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3:13 am.

The fluorescent light from Richies alarm clock felt like it burned holes in his retinas as Richie slowly opened his eyes. Why was he awake? He sat up in his bed, looking around. It was dark, except for the dull shine of the moon through his window. He was about to lay down and go back to sleep when he saw movement in the corner of his eye.

Picking up the torch on his bedside table, Richie stood up out of his bed. He clicked the torch but it didn't turn on. He clicked it again, and again, and again. Nothing. He stared up confusedly at the dark corner in his room, then carefully approached his bedroom light switch. It was still far enough away from the corner that he didn't feel threatened.

He flipped the light switch. Nothing. Flipped it again. Nothing. Richie began to feel scared. He grabbed the lamp off of his desk and held it over his head, taking a slow step towards the corner. There was still some sort of movement, he knew there was something in his room.

"Wh-whatever you are, you should get the fuck out! I've.. I've killed an evil clown!" He yelled, gripping the light even tighter.

Suddenly, the shadow seemed to blow past him. It knocked him off his feet, and he watched as the shadow inched quickly out of the window.


Beverly gripped the cigarette between her fingers. "What do you think it was?" She asked, blowing smoke from her mouth.

"No idea," Richie replied, bouncing his leg. Sitting behind the school with Bev was something he did often. Although he was always too scared to smoke, he didn't mind Bev doing it next to him. "It scared me though."

Bev chuckled. "Yeah," she said, putting out the cigarette and standing up. "Let's get to class."

Richie nodded, standing up and walking to class with Bev.

The night before replayed in his mind over and over. What was that thing? He didn't doubt it was real, I mean, he was targeted by a killer clown over the summer. But he had no idea what it was.


362 words

this ones even shorter since i'm going to try and update every day, so they'll probably be shorter chapters but i'll try to make them as interesting as possible


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