Creep - Antonio

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" Hey I'll just take a shower really quick and I'll be right back" Y/n said kissing Antonio's cheek. Antonio nodded and continued writing on the report.

"Oh hi Ethan" Y/n said as she passed Ethan in the hall on her way to the showers. Ethan is a photographer and he's here to photograph how it is to be a cop in Chicago.
"Hi Y/n where are you going?" Ethan asked
"I'm heading to the showers then I'm going home what about you?" Y/n asked she actually liked Ethan but only as a friend of course.
"I'm finishing up and then I'll probably grab something to eat" Ethan said looking at Y/n with an expression that Y/n couldn't really read but Y/n just shrugged it off.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow then" Y/n said walking past Ethan.
" this is my last day here" Ethan said sadly.
"Oh well I'll miss you and here's my number if you want to meet up sometime" Y/n said and didn't really think about how that might have sounded.
"Thanks I'll see you around" Ethan said and Y/n left.

Y/n got into the shower and felt the warm water pour down on her. Y/n was almost done when see heard a loud bang and what seemed to be Ethan and Antonio. Y/n grabbed her towel and stepped out of the shower.
"What's going on?!"Y/n asked as she saw Antonio holding Ethan by the throat.
"This creep was taking pictures of you while you were showering!" Antonio yelled tightening  his grip on Ethans throat.
Y/n just stood there mad and shocked at the same time.
"I'm taking him to the cage " Antonio said dragging Ethan with him.

Antonio dragged him into the garage where he met Al and Ruzek.
"Hey what happened?" Al asked confused.
"This creep took pictures of Y/n while she was in the shower!" Antonio said throwing him into the cage.
"That mother... I'll go inform Voight" Ruzek said running up the stairs.

"Where's Voight?" Adam said out of breath.
"In his office why?" Erin and Jay said confused.
"The camera guy is in the cage" Adam said walking towards the office
"Why?" Erin asked and her and Jay got up.
"He was taking pictures of Y/n in the showers" Adam said knocking on the door.
"That motherfucker" Jay said and him and Erin went down to the garage.
"Enter" Voight said.
"Sargent you need to come the camera guys in the cage" Adam said and began walking back towards the garage
"Ruzek wait what did he do?" Voight said and Ruzek stopped.
"He took pictures of Y/n when she was showering" Adam said now looking at his extremely angry Sargent.

By this time Y/n was out of the shower and on her way to the garage and when she got there she was met by Ethan in the cage surprisingly not too beat up.
"Hey Y/n I heard what happened I'm so sorry" Erin said and came forward and hugged Y/n and she was basically the only on who knew that Y/n considered Ethan her friend.
"I thought he was my friend Erin I'm so stupid" Y/n said feeling like she would begin crying at any time.
"I know but none of this is your fault" Erin said rubbing her arm.
"Well the positive thing is that he won't be walking for a while after this" Erin said trying to cheer her up a bit.
"Yeah are they taking him to the docks?" Y/n asked looking over at Voight Antonio and Jay who all surrounded the cage screaming at him and punching him.
"Yeah you can probably come if you want and get in a few punches" Erin said also looking over at the Cage.
"Yeah but I think they'll do a great job with out me so I think I'll just go home and wait for Antonio" Y/n said getting up form the bench they were sitting on.
"Hey do you want to crash at my place?" Erin said and got up.
"Yeah thank you I'll text Antonio later so he knows" Y/n said and they began walking out.
"Y/n! You got to help me I'm sorry!" Was the last thing they heard as they walked out of the garage.

It was late they were watching a movie and lying on Erins couch when they heard a nock on the door and Erin goes and opens the door and Antonio steps inside.
"Hey baby" Y/n said getting up from the couch and goes up to Antonio and hugs him.
"Hey" Antonio said kissing her hair.

They say goodbye to Erin and get in Antonio's car and start the drive to their apartment.
"Thank you" Y/n said squeezing his hand.
"For what?" Antonio said looking over at Y/n
"For protecting me" Y/n said laying her head on his shoulder. Antonio placed a kiss on Y/n's hair.
"Always" Antonio said and Y/n fell asleep.

As you probably saw this is based of episode 6x12 of Chicago Fire when almost the same thing happens but with Gaby and Matt.
And as always sorry for any mistakes or grammatical errors.

Thanks for reading <3

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