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Scarlett Williams leaned against the counter in the kitchen of the Salvatore Boarding House as she stirred a cup of tea, idly watching a large black crow perched on a tree in the garden. It had been a long summer. She gazed out of the window as she thought of the car accident which had left her best friend, Elena Gilbert, an orphan. She could remember the glazed look on Elena's face at the funeral as she stood beside her younger brother Jeremy and her aunt Jenna.

The funeral had attracted practically all of Mystic Falls – the Gilbert's were a well loved family, as well as being descendents of the town's original Founders. Scarlett had stood quietly with her friends, Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes, the three of them offering silent comfort to Elena in her hour of need. The service had reminded her of her own mother's funeral two years before, the event which had led to Scarlett selling her family home and moving in with Zach Salvatore, her mother's oldest friend.

Sighing softly to herself, Scarlett pulled her mind back to the present, picked up her mug and started walking through the large antique-shop of a house in the direction of her bedroom. It was still early, and she had to get ready for the first day of school. She was just about to climb the stairs when a noise in the front parlour made her turn, a frown marring her pale, heart-shaped face.

"Zach? Is that you?" she called. There was no reply. She walked into the parlour, placing her mug on a side table before stepping into the middle of the room. A door creaked from the direction of the kitchen, and Scarlett felt her heart begin to race. Unlike most of the town, she was well aware of the truth behind the legends of Mystic Falls. Glancing around the room, she quietly tiptoed towards the desk in the corner of the room. Zach kept a handgun loaded with wooden bullets in the top drawer in case of unwanted visitors.

The drawer was well oiled and made no sound as she slid it open. She carefully lifted the gun and took off the safety. Slowing her breathing, she reached out with her mind to try and find who, or what, had entered the house uninvited. She could sense Zach, his emotions calm and peaceful in sleep.

"I hope you're not planning to use that thing on me," a soft male voice muttered from near the front door. Scarlett's eyes flew towards the voice as she brought her arm up, preparing to fire. Her gaze landed on the intruder and she gasped in shock.

"Stefan! I wish you wouldn't sneak up on me." The vampire smiled softly at her, his hazel eyes full of mirth. He nodded his head towards the gun still pointed at his chest.

"Are you going to put that away?" Scarlett blinked, having completely forgotten that she was currently pointing a weapon at her godfather. She blushed as she placed the gun, safety catch on, back in the drawer, and she smiled sheepishly as he walked towards her.

"Sorry about that. I hear strange noises and I immediately think the worst." Stefan nodded in understanding, before pulling the slender teenager into a tight hug. Her smile widened as she returned the gesture.

"We didn't expect you back for a while," she murmured as he released her and stepped back. Stefan's visits to his home were usually few and far between – he had only visited twice since Scarlett was born.

"I've decided to stick around for a while. I'm tired of always being on the road. I want a normal life. Plus, I have to make sure that my favourite goddaughter is well taken care of." Scarlett rolled her dark blue eyes.

"I'm your only goddaughter." Stefan raised one eyebrow and smirked slightly.

"My point exactly." Scarlett chuckled quietly. She was incredibly fond of the vampire, having known him for most of her life. He visited infrequently while she was growing up, bringing stories and presents from his travels. For the last couple of months he had been staying at the Boarding House, catching up with his goddaughter and spending some time at his home. Scarlett frowned slightly as a thought entered her mind.

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