Crush, Chop, & Burn: Pt.1

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I don't own anything but Maddie Davenport and my ideas.


Madison was sitting in her big sister's lap as the two of them listened to Adam's ePod.

The two of them also found it funny that Adam was searching everywhere for it and how Chase was lecturing him to keep up with his stuff better.

After a while, Chase ran into the other room and closed the doors behind him, "Good luck gettin' in! That steel door is thicker than your head!"

Suddenly, Adam punched the door down and moved his hands over his hips, giving him a proud smirk.

"Well, there's another way to get in." Chase nervously began.

Adam moved over to him, "Give me back my ePod!" He picked him up off the ground, "Or I'll feed you to Maddie!"

Chase squirmed in the air, "I don't have it!"

Maddie was right behind her big sister as she shifted into a large black wolf and licked her mouth to be intimidating.

But the said five year old changed back to her human form and remarked, "Gross! Nerd wouldn't be a good food!"

Bree stepped over to them and simply smiled, "Hey."

Adam gasped at the speedster, "You took my ePod!" He abruptly dropped Chase on the ground who glared up at him.

"Taylor Swift megamix-- really?" Bree remarked curiously.

"I find her soothing," Adam remarked as Maddie also spoke up, "I want pizza."

Bree turned around and started to walk back in the other room until Adam shot his lasers over her shoulder.

The said speedster faced him and remarked, "Oh, I know you didn't shoot that laser at me."

"Oh, sorry. It was a terrible mistake-- Just like your face." Adam also remarked.

Bree screamed out in frustration and super speeded into him which made Adam stumble into the barrels, revealing Leo.

"AAAAAAH!!" All of them, except for Maddie, screamed and widened their eyes at one another.

Madison simply spoke up, "And I'm out, baby."

She teleported into the kitchen, noticing Tasha facing Donald in the living room, "Oh."

The five year old gained their attention by speaking up, "Hi, Tasha!"

Tasha smiled and faced her, immediately picking her up in her arms, "Hi, sweetie! Have you seen Leo yet?"

"Downstairs," Madison innocently told them to which Donald widened his eyes slightly and started walking down to the lab.

Tasha continued to carry the said child in her arms as she followed beside her husband.

Once the three entered inside of the lab, they heard Leo scream, "MOM!"

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