Shot - Jay halstead

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Y/n and Jay was cuddle up in the cop car they were on a stake out but nothing was happening and it started to get cold.
They started making out while still keeping an eye out just in case some came by after already sitting there for 2 hours. They never got this unprofessional but it was getting cold and it was awfully boring.
Suddenly they spot a man dragging a girl with him.
"Do you see that?" Y/n asked while unbuckling her seatbelt.
"Yeah" Jay said and they got out of the car.
"Hey let go of her!" Jay said as he and Y/n began running towards the two.
" Back off I have a gun!" The man shouted and when they didn't stop he pulled it up and pointed it at them making them stop. They began slowly approaching the two.

"Don't move any further or I'll shoot you!" The man shouted and pointed the gun at Y/n.
Y/n and Jay looked at each other and they decided to draw their guns. They got closer to the man and his hand started to shake.
"I'm not joking" he said his voice shaking.
Jay jumped the man right there but unfortunately he pulled the trigger and a bullet hit Y/n in the stomach. Jay didn't notice since he was to focused on holding the man down.
"Y/n call for back up and check on the girl" Jay shouted. Y/n held a hand over her bleeding stomach and groaned before moving towards the girl.
"We need backup and two ambulances to 24th street" Y/n said as she saw the state the girl was in.
"Their on their way" the dispatcher said
"Thank you" Y/n groaned out hanging up.
The girl was looking at Y/n's wound and moved to help her with the bleeding.
"Fuck thank you I know..shit.. I'm the one who's supposed to help" Y/n got out.
"You guys saved me" The girl said and smiled sadly at Y/n.
"I think I'm gonna lay down" Y/n said and she felt her eye lids getting heavy.
"Y/n I need help here!" Jay shouted and Y/n slowly got up stumbling over towards the two wrestling men.

"Don't you're to weak!" The girl said as Y/n was about to fall on the two men.
"I know but I have to help him until backup gets here " Y/n said as she tried to regained some balance.
"Y/n?" Jay said confused to why his partner was just standing there.
"I'm um going to lay down for a bit I think." Y/n said as she fell backwards fortunately the girl caught her.
Before Jay could ask why the fuck she was going to lay down backup showed up and help Jay arrest the man. They also took Y/n to the ambulance and drove as fast as they could to Med.

"Hey thank you guys for coming so quickly" Jay said and turned to Antonio and Kim who looked at him with sad eyes.
"Do you guys where Y/n went she said she was going to lay down" Jay said not noticing his friends sad faces.
"Y/n was shot" Kim said moving towards Jay waiting for his reaction.
"She was what!" Jay said panic now taking over his body.
"Was... was.. it bad?" Jay said and they just nodded. Jay ran as fast as he could to his car, he broke the speed limit but he didn't care he just had to get down to Med.

"Where is Y/n!" Jay screamed as he stormed in to the ER.
"She's in surgery right now" Maggie said looking sadly at Jay.
"Come we'll sit down here I'll page Will while we wait ok?" Maggie said rubbing his back.
Soon both Will and the rest of the intelligence team and some cops were gathered in the waiting room, all of them looked at Jay with sadness in their eyes and some coming forward trying to cheer him up.

Two hours late and Dr. Rhodes came in to the waiting room.
"The Bullet fortunately didn't hit any vital organs but she lost a lot of blood but as it looks right now she'll make full recovery" Dr. Rhodes said
"Can we see her?" Voight asked and Dr Rhodes nodded.
"Room 5 to the left"Dr. Rhodes said and walked out of the room.

Jay was last to see Y/n since everyone knew that he needed the most time.
When it finally was his turn was when he broke down he started crying and he sat down and kissed her hand

But her couldn't stand the thought of this being his fault and let go of her hand broke down on the floor.

Will came in and sat down next to him.
"It's not your fault you know" Will said trying to calm his brother down.
"Not that she got shot maybe but I didn't notice and that's why she's lost so much blood" Jay said looking into Will's eyes.
"You were holding down a man twice your size of course you didn't notice" Will said in an effort to calm him down.
" I asked her to help me and she stood up from the ground and stumbled towards me and when she said she was going to lay down I didn't even look at her to check if she was ok" Jay said turning away form Will.
"That's not your fault and you would have done the same for her" Will said and that's when Y/n finally opened her eyes.
"Look who's awake" Will said and Jay got up and rushed towards Y/n.
"I'm so glad your ok and I'm really sorry please forgive me" Jay rambled.
"No I won't forgive you what you did is unforgivable" Y/n said trying not to laugh. Jay's eyes widened and started filling with tears.
" I understand" Jay said and was about to leave when he felt Y/n grab his hand.
"Hey I'm kidding baby don't cry" Y/n said as she cupped his face with her hand.
" Listen to me there is nothing to apologize for baby" Y/n said smiling softly at Jay.
"I made you wrestle a guy while you were dying" Jay said looking down.
"Ok maybe that but listen I love you and nothing will ever change that so stop crying and give me a kiss" Y/n said and laughed and Jay leaned forward and they kissed.
"I love you"
"I love you too".

I know the ending is a bit weird and sorry for any mistakes.
And thanks for reading <3

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