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"What does he want with Bonnie?" Elena asked quietly. Scarlett turned to her friend and lowered her voice slightly.

"Take Bonnie back to your place, I'll meet you there." The brunette frowned slightly.

"Are you sure you're feeling well enough to drive? You're still really pale..." Scarlett smiled brightly and gently pushed Elena towards Bonnie's car.

"I'll be fine, I'll see you later." Elena nodded and hurried towards Bonnie's car. Damon stopped in front of Scarlett and smirked down at her, but his smirk faltered slightly when he caught sight of her bloodshot eyes and the still visible tear tracks on her cheeks.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, the question sounding more heartless than he had intended. Scarlett raised a single eyebrow and crossed her arms across her chest defensively.

"Nothing for you to worry about," she replied sharply. "Why were you talking to Bonnie?" Scarlett asked, determined to steer the conversation away from herself. Damon smiled mysteriously and leant forward so that his breath fanned across her face.

"That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot." Scarlett scowled at his evasiveness.

"That doesn't work on me Damon, now what do you want with Bonnie?" The vampire straightened and slid his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

"She has something that belongs to me; something that I need." Scarlett rolled her eyes before digging a hand into her bag to find her car keys.

"Well threatening her isn't going to help your cause," she said as she started to walk towards her 4x4. Damon fell into step beside her, his arm brushing against Scarlett's as they walked.

"How about you get it for me, then?" Scarlett stopped in her tracks and stared up at him incredulously. "We're friends; friends do each other favours." The redhead let out a short burst of laughter.

"We're not friends, Damon." Quashing the stabbing pain her words had caused, Damon gave Scarlett his most seductive smile.

"I'd say you were more than friendly this morning, Scar," he whispered. He watched as a rosy blush rose in her cheeks, and the predator within him growled in satisfaction.

"You kissed me," Scarlett said quickly, well aware that she was turning bright red. Damon stepped closer until there was only an inch of air between them, and Scarlett had to tilt her head back to look him in the eyes.

"You kissed me back," he whispered. Scarlett was completely hypnotised by Damon's eyes, and felt herself leaning forward as she rose slightly onto the balls of her feet. Damon raised his hand to gently stroke her arm. If he didn't know better he'd say he was being compelled, because he wanted to touch her all the time. Trying to get her out of his mind was hopeless; she was all he could think about day and night.

Just as their lips were about to touch, a car horn blared and Scarlett stumbled back, blinking rapidly to clear the fog in her mind. Glancing at Damon, she found him looking just as dazed as she felt. She backed away from him, her fingers clutching tightly to her car keys.

"Stay away from Bonnie," she said firmly, her voice much steadier than she thought it would be. Damon didn't acknowledge that he had heard her, so Scarlett turned and hurried to her car, getting in and throwing it into gear before driving out of the parking lot and making her way to Elena's house. Damon watched until Scarlett's car was out of sight before letting out the breath he had been holding. He seriously needed to get his act together. The comet had passed. All he needed was the crystal, and then his plan could be put into action. But first he needed to clear his mind of a certain redheaded empath.

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