Chapter 6: Aria the new student

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Chapter 6

Heading towards our classroom, I looked at the tealette beside me. She was always in a happy mood, which annoys me a bit. The tealette looked at me and smiled. "Is there something wrong?" she politely asked.

I shook my head and looked at the hallway. "I always wondered why you're always in a happy mood." I bluntly explained and she giggled.

"Being sad and clinging into that feeling isn't gonna change anything. We have to accept change and be happy about it, even though if it's all too sudden. Staying in the past doesn't hurt but why don't we try to face the future?" she smiled, but her words leave me in utter confusion.

I don't understand her at all. I mean, accept change even though if it's too sudden? What does she mean by that? I sighed and shook my head to dismiss it. Thinking about it will just make me even more confused that before.

Before I can even open my mouth to change the topic, a familiar voice echoed in the empty hallway.

"Good morning Lenny! Good morning Miku!" she's cheery as usual.

"Ah! Good morning Aria! It's a surprise seeing you here!" the tealette was surprised, obviously. The cream-haired smiled.

"I'm studying here!" the tealette must be really REALLY clueless about it. Her eyes were so wide when she heard about it.

"REALLY!? That's great! No wonder you're wearing our school uniform!" isn't it too obvious that Aria is going to study here? Geez.

The cream-haired smiled. "Well, I'm happy I get to study here in Japan, but don't you think the uniform is too... short?" even though she wore black leggings that reached her knee, she was still embarrassed about the skirt.

Aria is the type of person who doesn't like wearing something like short skirts or shorts in public. She gets embarrassed if she wore one outside, which is cute to be honest.

The cream-haired looked at me with her face still red as a tomato. She gave me a "what-are-you-looking-at" look and I chuckled. "You look cute." I started to laugh as her ears started to grow red.

"S-shut up! W-w-what were y-you saying?!" she yelled and glared at me. I laughed loudly. She's really cute to be honest.

I started to feel like someone is watching me so I abruptly stopped and looked around. My eyes suddenly land on the tealette. "What are you looking at?" I stared at her as she shook her head and smiled.

"It's just that it's the first time I've seen you smile and laugh like that. You look more handsome." I slightly blushed at her sudden complement.

"Hmmmm? Are my eyes deceiving? Lenny's face is red!" Aria teased and I blushed even more.

"Shut up! Don't tease me!" I glared at the smirking cream-haired girl. She just laughed and continued to tease me. "Tease me and I'll tickle you." she stopped immediately and I smirked. "Good girl."

She just pouted and slowly started looking around the hallway as if searching for something. "Where is the comfort room?" the tealette pointed at the direction and Aria smiled in return, giving her a thank you before running towards the comgort room.

"LEN!" a sudden loud voice made me jolt and turn to look at the source of it. "Did you get the notebook?" she said between breaths. She was probably running.

"Yes I did. Here, you keep it." I took the notebook from my bag and handed it over to her, which she gladly took and placed in her own bag.

"That notebook must be really important huh? Don't worry though, I didn't read it. I don't read other people's notes without asking for permission." the tealette smiled and Rin sighed in relief.

"I'm so glad it was you who found the notebook."

"Rinny!" a voice chirped behind me and my twin's face was full of surprise.

"Aria? You're studying here? Why didn't you tell me?! I would make a mini welcome party for you!" She doesn't know? Well that's a surprise.

"That's why I'm keeping it a secret from you. You would waste money just for something tiny!" the cream-haired pouted while crossing her arms. She's right though. Rin would do something that'll put a hole in your wallet for something small.

"But it's not a tiny matter!"

"It is!"

Right before they start to have a small argument, the bell rang, signifying that classes are about to start.

"Oh no! I have to go now! I still need to go to the faculty office. See you guys later!" Aria waved goodbye before dashing towards the faculty room.

"We need to go too." the tealette said, and we started to walk towards our room.

As we arrived, we quickly went to our desks and when I was gonna sit down, a girl approached me with a letter in her hand.

"L-Len... I-I..." a girl with long, curly blonde hair with cat ear headphones tried to find the words to say but instead, she hurriedly placed the letter on my desk and scurried back to her seat.

I stared at the girl for a moment and shrugged, keeping the letter. In the corner of my eye, I saw hand drill glaring daggers at the girl. It's as if she's planning something. Something not even her friends will know.

Moments later, the teacher finally went inside with a smile on her face.

"Okay class I have some good news. We have a new student! Come inside dear." Miss Luka gestured someone to go in and I wasn't surprised to see her standing in front.

"Hello everyone! My name is Aria Citrine Nakamura. Pleased to meet you!" she smiled sweetly as she introduced herself to everyone, making them talk about how cute her smile is.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Teto glaring again at the girl who gave me the letter. What's wrong with her? I just shrugged it off and looked at the cream-haired girl standing in front.

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