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The day of the comet's arrival dawned bright and sunny, but Scarlett had no intention of getting out of bed too early. She rolled over intending to grab her book from the nightstand, but instead her hand collided with something hot and wet. Sitting up, she found another breakfast tray, and another white rose, waiting for her. Scarlett sighed as she got out of bed and pulled a long cardigan over her short pyjamas. She picked up the tray, untouched, and carried it down to the kitchen.

Zach was already there, sat at the counter reading the newspaper and he glanced up with a smile when she entered.

"Damon make you breakfast again?" he asked. Scarlett placed the tray by the sink and grabbed a clean cup, filling it with coffee.

"Unfortunately, yes," she replied as she added milk to the steaming hot liquid and took a sip. She leaned against the counter and stared into the depths of her coffee cup.

"What's on your mind?" Zach said quietly. Scarlett sighed and looked him in the eye.

"I just want to know what he wants. Why is he being so nice to me? He doesn't even know me." Zach took a long sip of coffee before he replied.

"I honestly don't know, Scarlett. But I want you to be careful. Damon isn't a nice guy, so don't let your guard slip because he does a couple of nice things for you, okay?" Scarlett nodded at Zach's warning. She had no intention of letting her guard slip around Damon Salvatore.

"I'm going to get dressed," she said quietly. She kissed Zach on the cheek before walking to her room. She couldn't have been in the kitchen for more than ten minutes, but when she opened her bedroom door, she found it full of white roses. Her jaw dropped. There were at least sixteen vases, full to bursting with roses, scattered around the room – the smell was intoxicating. She didn't need to ask who had done it. Damon. If he had been any other guy, she would have found it sweet, but this gesture just made Scarlett ask herself what he wanted from her.

Sighing, she made her way to her bathroom, showered, and dressed in a dark blue dress that reached her knees and a grey cardigan. Brown sandals went on her feet, and she quickly braided her hair down her back. Once she was dressed, she went back downstairs to find Zach and Stefan talking in the study.

"If either of you have a few moments, could you move the funeral parlour arrangements from my bedroom and spread them around the house?" Both men looked confused. "Damon thought it would be funny to buy every white rose in Mystic Falls and put them in my bedroom," she explained.

"What? Are you okay?" Stefan asked.

"I'm fine," she replied quickly. "I'm leaving now, I told Caroline I'd help her set up for tonight." She waved at Zach and kissed Stefan on the cheek before leaving the house and walking to her car. Scarlett was just trying to get her keys from inside her handbag when she walked into something – or rather someone.

"We've simply got to stop meeting like this, Miss Williams." She felt her heart speed up, and when she looked up and saw his satisfied smirk, Scarlett knew that Damon had heard it too.

"Do you mind? I'm leaving."

"Oh, you're feeling fiery today... I like it," he said, and his blue eyes sparkled at her. She frowned. There was something odd about his eyes. She hadn't noticed it before, but the emotions he showed were only ever skin deep – they never reached his eyes. She moved to walk past him and he blocked her. She tried again, and again he got in her way.

"I'm running late, Damon," she managed to say through gritted teeth. He crossed his well muscled arms over his wide chest.

"Aren't you going to tell me how much you liked my present?" he asked.

"What present?" Scarlett asked, completely straight faced. His smirk faltered, just for a second but she saw it.

"The roses."

"Oh those... No offence, but roses have never really been my thing," Scarlett replied sweetly. The look of shock on Damon's face was perfect in Scarlett's eyes. "Try something a bit more original next time." While Damon stood there at a loss for words, Scarlett finally managed to squeeze past him and get into her car. She watched his figure in her rear-view mirror until he was out of sight, and only then did she let out the breath she had been holding.

Scarlett, Bonnie and Elena were given the job of handing out flyers for the Night of the Comet. The three girls walked around the town square, watching everyone have fun while they talked.

"He didn't call, huh?" Bonnie asked Elena.

"Or text," Elena replied. "Then I realised we never even exchanged that stuff. We never got to the texting part." Scarlett handed a leaflet to an elderly couple before turning to Elena.

"That's an important milestone in any relationship," she said seriously.

"Isn't it?" Elena replied, while Bonnie nodded in agreement.

"The timing was wrong anyway," Elena continued.

"When is it ever right?" Bonnie asked.

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