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A store with a painted sign was in front of them. It was an unremarkable building, as many in that city. Ahri, thanks to her experience, had learnt to read the human language, and only for that, they were able to find it. The alternative would have been entering every house in the square, going through a thick crowd. I was standing still, looking at a theatrical performance. The yelling of the actors was more annoying than the cheers of the audience, so loud to reach more person ad possible. « Ok, shall we enter? » she asked, looking at the sign.
« Wait, we should consider how to defend ourselves or escape if they will try to... »
She showed Ahri two feathers, devoid of her magical power.
« Do you know that throwing feathers is not always the solution? » the Vastaya said, with a bit of irony.
« No, but if I kill them stopping them from screaming, we can escape from the backdoor and run away quickly from this city. »
Ahri lowered her head and looked at her, confused.
« And if they do not have a backdoor? »
« You create that with your magic. »
The Vastaya was more convinced, but her yellow eye still had a veil of scepticism.
« It could work... » Ahri concluded before she reached the entrance and opened the door.
She followed her silently, looking around wary. The crowd was utterly absorbed in the performance; only a few people noticed them before looking away. They would not have latent enemies or profiteers on their backs. She could concentrate solely on who they would have found inside.
As they passed, some iron bells clinked on the door, as when she closed it.
The stink of the outside became a strong stuffy and humidity smell, discernible even under the incense. The store was quite small, a medium room filled with as many shelves it could contain. It was claustrophobic, not ideal for concentrating.
She looked at the merchandise; a jumble of ceramics and votive statues was on her left, while on the right there were pins, earrings and bracelets.
The reached a wooden counter. A fat man welcomed them, and his ocean blue garments were quite refined.
« Good morning, how may I... »
When he saw them, his smile disappeared from his face. And if she was not wrong, he swallowed, worried.
They have fear on their side; they would not have problems obtaining what they wanted.
She let Ahri moving forward. She could handle a conversation better than her; she had already proved that.
« Good morning... is this the store near the square? » the Vastaya asked, going slowly to the counter.
She feared she had lied to her. She thought Ahri had translated the human signs correctly, and the merchandise confirmed her theory.
« Yes, do yo... do you need something? »
She was sure a severe and threatening question would have been more effective. But Ahri leaned on the table and played with her hair; she had chosen a much longer path.
« My sister and I are looking for our family. You know... Noxus has also damaged our villages, and we had to part from our parents. »
She rolled her eyes and decided to look at the merchandise. She recognized the tone of her voice; she had used it with the hunters. The conversation would not have ended soon.
She accepted her strategy only because they needed a low profile. In another occasion, she would have used strength with such a scared man.
« Oh, I am sorry... Noxus did nothing but damage. »
« Yes... the memory of its brutal warrior and their bloodshot eye still gives me the shivers. Even the wild beats are less ferocious, » Ahri continued.
Some small pool made with black rocks gained her attention, decorated with shed inlays. They were full of water, that moved down from the first to the last. It did not pour out in the end and did not run dry in the beginning, as it was magical.
« And if it was only Noxus! Now that the enemy has left, the factions of the alliance have decided to fight each other. And who is losing out? We are. Do you see all this merchandise? »
She raised her head and, in the pool near the corner, she saw some fishes that were swimming lazily, reflecting their colours on the black border.
« I have no idea who wants to buy it anymore! The clients are cut to the bone. Nobody wants to spend money on luxury goods, » the merchant said.
« What a terrible situation... but it is a pity, your jewelry is lovely. »
« Do you think that? »
« Oh yes, and if I still had all the money from my family, I would buy it. »
She had not a hallucination. The belly of the fishes was shining. It was a white and warm point between a lot of colours, from cyan to purple. Sometimes they had also some pink shades.
She reached a finger to touch their scales gently. If she was not wrong, the fishes should also be warm.
« Hey you, do not touch them! They are not for sale! »
She turned at the rude call of the merchant and could not keep an evil glance. Those creatures should have swum freely in the Nothern lakes, not tighten inside a small pool in a small shop.
She would have said those words, but Ahri pointed out to not talk, putting a finger on her mouth.
She bit her lips and, after a deep breath, she lied.
« I was just curious... » she whispered, hoping to sound guilty.
« So watch but do not touch. Where were we? »
The eyes of the merchant shined. He was interested, but she did not know if it was for the smell of money or the neckline of Ahri's dress.
He was another disgusting being, like all the other humans. At that moment, she wanted to threaten him for their stupid map even more.
« My family. You know, in the North, we Vastayas are more open and often get in touch with humans. We like to offer our abilities, in exchange for money, of course. My family for three generations has been involved in dyeing with natural products. You should see what colourful garments we produce! »
She tried to concentrate on the hypnotic movements of the fishes. She did not want to hear those heresies. Even if she did not appreciate the approach, she had gained the attention of the man. Maybe with some other lies, she would have tricked him completely.
« North? » the merchant asked perplexed.
« Yes. Our tribe lives near the Placidium of Navori. The invasion came so quickly that we did not have time the time to fight back. Luckily our father usually hid his goods in a secret place. But it is accessible only to Vastaya; he did not trust humans. »
« So, if I help you, you will be grateful. »
« Extremely grateful! »
« And so, what do you need? »
She sighed, relieved; finally, they were at the crux of the matter.
« A map of Ionia, and also some capes. Before the rain caught us unprepared. »
She looked at Ahri perplexed. She had added something more, and she hoped she had not dared too much.
That man was an idiot for believing to all those lies, but he would have never given them his goods for free.
« And may I have an advance of this... gratitude? »
His face shown a precise intention, and his eyes became more languid when Ahri smiled at him.
She reached her shoulder bag gracefully and took out two golden bracelets.
The merchant seemed disappointed, but his interest raised again when she grabbed the objects.
« Those are some of our few left goods. I know it is not much, but the war parted us from the rest, »
Ahri emphasized the last words, and the merchant smiled again.
« I'm going to get the map; I keep them in the storeroom. »
When the man disappeared behind a rice paper door, she approached the Vastaya. She was relieved that torture ended.
« Do you have nothing to say? » Ahri asked with irony.
« I do not want him to hear me. »
« But you have to say that I did a great job. » she continued, playing with her hair.
« After we would have that stupid map in our hands. »

Memoir of Xayah - The lost sparrow and the lonley foxWhere stories live. Discover now