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It had been two weeks since the IT attack. The losers were mostly divided by the fact that Eddie had stopped hanging out with Richie. Some, like Bill, followed him without knowing. He sort of unconsciously went where Eddie went, therefore, he saw Richie less. Stan, who basically stared at Bill with heart eyes any time they looked at one another, followed suit of Bill.

Bev didn't stop hanging out with Richie though. Although they didn't really start out as friends, Richie eventually opened up to her, and they bonded. Ben, of course, followed Bev like a puppy and it's owner. Mike sort of floated from group to group.

It seemed like they were all aware of this change, but never said anything about it.


Eddie sat up in his bed, breathing laboured and sweat dripping down his forehead. He glanced around frantically, trying to decipher wether he was still dreaming or if he was awake. He had a particularly bad dream, and it awoke him earlier than normal.

He had no idea what the time was, but as he saw he was in his room, he calmed down. That was until he saw the swift movement of a shadow at the foot of his bed. The moon was shining through his window, dimmed by his thin curtains.

Most of his room was engulfed by darkness, but he still caught the unfamiliar movement in the dim light.

"Mommy?" Eddie asked into the hollow darkness. No response. "Hello?" He called out, looking around his room to try and catch any other kind of movement. No response.

He reached over to try and turn on his lamp, pulling on the cord. When nothing happened, he turned his head and pulled the cord again. Nothing.

Suddenly, the shadowy figure lurched forward, making a small creaking noise against the floorboards. It waited, but only a few seconds, before it leaped from the end of Eddies bed.

Eddie screamed and covered his face. Suddenly, his bedroom light turned on as the door swung open. It was his mother standing in the doorway, and the darkness was gone.

"Eddie-bear? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Sonia rambled, rushing over to the side of Eddies bed. Eddie shook his head, but he couldn't shake the piercing fear that encapsulated him.

He decided to sleep in his mother's room that night.


Eddie didn't say much the next day. It was unlike him, keeping to himself this much. He was normally loud and talkative. His brain felt like a Macbook trying to run a steam game, like he could overheat and explode at any second.

In the afternoon, when a very energetic Bev ran up to Bill suggesting a "reunion", Eddie wasn't listening at all. When everyone turned to him and his ears seemed to stop ringing, he only agreed to whatever was being suggested. He didn't know this would mean seeing, and talking to, Richie.

Before he knew it everyone was following Bev over to Bens house, Eddie followed behind. Richie and Mike were already at Bens house, lounging in the living room. Bens parents were gone for the weekend, so the losers had the house to themselves.

Richie was nervous. He wanted to see Eddie, but knew Eddie wouldn't want to see him. Maybe coming out was a mistake?

When the rest of the Losers arrived, Richie perked up in his seat. He felt on edge already. Knowing Eddie would be there. He waited to see the boy come in through the door last and look around, locking eyes with Richie.

Eddies eyes were blown wide as he stood there, staring at Richie. Richie stood up from his seat and approached Eddie slowly, like he was a wounded animal who could attack anytime. "Hey, Eddie." He said quietly, barely audible over the chatter of the other losers.

Eddies eyes seemed to dart in every direction except forward, and he quickly pushed past Richie and joined the other losers. Richie sighed, taking off his glasses as he rubbed his eyes.


It was now later in the night, and Bill, Ben and Mike were already asleep. There were two couches in Bens living room, both had pull-out mattresses which were now pulled out and set up with blankets and pillows. Mike had helped Ben take his own mattress from his bedroom down to the living room and set it up in the leftover space in the living room. It was a rather big room, so it wasn't a problem.

Bill was laying on one of the pull-out mattresses, his head resting on Stans shoulder. Stan was awake, his eyes focused in the flashing tv. Ben and mike were laying on Bens mattress, both fast asleep with the covers sprawled over them. Bev had left early- not of her own volition, her aunt had called and told her to come home.

Whilst Richie and Eddie stayed on opposite sides of the room. Richie sat on the carpeted floor next to Stan and Bill, and Eddie stood in the corner between the two couches, glancing at Richie every now and then.

Soon enough, they'd have to sleep.

As hours passed by, Stan was now asleep, but Richie and Eddie silently protested with eachother.

But eventually, Eddie grew too tired. He took off his shoes and hesitantly laid down on the mattress. Richie watched him closely, staying seated on the floor. He didn't move at all as Eddie settled into the sheets, leaving one side of the mattress untouched.

The whole room felt suddenly cold as small snores came from different places. Soon enough, Eddie was fast asleep. Richie looked at the time on the small digital clock in the room. 2:48 am. He continued to watch the TV, nothing really interesting happening. He knew he was just procrastinating.

3:23 am. Richie yawned, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. He let out a sigh, looking over at Eddie. He wouldn't be bothered by it, right? He was asleep. But what if he woke up? Would he yell at Richie and kick him out? Maybe it was too risky. But Richie was exhausted.

He folded his glasses and laid them softly on the ground, making a small noise of discomfort as he stood up. He turned off the TV, the only thing lighting up the room the weak shine from the moon through a window.

As Richie carefully climbed under the covers on top of the mattress, Eddie stirred a little. Richie stopped dead in his tracks, only continuing when he knew Eddie wouldn't wake up.

It didn't take long for Richie to start drifting off, and soon enough he was asleep.


1118 words

me: i'm gonna update everyday

also me: last updated april 13th

i turned 13 can you believe- anyways here's a long chapter for y'all. my 43 reads, so proud. it would have been longer but i felt bad for not updating in like two weeks heidhdjfhfif so yeah just enjoy this and let's hope i can get to interesting stuff soon enough.

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