Chapter 35

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I hope some of you ggukies are still patiently waiting for this book's update..💜


After the sudden outburst from Jungkook, everything happened as to what it should be. Taehyung getting tensed whenever the male would approach him, entirely intimidated by his presence- flinching whenever he would touch him in some ways that are sexual.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook suddenly asks, pulling the boy to his lap who froze upon the contact. "Where's the Taehyung who cooked me breakfast.. The one who was brave enough to beg?" He leans to his ear, his hot breath ghosting to his skin that made him shiver.

The poor trembling boy was now at the loss of words, head bowed down as his plans back fires him once again. He knew it wasn't going to be an easy one, but he didn't think that the outcome would hit him hard.

"Speak to me when I ask you something." A growl escapes Jungkook's mouth, his grip on his petit waist tightening to which made him let out a loud yelp. "I-I'm sorry." Was all that came out from him, unsure of what to say. He tried his best to be careful on whatever comes out of his mouth, otherwise he would have to deal with another problem with just a phrase Jungkook wouldn't like.

"You always apologize." Jungkook sighs dramatic, then gripping on his hair harshly. "When will you ever learn from your stupid mistakes. You think you could finally get away from me, huh?" He yanks his hair backward, making Taehyung lean awkwardly to his shoulder.

"Pl-please," He tries once more, voice cracking as tears wells up on his eyes from the stinging pain on his head. "L-let me go.."

"I have worked hard enough to toy you around my hands," Jungkook kissed his ear, with him whimpering from the light contact. "And you tell me to let you go? Stop being so dumb, Taehyung. You're mine and no one else's, is it that difficult to understand?"

"N-no, no it's not, it's not.. Please, y-you're hurting me!" He yelps, praying that Jungkook would stop gripping his brown locks as it had hurt him so bad. "Do you think I care if you bleed out, crying and dying? Oh please, it would be the best thing I'll ever see." He grins, though he finally lessens the grip he had onto Taehyung's poor hair.

The poor latter could only sob, tears running down his soft baby cheeks as his cheeks turns red from how much he had cried. Oh how Jungkook loved the sound of Taehyung crying just for him.

"Doll, face me." He demands, leaning back to his chair as he smirks when the male dumbly listens to what he said. "Good, you're learning aren't ya?" He stares at Taehyung's messy and crying face, his eyes half closed as he sniffled- trying to hold back his tears.

"You're so pretty crying, just the way I love it." Jungkook whispers, leaning to Taehyung for a kiss- thought the latter was quick to lean away. He pursed his lips shut, knowing he would only stutter if he says anything dumb.

"If only you were a good boy earlier, I might have let you out as you had wish." Jungkook wipes his tears away with his thumb, gently  rubbing against his wet eyes. "Don't you remember? We live somewhere far from everyone that can take you away from me.. No matter how much you plead, there would be no one looking out for you."

How can he forget? Jungkook took him far away, in an address that never existed and a place he never knew about-- it was like a wide prison, a place Jungkook knew but he doesn't.

"Now now, I don't have time to pamper your crybaby self. I have things to get rid of." He pats the male's thigh, lifting him off his lap as he stood up from the chair he was seated on. "When I go back, I expect you to be a good boy." He smiles again, the one that would always fool Taehyung.

A bunny smile. A sweet, pure smile that was owned by an obsessed man.

"Do you understand?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow, his index finger lifting Taehyung's head a little by his chin. The latter gulps, nodding his head as he looks away. "Yes, I understand."

Jungkook hums, pecking Taehyung's lips before walking away without another word- nor even a goobye. Not like Taehyung was expecting him anything.

The male just quietly stood there, fiddling with his fingers as he watched Jungkook put his shoes on- grabbing his coat and keys before leaving using the front door.

A shaky sigh of relief slips off Taehyung's lips, gasping for a little while as he sat back down the chair to calm his poor trembling self.

"If I can't leave with his permission, I might aswell leave by myself." He says, standing up- smiling when he realized that Jungkook didn't attach the chains to his legs anymore. Maybe he must have forgotten.

He raced upstairs to Jungkook's room, carefully digging to the drawers praying that he can find his phone. It wasn't where he had last found his phone, so he was sure Jungkook moved it somewhere else.

When he finally searches Jungkook's closet, he gasps in victory upon finding his phone hidden by a few pair of blankets and clothes. It was charged to his surprise, and it still works the same as before- too bad Jungkook knew his password and had the access to open it whenever he would want.

He should be careful this time.

He didn't know when will Jungkook come back, but he couldn't waste time to check the messages he had, and his first resort on texting was Yoongi.

It was just the basics. He pleads for help, telling him that he had no idea about the address and that Jungkook was hurting him. Maybe this time, he would finally be rescued- away from Jungkook's evil and manipulating grasp.

Though this had only tightened the ropes that connects him back to Jungkook.


Finally grasping back to the plot ^^ I hope this isn't too much, nor too lame :((


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