stress reliever

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Jisung had thought about surprising his boyfriend to relieve some of his stress, after all it was testing season and minho had been studying non stop. Jisung quickly left his house and made a quick stop at the convenience store to buy some of his and minhos favorite snacks. he made it to his boyfriends house and went inside without knocking, as jisung was quick to find out that leaving the door unlocked was a bad habit of his boyfriends. he walked upstairs and made it to minhos door quietly, slowly opening it.

"Jisung?" minho said putting his pen down and leaning back into his desk chair once he saw the boy.

"hey baby" the boy smiled at his boyfriend.

"What are you doing here?" minho asked

The eldest was surprised to say the least. Surprised that his boyfriend didn't let him know that he was coming over beforehand as he usually would.

Its not like it was a problem anyways , minho was actually glad his boyfriend came over. It had been days since they last hung out together due to them being too caught up in their studies and of course minho had been longing to see his boy.

"I missed you ,and thought I'd surprise you with some snacks" the youngest smiled walking up to the boy sitting in the chair and standing in between his legs.

Minho took his boyfriends hand into his and intertwined their fingers as he looked up at jisung smiling.

"And i missed you baby, im sorry I haven't been spending time with you" he said finally standing up and taking a hold of the youngers waist and jisung wrapping his arms at the back of his boyfriends neck.

"Well im here now" jisung whispered

Minho leaned closer to jisung and kissed his soft lips slowly , jisung quickly responded by kissing back. It had been a while since he's kissed the younger and he sure missed his boys lips. They pulled away and minho sat back on his chair pulling jisung onto his lap.

"you don't know how much i missed you baby" minho said resting his forehead on the youngers shoulder pulling jisung closer to him and hugging him tight. jisung hummed a reply as he played with the ends of his boyfriends hair.

"school sucks and i just want to be with you" minho pouted looking up at jisung.

"I know min, don't stress out to much about studying okay? school is almost out anyways, and then i can spend all my time with you." jisung smiled now looking into minhos eyes.

"how did I get so lucky with you? I love you so much sung thank you for coming over , i really needed to see you"

"I love you too , and you don't have to thank me min , I'll always be here for you when you need me , i am your boyfriend afterall" jisung gave his boyfriend a heartwarming smile.

minho nodded and hummed "you're my baby". both boys giggled and jisung nodded. they sat in each others embrace enjoying the comfortable silence that filled the room as they looked into each others eyes and took in each others beauty.

"you know, you're really pretty jisung" minho admired the younger.

"you think so?" jisung asked the elder

"oh i know so baby , you're the most beautiful boy in my eyes. your pretty eyes are my favorite." minho said.

"your pretty smile is My favorite min , its so pretty!" jisung exclaimed squeezing minhos cheeks together.

"stop it sung" minho groaned out.

"but I love your cheeks please smile for me min!"

jisung pouted when the elder didn't smile and minho couldn't resist his boyfriends cuteness and gave in , giving jisung a big smile.

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