More Than Friends (Theo)

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Walking down the halls of Beacon Hills High, I see Theo talking to Tracy with another girl at his arm. He locks eyes with my and I give him one glance before looking straight ahead. I flip my hair over my shoulder and I notice Scott, Kira, Styles and Malia staring at me too.

Ever since, Stiles cheated on me and Scott still decided to be friends with him, I've drifted apart from the lot of them. It's probably for the best. Since I'm the only one I can truly trust. "Hey Y/N," One my calls. I look over to him and he beckons me to come over there with his friends.

I shrug my shoulders and walk over to them. I lean on the lockers and they surround me. "You coming to the game tonight?" "Depends," "On What?" "If you give me the right reason," "What reason would make you want to come?" "Now what fun would that be if I told you?"

I pull out a sharpie and write my number on his arm. I lift his chin up before leaving him and his friends. "Damn, bro." I heard one of them say.


It was now the end of the day and I was on my way to my car when I hear Theo say, "So you were jealous," "Jealous? Me? No, I don't get jealous." "No?" "Nope," I was piling into my car, but he keeps the door open. "So if I told you that I had a date tonight, you wouldn't be mad?"

"I don't get mad. I get other people mad." I lean in and gently touch his hand. He licks his lips and smiles mischievously. I cock my head to the side and just as he leans in to kiss me, I push his hand away. "Enjoy your date," I say before closing my door. He laughs go himself and I wink at him before pulling out of the parking lot.


With the war of who can make who jealous, Y/N won. She was going on her normal nature walk when Theo lifts her over his shoulder. "Theo, what the hell are you doing?" "You think that you can talk to any guy you want to and not have any consequences."

"Actually, yes I can. I'm single. You're single. And we're not together. I can do whatever I want." He slaps my ass so hard that it started to tingle. "Oh you jackass," "You are mine," "I belong to no—" he slaps my ass again and I cry out in pain. "Damn it, Theo!" I exclaim.

He sets me down in the passenger side of his truck and closes the door with angry. He hops into the driver's seat and turns on the car. He speeds to my house and I say, "Wow, you really are pissed," he sends me a serious look that made my throat dry.

"And I didn't know you were that possessive either. It's actually kind of hot." I slide my hand along his inner thigh and he inhales sharply. I scoot over to him and gently kiss down his neck, making him moan lightly.

The next thing I knew, we are at my house and I straddle his waist. I hold the sides of his face as I kiss him and he squeezes my ass before saying, "We're going into your house," "Why?" I ask, feeling his dick harden against the inside of my thighs. "Because I'm going to break your back,"

He throw me over his shoulder again and I just dangle over his shoulder like a rag doll. I'm going to throughly enjoy this, I think to myself. He opens the door and walks up the steps. Not bothering to close the door, he throws me on the bed and takes off his shirt.

I take off all of my clothes and he squeezes my wrists as he climbs over my body. Without so much of a kiss, he enters me and rocked into my harder than he has ever been. At first, it was hot, but now it's starting to hurt. His eyes were glowing golden brown and he was growling.

He fucks me harder and I could hear my wooden bed frame started to crack. The longer he fucked me, the more the bed cracked. And eventually, we fell through the bed because it cracked straight down the middle. He finally came and then he pulled out. He left me there on the bed and put on all of his clothes.

"Don't do that again," he says before leaving. I slowly stand from my bed and pull out the piece of wood that was lodge into my back. I take out splinters with a wince. My chest started to cave in with emotion and I slowly started to cry.

Theo's POV
I reach for the door knob of her front door but stop when I hear her cry. I close my eyes and clench my jaw. No, Theo. You don't care about her. She's just a pretty girl that you wanted to fuck. Just leave.

Oh fuck it. I turn around and walk back up the stairs. I walk into her room again to see that she was bleeding and trembling with pain. She sits on the edge of her broken bed and held her face in her hands. And suddenly, my heart weighed with guilt.

"Y/N," I say, making her jump. "What? You forgot something? Or did you come back for more?" Her voice deep with emotion. She looks up from her hands as I walk over to her. "No, Theo. Just get out. This was a mistake, I shouldn't have ever gotten involved with you."

She stands and advances toward her bathroom but I grab her wrist and wince as I felt a wave of pain. She pulls away from me and says, "Just stop, Theo. I'm done being hurt! Just, go!" She pushes my chest and I hold her firmly but not enough to hurt her. She falls to the ground and starts crying again.

"I'm.. Im sorry. I just." I had to clear my throat because of how dry my throat became. "I just jealous really easy, and I wanted to show you that I.. I cared about you." "Well you have a funny way of showing it." She states. I hold her face again and kiss her softly, absorbing whatever pain I left her in.

She pulls away eventually and I say, "I'll buy you another bed frame and uh.. get you something to eat." "You don't have to do that," "Yes, I do. You.. you don't deserve this. You're not a bad person. I am."

"No, I actually think that we are in the same boat. Don't trust anybody enough to let them care about us." "You're not wrong about that," I say, scratching the back of my neck.

Third Person POV
After her shower, Theo and Y/N go tot store and buys a bed frame. Y/N parent are doctors so they get home late, so they have a lot of time to restore things. Theo then order some Chinese food to be delivered to her house. They are as they built the bed frame.

Afterwards, Theo held Y/N in complete comfortable silence. He did so until her parent came home. She fell asleep in his arms and he just admired her as she slept. No matter how hard tried, I still fell in love with her. But no one can know.

The next day, Theo and Y/N had a paint day. Theo painted Y/N and Y/N painted a city. But Theo's painting was the most realistic because he knew every detail about her. From the tips of her hair to the soles of her feet. And he loved every inch of her.

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