Meeting the Dooleys

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*A month before the first episode*

Madison teleported upstairs from the lab and appeared behind Donald Davenport, her father figure, who was busy fixing his tie in the mirror.

"Where are you going?" She innocently piped up as she tilted her head to the side curiously.

Donald jumped a little, startled, and faced her, "Quit sneaking up on me, Mads. And you know you really should be down in the lab with your siblings."

Madison gave her best puppy dog look to the man, letting out, "But I wanted you, Donnie. Hold me."

Donald rolled his eyes but smiled at that, having a soft spot for the five year old.

She knew that, too.

He tried to not have any favorites, but Maddie's definitely his favorite and they all know it.

He picked her up and started, "Okay, but you do need to go back down to the lab. I actually have to leave. It's important. I've got a date."

Madison stuck out her bottom lip and began to cry, "But I wanna go with you."

He nervously chuckled, "Nooo, absolutely not, kiddo."

"Pweeeease." She dragged out while he shook his head 'no', as she added again, "Please. Please. You're leaving me all alone here."

"Well, you'll have your brothers and sister, Maddie." Donald deadpanned, lightly poking her nose some with his finger.

Madison folded her small arms across her chest and pouted, saying, "I'll scream. Don't make me."

Donald slightly widened his eyes, knowing the girl has a sonic scream ability, "You might glitch in front of them, and they don't know. They can't know."

"I promise I'll keep it under control. Pwease?" She continued, hugging him even more.

Donald sighed, "Okay, okay. Just this one time. Let's go."

"Yay!" Maddie excitedly let out just as she glitched and her body briefly spasmed and deteriorated into blue pixels and codes.

The five year old sheepishly smiled and calmed back down, "Sorry."


Madison held Davenport's hand as the two of them stepped to the front door of the Dooley house.

Donald knocked on the door as Tasha opened it and grinned, hugging him and then the two kissed, "Hi, Donald! And who is this little cutie?"

"Maddie," The five year old beamed.

Donald nodded, sayings "Yeah, she's my-"

"-Kid," Madison cut him off as she looked up at the man cheekily and looked back at the woman in front of them.

Tasha smiled at that as the three of them entered inside of the home, "Leo, honey, you remember Donald. And this little cutie is Maddie."

Madison giggled at the frail tanned boy, "Hiya, baby."

Leo nodded, "Hey."

"Leo, why don't you and Maddie go get the popcorn and snacks for our movie night?" Tasha suggested towards her son.

The five year old gasped and grinned big, "Candy?"

"Sweetie, you know what happens when you have too much sugar." Donald told the small girl who frowned and followed after Leo into the kitchen.

Donald reached inside of his pocket and now held a small box in his hand, "Tasha, honey, I have something important to ask."


He gripped the box tighter and began the four words that would change his life, "Will you-"

The two of them was cut off by hearing some crashing, splashing, and thud sounds followed by a "Whoaa..."

Both of the adults looked over towards the kitchen in worry and simultaneously questioned their kids, "What happened? What was that!?"

They rushed into the kitchen to find Madison on the floor completely covered in chocolate, the glass bowl was shattered next to her.

Milk was also spilt around her on the floor as the five year old looked up at Leo, "Why'd you spill the milk!?"

She glitched just barely but they didn't see it-- except Donald.

Leo cringed some as he let out, "Yeah, that was my bad..."

Tasha picked up the small girl, saying, "Let's get you cleaned up, sweetie. Leo, you're cleaning this up, mister!"

"What!?" Leo started but his mother gave him a look as he nodded, "Okay."

Madison was busy licking the chocolate off of her hands, having calmed down, while still being held by Tasha.


After Madison was cleaned up and into a fresh pair of clothes, the four of them was all in the living room for movie night.

She was now wearing one of Leo's old shirts from when he was littler; It was a white Lakers tee shirt and she had on a pair of black leggings from one of Tasha's little nieces leaving them there.

The five year old now crawled in the space between Tasha and Donald on the couch and leaned against the said man.

They started the movie, which was a comedy, and as the movie ended, they found that Madison had fell asleep in Tasha's arms.

Leo got up from where he was seated on the floor and moved down the hall to his room.

Donald glanced over at his love and asked the question he's been dying to ask her, "Will you marry me?"

Tasha smiled, "Yes. I will."

Donald grinned and moved the box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal a ring before he slid it on her ring finger.

The two of them kissed one another just as they heard a "Eww. You two are gross. Do it again!"

They glanced down at Madison who had woke up as she rubbed her eyes but smiled.

The two adults chuckled and kissed each other again before standing up from the couch.

Donald took his youngest adopted daughter and now held her, "I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta get home."

Tasha nodded as she walked them to the door, "It's a date, Donald. It was so nice meeting you, Maddie."

Madison laid her head on her father figure's shoulder and glanced over at her, "Bye, new Mommy!"

Tasha let out an 'awww' and already took a liking to the small child.

Once Donald and Madison was in their car again, Donald said, "I think they'll be a great addition to our family. Adam, Bree, and Chase will like them, too, don't you think?"

Madison shrugged, "I guess so."

Donald chuckled and now drove them back to their own home, smiling at the thought of that.


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