Crush, Chop, & Burn: Pt.2

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I don't own anything but Maddie Davenport and my ideas.


Madison was sitting on the floor with all of her stuffed toys and dolls laying around her while Bree and Leo sat on top of a cyberdesk near her and Adam sat in a chair across from them, eating peanuts.

Chase walked over to the other cyberdesk with a box in hand as Leo inquired, "What're you doing?"

"If Davenport is gonna ship us off to some remote facility," Chase remarked, placing a stapler inside of the box, "Then the office supplies are coming with us."

Maddie spoke up in amusement, "Take all his mirrors, baby!"

"We just got our first taste of normal life." Bree slightly complained, "I was this close to getting a curfew which I was totally gonna break."

Adam spoke up, "Ooh! But maybe when we get to wherever we're going, we'll meet a sassy lab chimp named Bobo who will take us on adventures and teach us how to love."

Chase sat on Bree's other side on top of the desk and replied, "Or maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers."

Adam stood up and pointed at him, "Hey, I create the monkey fantasies around here."

Maddie glanced up from her doll in her hand and stuck her tongue out and mouth wide for her eldest brother to toss her a peanut.

Adam smiled and did, tossing her one as she caught it by her mouth.

Eddy then came on one of the monitors, "Well, kids, I hope you've enjoyed your stay at Casa Davenport. I know I haven't. Sayonara! Except for Maddie. Donnie said she's staying here since she's still too young."

The said five year old glanced back up at that, pixelating somewhat, "What?"

"Eddie, I know we've never been the best of friends, but we're gonna miss you," Bree started as Eddy replied, "Awww, really?"

"No!" "We hate you!" "You're evil!" Adam, Bree, and Chase all exclaimed in that order.

Chase then inquired, "And what do you mean that Maddie's not coming with us? She's one of us. She has to."

"Well, since she's five, she'll just join you three when she's a little older and continue to just finish some more training here."

The smallest Davenport sadly spoke up, her eyes watery, "I won't see my brothers and sister?"

Adam glanced down at her in sympathy and reached out towards her and picked her up, now holding her as a means to comfort her.

"Where is this 'training facility' anyway?" Leo asked with finger quotes as he glanced at Eddy's monitor.

"Facility X? Oh, it's all the rage," Eddy replied and showed them a nice picture of a beautiful island.

"Oh, that's pretty nice," Chase admired it.

"Oops! Sorry! That's my screensaver. You're going here." Eddy remarked and showed them a different picture but of a very snowy place.

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