before any of the trials started. I was too traumatized by this town to even consider staying.

"Your honor. I believe this woman is guilty." The lawyer had declared. No shit Sherlock; she had just admitted it and it was recorded live for everyone to see. But before the judge could sentence her to anything, she continued speaking through tears in her eyes and her cheeks had turned a bright red.

"I... I usually don't go that far. It's usually just a hamstring and that's it. I even learned how to do the surgical sutures! I could be a doctor! It's addicting!" She said as someone in the jury puked. They had seen all the evidence and regardless of who Bailey tried to bounce the blame to, it somehow always ended up going back to her.

And honestly, I wasn't even upset that my ex-girlfriend's sister was going to jail. She'd be there for a long time before they finally took her to the electric chair which meant she could live in the torture of her own mind in the meantime. Bailey deserves everything that was coming to her and there was no doubt about it.

"Have there been others?" The defense attorney asked as Bailey stared at the woman. It was kind of funny watching a defense attorney turn against her own client; especially one that her parents had paid thousands for. The camera had zoomed in on Bailey and Amy's mom; her face was so angry as she glared at the woman.

"Yes! Yes! There have been others! Okay? Is that what you people want to hear? Arrest me! I never meant to hurt anybody! I was just hungry!!" Bailey stood up and tossed the chair as officers walked over to her and quickly handcuffed her.

She stood there defeated as everyone stared at her with disgust and remorse.

"Do you regret it?" The prosecution asked as they watched her face contort. I realized then that that was the face she made when she saw her next meal. She'd looked at me like that a couple of times when I was at Amy's house.

I had to shut the TV off as soon as I saw her face do that. Disgusting.

I read later that week that her sentence was three lifetimes in prison which a day later had changed to a death sentence. In my personal opinion, she didn't deserve death; she deserved to suffer on earth until she died and suffered in hell; maybe they would torture her in prison. It made me angry when men began to come forward and talk about their experiences with her.

The majority of them said they didn't remember anything except the following day they'd wake up and their leg would be sore and they'd check and there were stitches. It lined up perfectly with what she had been doing. She knocked them out, ate, sealed up her evidence, then threw them out. It was crazy to see boys from her college coming forward, the majority thinking they were just going to hook up with her but instead she gave them a drink and knocked them out.

It was later discovered that she had stolen the sedative from the pharmacy. She was insane and I wanted no part of the situation. I was happy alone with Trina who would speak maybe two words to me daily and sleep the remainder of the day.

I had stopped caring; apathetic to everything and everyone and every emotion. I had been too traumatized to feel anymore. I wanted to text my family or friends and tell them I was fine, but Trina always advises against it. She said they didn't care and were more focused on other things. And nobody except Aaron had actually texted me. He wanted to see if I was okay and I told him I had moved two towns away. He said he would visit sometime and I was thankful that somebody actually cared.

I hoped he would visit soon because things with Trina were starting to get weird.

Bailey's story: "Butterfly of Gold" is now available on my profile!

In case you're interested in getting the totally edited/revised/changed paperback version of this book:

AMAZON PAPERBACK LINK: https://www.amazon.com/Boy-Who-Read-Minds-ebook/dp/B08RYV11F2/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=veronica+Soliman&qid=1609863783&sr=8-3

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