Chapter FIVE: The Inner World

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Split Into SIX

Chapter 5: The Inner World

"...What did you do, April..."

May said slowly, and was also slowly coming closer to her. She also looked like she was gonna kill her and send her to hell to be tortured, or murdered more like it...well...before she murders her.

"May, I didn't do anything I swear! One of the council members saw me and Evalynn in the woods and was recording us. I had to run before he could get any info on us...I'm sorry, May...I'm so sorry...this is all my fault...I knew they were after us and I went with Evalynn anyways...I'm sorry..."

She explained and trailed off. May was mad, but had a face of sympathy cause she noticed the girl was crying a bit. May got down to her level and wiped the tears from her face with her thumb. April looked up at the girl, having a flashback from the inner world of her and May. She took a deep breath out and sighed.

"Hey...Don't cry okay, Apes...I'm not that mad...I mean...I'm kind of disappointed that they would come this soon but...It would of happened eventually...We will figure this out when Bellatrix and Katsumi get here...They'll know what to do, Hun...And then soon enough Aya and Jay will be here and then you'll be very happy again...Like you always are..."

She smiled at the small girl and patted April's head.

" do we tell Eva?..."

She asked and May dropped her shoulders, she hadn't even thought of telling me. She had no idea what to even do but just to not...tell me...

"Okay we just not...tell her because it will freak her out. So promise me that you won't tell her even if your life depended on it...and if any of us die during will not let us be mourned, you will let us be remembered"

May explained to the girl and she nodded slowly and sighed, hugging the taller girl quickly. May hugged her back and petted her hair.

Let's just say it was a beautiful bromance moment for everyone.

"I promise you we will get out of this alive...Me and you are not going to die...I promise..."

May smiled at the smaller girl and then led her out of the roon and back into the room where I was. What was I doing? I was just sitting on the couch reading a book at the time. When all of a sudden I hear this.


April screamed out and covered her mouth, May facepalmed and waved her hands around in irritation. I guess that girl could not keep a secret. I turned around a gave her a scrunched up, concerned face.

"Okay no disrespect but...What the hell are you talking about?"

I asked as I closed my book, looking at the two girls.

"An inner world council member is after us-"


May screamed out and sped walk out of the room in irritation, I was right. That girl cannot keep a secret. May mumbled some things under her breath as she walked back into the room.

"So that's who was watching us in the woods..."

I trailed off us a stood up slowly.

"Yeah and we're not supposed to say anything, but THIS ONE can't keep her damn mouth shut!"

May said as she started to tower over the small girl, the girl growled and smacked her and that is when things started to get...physical...

"Hey guys! knock it off!"

I yelled as I tried to pull them off of each other but they had a tight grip on each other. Then at that moment, my door opened and two well dressed girls stepped into my living room.

Bellatrix and Katsumi.

We all stopped and looked at the door way where the two girls were standing. Bellatrix and Katsumi looked at each other with alot of concern, but they looked like they weren't surprised. We all made nervous smiles and got off of each other.

"Katsumi, Bellatrix...Ahem...It's uhh...nice to see you again"

May said as she cleared her throat and walked over to the two girls. Katsumi bowed and smiled.

"Nice to see you again too, Boss'

Katsumi said to May. Katsumi had a low girl voice and she had tattoos up and down both of the middle of her arms. She also had some on her cheeks. That...Must of been painful. Then I looked at the blonde and pinked hair girl, Bellatrix. In my opinion, she was gorgeous AS HELL.

"Hello, May. Nice to see your sister is up to trouble again"

She giggled, even her voice was pretty...Hey, what the hell am I doing? I'm no lesbian.

"Now, where is our container?"

Bellatrix asked as she looked at me and smiled, taking my hands.

"Hello, Darling. It is so great to meet you in person. Can I say you are really pretty? I mean, I kind of knew you were. I've seen your file. But I didn't expect you to be really pretty"

She giggled and I scratched the back of my neck.

"Haha...Thank you, you are too"

I smiled and she smiled as well.

"Anyways, I am Bellatrix Monsieur. Your productivity abilities. Pleasure to make your aquaintance"

I nodded and then Katsumi came over to me, I smiled at her.

"Greetings, Evalynn. I am Katsumi Kiyomitzu. Your logical capabilities. It's an honor to meet you"

For some reason, Katsumi stuck out to me. She just seemed...different from the rest of the group. Maybe it was because she was my logical capabilities or maybe it's the galaxy tattoos on her arms and face. All i knew was that she was very different.

"Well it is very nice to meet you both"

I smiled and they gave me quick hugs, Bellatrix quickly walked over to May, knewing something was going on in that girl's head. I immediately knew what was going on somehow.

"May, me and Katsumi got here quicker than we thought cause we got a signal of distress from Jay. What's going on, boss?"

Bellatrix asked, putting her hands on her waist and tapping her foot lightly on the ground. May sighed and took her aside into the kitchen.

"Inner world council member found April and Evalynn in the woods...they followed us here...If they find us...they'll capture us and take us back to inner world in her mind...and that's gonna be painful for us, but more painful for Evalynn because it's HER brain and it'll cause some serious brain trauma..."

May explained to the blonde girl as she looked over her shoulder at me and then nodded.

"What do you suppose we do, boss?"

Bellatrix asked as May shook her head.

"I was hoping you knew the answer to that...None of us can really go back and plead, we'd get killed and plus we're on the run now. I mean...We had to get out of there! we were all killing each other in there!...and it wasn't good for us nor for Evalynn"

May said as she grabbed a fistful of her brown and purple hair, nervous. I knew that wasn't like her. But I guess even the most perfect people in the world have their ups and downs as well.

"Alright...Well...Actually...We might have to go back anyways, May..."

Bellatrix said as she looked down

"Why the hell do you say that?!"

"Because i've might of made a mistake..."

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