001 | First Intellegence Shift: Part One

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Aurelia's POV

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Aurelia's POV

"Kim why didn't you wake me?! It's my first day in intelligence. Voight gave me this opportunity to prove I have what it takes. My aunt persuaded him to give me this opportunity. I can't let him down" I exclaimed as I sat up in bed at 8am; it left me just over half an hour to get ready for work. Let me tell you some things about me. My aunt Rosa is good friends with Sargent Hank Voight, she's also godmother to his two daughters Elle and Payton, since I was twelve and they were thirteen we had been close. Even when Aunt Rosa's boyfriend took me hostage when I was 15 they looked out for me.

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you" Kim smiled as she finished getting herself ready for the day.

"You make it so damn hard to stay mad at you. You know that right" I exclaimed with a smile on my face.

"you needed your sleep anyway. I know you haven't been sleeping well since your worried about your aunt but she is fighting this, she's stronger than you think" Kim spoke as I pushed the bed sheets off and climbed out of the bed.

"I know Kim but she's the only family I have. I've never met my mum or my dad. If aunt Rosa isn't strong enough to fight this and she dies I won't have anyone" I let a single tear roll down my cheek. Kim came over to me and wrapped her arms around my body.

"You will still have me. I'm never leaving talk. I promise" Kim said softly with her arms around me.

"You'll get bored of me eventually. You'll leave me. Everyone always leaves in the end" I sighed heavily, everyone I have always gotten close to left me. I grew up in care so that could have clouded my judgement but even i knew how I felt.

"Aurelia Kowalski I love you alright. I am not leaving you not even if you beg me too. I'm sticking with you through thick and thin. Through the good and the bad because we are a team" Kim spoke happily. I rested my head on her shoulder and I breathed in her perfume, the fruit scent filled my nostrils a so closed my eyes.

"Kimberly Burgess I love you more than I can even say. You make me so happy" I admitted from Kim's embrace as I used my girlfriends full name

"As much as I would love to hug you all day long, I think you should get dressed now. Like you said you don't want to be late for your first day in intelligence." Kim reminded me forcing me to pull away from the warm embrace.

"Your right, but I don't know what to wear" I sighed making Kim laugh as I frantically opened my wardrobe and standing in front of it throwing my hands in the air.

"How about you go and do whatever you need to in the bathroom and I pick your outfit out? How does that sound?" Kim asked standing beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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