Explosion Party (Extra)

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Remy landed on the ground after jumping out of Emile's window. He dusted himself off and started walking in the direction of the building him and all the readers were gonna blow up. Maybe he should've worn something more appropriate for blowing up a building? Nah, he's a fucking queen and can wear anything he wants. It's not like it matters, this is just a story. He walked up to the building and looked over the growing crowd of people.

"We get it. You're doing this so you can distract yourself." Remy shouted.

"Remy! Stop talking to N and hurry up!" Ohmykash shouted. Remy rolled his eyes and started shouting orders.

"Thomas_Fanders, ilive4klance, Sweetpanda1015, xoxsunflowersxox start helping MagicalWoof, WaokeVale, and anxiouspuffball bring the ken dolls into the building! Damn I'm already getting tired."

"Haha. Not my fault these amazing people read less than amazing fanfics."

"Not now bitch. I'm busy directing your readers so we can take out our anger."

"Why can't we put Emile's dad in the building?" We-ship asked.

"Because plot." Nonbinaryoutcast responded. "And Remy will probably kill him later."

"Edgy_Space_Prince take the pillow fort cult and go kidnap Barney. Whoever else wants to go can go. I don't give a damn." He waved them off.

"Hey Remy!" LoganGalaxy raised their hand.

"Yea? Wassup babes?"

"When are you gonna man-up and ask Emile on a date?" Remy flushed red and crossed his arms.

"Haha. You made him blush!" N laughed.

"UhOhSpaghetti-os and LucyWilliams142 take her away."

"No. I'm sitting right here and eating my cheez-itz or this chapter isn't going to get finished."

"peice of shit author," Remy mumbled before going back to giving commands. "some-emo-trash, InfinitesimalDna, Vivianistrash, and Ratatouille456 get the dynamite, grenades, c4, any explosives you can find. Bananacookie2006 get the gunpowder. Krypto32 get the marches. Ara_Arida, Cabeswater12 and Nat_Jade2007 get wood to start the bonfire." As people heard their username being called they split up from who they were fangirling or planning murders with.

"Remy! We have questions about the book!" Inkysansyismine shouted.

"Yea! When is Dee going to realize Remus is his soulmate?" AxelAtlantid asked.

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