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"I hope he hears our plea madam, or we will have nowhere to go or any protection," I said looking over the sea watching as the water moved under us as our boat sailed.

"My princess please don't say that. The Othman sultan will want what we have in return for our protection" madam Cecilia said placing her hand on my shoulder in comfort before leaving to prepare my bath.

I sighed and continued on watching as we got closer and closer to Istanbul where our fare lies at the moment.

Third person's POV:

"My prince it's a letter for you," Sunbul Agha said handing prince Mustafa the letter who was sitting with his mother and a pregnant favourite for breakfast.

The prince took the letter from Sunbul and opened it fast reading what it held with a small frown on his face.

"What is it, my son?" Mahidevran asked her son placing a hand over his arm.

"It's a letter from the French princess Thyra asking for an audience with me when she arrives" Mustafa explained looking up from the letter to his mother who held a confused look.

"Didn't she say why?" She asked looking over at the letter but averted her eyes back to her son fast.

"No, she only said that it was an urgent matter. A life and death matter" Mustafa said.

"Sunbul send a party of our men to bring her from the docks when she arrives" Mustafa ordered Sunbul.

"As you wish my prince," Sunbul said and bowed to confirm the order.

"Bring her to ME Sunbul and bring her unharmed," Mustafa said specifically knowing Sunbul's loyalty to Hurrem sultan who was the sultan's legitimate wife.

"Of course my prince" Sunbul said before bowing and leaving the teras where the prince and his mother and favourite Fatima were sitting.

For the rest of the day, Mustafa couldn't stop thinking about that matter. What did the princess of France want from them? What is so urgent that she couldn't wait until next week to have an audience with the sultan himself when he comes back from his newest campaign.

Thyra's POV:

"My princess a guy named Sunbul has arrived and he said that he's from the castle" madam said walking into my room.

"Let him in" I shot up from my seat and walked closer to the door making sure to keep my sword in my hand just in case it was needed.

"Princess Thyra," the Sunbul guy said bowing a little to show me some respect, I am a princess after all.

"I came here to take you to the prince Mustafa," Sunbul said smiling at the princess in front of him. The second he got a glimpse of her face his breath got caught up in his throat for a second at her beautiful.

"How do I know that you truly work for the prince?" Thyra asked raising her eyebrow at him as she pulled her sword a little out showing the top of the steel blade threatening.

"His majesty sends you a letter," Sunbul said pulling out a small paper rolled with a piece of leather holding it in place.

Thyra took the letter from him consciously and opened it to show neat handwriting surprising her that it was in French.

" Chère Princesse Thyra

Je suis honoré de vous avoir comme invité à Istanbul. Je dois m'excuser Que Notre sultan ne soit pas présent pour le moment, Mais il sera de Retour Dans Une semaine, donc Je Vous aura come invité jusqu'à ce son altesse royale revienne de la Campagne

Prince Mustafa"

His seal was there to make me sigh in relief that I was finally able to reach him. I looked up at Sunbul who bowed again and got out of the way. I walked up the stairs and on the deck where the Othman guards stood on both sides.

I got off the ship followed by madam, Sunbul and two guards while the rest stayed on board to protect the ship while we're gone.

A fancy carriage was waiting for us to take us to the Topkapi palace, even though I prefer to ride a horse but I got on the carriage not wanting to show them any disrespect.

When we reached the castle I couldn't help but admire the beauty of nature around the castle. And the castle was so big I didn't think there was an end to it.

We walked a long way until we reached a hallway where I saw to guards standing in front of the door with a beautiful woman standing there looking at me.

When we reached her Sunbul bowed which made me do the same. I could see the shock on her face when she saw my sword.

"Hello princess I am sultana Mahidevran, prince Mustafa's mother," she said smiling kindly at me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sultana. Thank you for having me" I smiled at her trying to show her that I was no threat.

"Unarm her before she goes in there," she said to Sunbul who nodded.

"Just for safety measures," she said looking at me with a warning glance.

"I understand" I smiled at her and unbuckled my sword and handed it to the guard. I took out the two daggers that were hidden in my boots, then I took out the blade that I hid between my breasts where no one would suspect it to be. I could see the shock on everyone's faces as I pulled out the dagger from there.

I pulled out the hidden katana that I hid behind my back under my dress and cloak. After I was done one of the sultana's maids walked over and patted me down to see if I had any more weapons when she was satisfied she went back behind the sultana who smiled at me and finally let me in.

I walked into the huge room looking down at my feet and bowed after the doors closed behind me.

"Princess Thyra, Welcome" à smooth voice said making me look up only to meet the most beautiful hazel eyes I've seen in my life.

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