Short intro.

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She was walking home from work on a Tuesday afternoon when everything changed.

Amy had fought the war in Iraq for seven years before she'd lost her left leg -just below the knee- to a grenade. Ever since, she'd had a hard time fitting in, the world had certain expectations of what a person should be and he didn't feel at home anymore. She got a cheap prosthetic and wen to work at the VA in Washington DC. But as she walked home, the stump of her leg was screaming in pain and her real leg aching from taking on so much since the accident. She was depressed enough about what she'd seen overseas that she really didn't have the capacity to handle this. Her doctor had tried make her go to a supporter group but she refused, she was a nurse now, that was always the plan, she had joined the army so they'd pay for her degree, because her family was too poor. Now she had not future, no family and no leg. As she hobbled from the building she noticed the looks people gave her. Amy was ashamed of her prosthetic and covered it with long pants and uncomfortable shoes and boots year-round. Most people had no idea she even had one, other than it was a touch to short so she limped.

Amy was a good person, she was compassionate and caring, she always put the needs of others before her own, and would never dream of judging anyone, she was sweet and quiet and very self-conscious and insecure.

She was digging her headphones out of her bag and crossing the street when a motorcycle flew out infront of her, the rider was wearing all black with several guns strapped to his back, he wore a mask over his face but she didn't get a good look at him.

Amy was unbalanced at best even with two legs so old prosty made her completely unstable.

So of course she fell back, flat on her butt in the middle of the street.

"OH MY GOSH!" A random man ran out to her and picked her up off the ground, he helped her to the curb and Amy realised that the whole ordeal had lasted less than a minute but it had seemed like hours, especially when her eyes had met the mysterious motorist's.

"Are you okay ma'am?!" The kind stranger asked, all big blue eyes and blonde hair, with biceps bigger than her whole body.

"Yeah, sorry, thank you." She said quietly.

"Your limping!" He exclaimed catching her as she stumbled.

"Yeah, I do that." She blushed.

She smacked her fake leg and he heard the unnatural thunk and immediately understood.

"Do you want a ride?" He asked.

"No, thank you." She politely declined wanting to run but being unable.

"It's no trouble." He assured.

"I'm fine." She smiled ad him but he saw the sadness. A blind man couldn't miss the sadness in those big, brown eyes.

Amy disappeared and entered her house with the same empty feeling she'd had since long before the accident.

"Will I ever have a normal life?" She asked her cat, Nox.

Nox meowed softly and rubbed his head against her thigh as she in strapped the prosthetic from the rest of her leg and tossed it under the table, opting for the crutches jut to give her poor stump a break.

"I hope so too, buddy."

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