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Chapter Two

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Screaming. Squeals. Girls jumping up and down for freaking joy in the middle of the library.

That was what was surrounding me after the 'big news' of Sawyer's concert rang out through the library in a series of phone notifications.

Jesus, it was like BTS was coming to town or something.

Although he wasn't all the way up there yet with the Korean boy band with solid hits, he was already becoming a household name with his first two albums going double platinum not long after their release.

He had a few songs of substance, but the rest was teeny bopper crap, and this was coming from a girl who'd helped him write a few of his songs, but did I get a writing credit? No of course not, because why give a girl who wants nothing to do with music a credit on a song?

I packed up my studying materials, suddenly losing my appetite for learning and asked my friends if they wanted to grab something to eat.

"Ooh can we grab burgers from the diner on Twelfth Street? Please!"

She knew I didn't have an affinity for said diner, but she didn't know why.

Blair was almost always there hanging out with her posse, and although I knew I left her in the dorms she was too popular to not be hanging out at the diner after the news broke.

"Fine. But let me go back to my room and change first. I'm in library clothes. I need going out clothes."

Connor snorted in laughter at me.

I looked down at my ensemble of black leggings, an oversized long-sleeved shirt and tennis shoes.

"What? What's so funny?"

"Nothing, girls are just so weird about clothes," he said, and I noticed his attire.

Black sweatpants, a white t-shirt and sneakers. I was jealous that he could look so put together but still be so comfortable.

Yeah, guys didn't get it.

"Okay, well we'll meet you there then. I don't have a car and I don't feel like walking, Connor will you drive me?"

Daphne batted her lashes at Connor and I could see the butterflies in her stomach from where I was standing.

He pretended as if he didn't notice the flirtation going on but I could tell it affected him. He agreed to drive her and I parted ways with them, wanting to change as quickly as possible because I was actually pretty starving.

I was grateful to only live about a minute from the library and wasn't surprised to find my dorm room empty.

I slipped off my lounge clothes and donned my tight denim skinny jeans, a cute blouse and some heeled boots while adding a light dusting of makeup across my features. I shook my hair out and allowed my flouncy golden waves to be front and center.

I coated my blue eyes with some light mascara and then I was out the door, walking down the hallway with a purpose...and directly into someone.

A certain someone I didn't want to run into.


"Felicity? You go here? How come I haven't seen you here before?"

I stared at Amy wide eyed and didn't know what to do or what to say, and I was suddenly brought back to that moment in ninth grade.

"Her? No, we're not friends. She's my little sister's friend or something I think."

My heart dropped in my chest.

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