Namek (sorry had no idea what to write)

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Sala's P.O.V

We arrived at Freiza's planet. Vegeta couldn't walk so I had to help him while I was limping. I put Vegeta in a healing tank. I also went inside one. After a while, my healing was done. I walked out and someone left me some armour. I looked at the healing tank next to mine. No-one was there. Well maybe he finished early. I got dressed in Saiyan armour. It was different from the one I had before but I like it. 

I walk to the lounge area  and see Vegeta drinking a glass of water. I'm surprised he didn't break the glass. He always by accident broke his glasses when we were younger. He couldn't control his power that well back then. I chuckle under my breath. "Thirsty much," I said jokingly. He nearly chocked on his water. "Haha, the prince being scared by his cousin," I said mockingly. It was funny seeing him annoyed. He grunted but I saw a smile forming slightly. "Thanks for the armour," I said calmly. He said nothing, just nodded.

Vegeta's P.O.V

I heard some of the things Sala said while on Earth. I felt, I don't know, a pity for her. She never told anybody, not even me. I don't know why she told Kakarot though.

Sala's P.O.V

"When are we going to Namek," I asked. "Tomorrow," Vegeta grunted. I nod my head and go back to my room. I was really excited. I could see Goku again. And Gohan. That boy is adorable. I was getting sleepy. I fell asleep. The next  thing I knew, I woke up to Vegeta banging on my bedroom door. "Let me inside," Vegeta yelled. I yawned and opened my door. "What is it," I yawned. "We are leaving in 5 minutes," Vegeta yelled. "Okay, WHAT," I screeched. Vegeta left my room and I began to panic. I ran to my dresser and got changed from my pj's to my armour in 2 seconds. I brushed my hair. Then, I brushed my teeth. I left and saw Vegeta waiting outside. "Let's go," I said. He nodded and we left for Namek.

Goku's P.O.V 

I asked Bulma if she could make us a ship that could fly us to Namek. She said the faster way is going to be minimum  a year long. Suddenly Mr PoPo arrived and said he had a solution. Bulma and him flew off somewhere. 

I was sparring a lot with Gohan. He is really strong for his age. He's a great sparring partner.

A few moments later, Mr PoPo  and Bulma arrive.  "Goku we got a way to get to Namek in 6 days," Bulma said cheerfully. "Yes, thank you Mr PoPo and Bulma,"  I said gratefully. "Bulma do you think you could add a gravity chamber in the ship," I asked. "Yeah sure, no problem," Bulma said. I nod and she leaves. "Are we going to see Sala?" Gohan asked innocently  "Yes son, we are going to see her," I said proudly.

A few days later, Bulma was finished the ship. Yes, finally we can go. I brought Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin and Bulma to the ship. We all left. During the 6 days, we all trained really hard. Gohan and I trained the most.

Time skip (Let's pretend that they landed on the proper Namek than the fake one because I'm not able to write that)

Normal P.O.V 

The Z fighters at Namek. Krillin and Bulma stayed back while Goku, Gohan and Piccolo went to look for the dragon balls. Just in case they needed them for an emergency. Little did they know, Freiza and Vegeta are also on the hunt for them.

Sala's P.O.V

I was beginning to slightly sense power levels. That's weird. I guess after fighting Goku, I learned how to lightly sense power levels.

I was sitting at our 'base'. I mean it's just a cave where Vegeta and I  put any dragon balls he has gathered. We had one dragon ball. Vegeta left to find any more dragon balls. I felt some energy. I saw Goku, Gohan and Piccolo. I guess Gohan saw me because he ran up to me. "Sala, your here," Gohan cheered. I looked around to see if Vegeta was there, he wasn't. "Hi Gohan," I said cheerfully. Gohan ran closer to me and hugged me basically tacking me to the ground. Goku turned around and smiled warmly. I smile back. "Why are you here?" I asked while standing up from the hug. "Well, because we are looking for the dragon balls and we met you along the way," Goku said nervously. Gohan grabbed ahold of my hand. "Well I guess Gohan must really like you," Goku said sweetly. "I guess so," I said.  "So why are you here?" Goku asked. "Well, we are  also looking for the dragon balls, I mean mostly Vegeta," I said.

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