Jay - Connor Rhodes

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Y/n had the biggest crush on her fellow doctor Connor Rhodes. She would bat her eyes at him and they'd talk and everything seemed to go the right way and she really hoped that he'd ask her out soon.
They were working together on a patient when her brother Jay walked in.
"Hey can I ask you some questions about the patient Y/n?" Jay asked and Y/n turned around and the biggest smile came across her face.
"Jay! Of course follow me" Y/n said walking up to him and half hugging him. And they walked out.
Everyone else in the room could see Connor's eyes darkening and his demeanor changing. After they had consulted with the patient went he and Dr. Choi to grab some papers. On their way there they saw Jay and Y/n laughing and standing very close to each other.
"Are they dating?" Connor asked still looking at the two of them.
"Who?" Dr. Choi asked
"Y/n and Jay?" He asked glaring at the two who were now laughing even more then before.
"Are you kidding?" Dr. Choi said looking at Connor like he was crazy. He couldn't say anything else since the alarm went off and they had to run back. But Connor interpreted what Dr. Choi said as of course they are which made him even more grumpy especially when he saw Y/n walking up to them with a smile on her face and her lipstick a bit smudge. When he saw that he left the room not being able to think about what they had done.
"What's up with him?" Y/n said looking after him.
"He thinks you and Jay are a couple" Dr. Choi said laughing.
"I'll think I need to tell him" Y/n said running after him.
She searched for a bit but soon found him.
"Hey" she said trying to get his attention.
"Hey" he said still not looking at her.
"Well um I have something to tell you" Y/n said and he finally looked up.
"Your dating Jay right well I already noticed that thanks" Connor said now looking away again.
"Um about that we aren't dating" Y/n said trying to not laugh.
"So you're fuck buddies then" Connor said and then Y/n couldn't stop herself form laughing anymore.
"What's so funny about that?" Connor huffed looking at the girl crying of laughter on the floor.
"He's my brother" Y/n managed to say between laughing.
"Wait what?" Connor said shocked.
"Yup" Y/n said standing up.
"But your lipstick was smudge and you were standing so close to each other?" Connor said confused.
"I drank a glass of water before I came in and we always stand like that so" Y/n said looking in to his eyes.
They both feel silent but Y/n soon had to ask.
"Um does this mean that you like me?" She said looking down.
She looked up and then he kissed her and Y/n shocked kissed him back.
"Yeah would you want to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked between kisses.
"I'd love to" Y/n said out of breath.

Hi it's me again. I'm sorry for any mistakes and I hoped you enjoyed it I have some more in my notes but we'll see if I post them here or not but thanks for reading <3

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