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Chapter Three

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Blair was all over me the second we set foot into the diner.

"Felicity. Thought you were going to the library?"

Her sneer turned into an intrigued stare as she noticed me walking in with Amy. She wouldn't be a complete and total bitch to me in front of strangers, just in case said strangers were important.

It was only when we were alone that she really tore into me. I didn't really care; I'd been through much worse than her insults in my life.

"Who's your friend? She looks familiar," she said, her freshly done acrylics tapping against her chin in mock fascination.

"Blair this is Amy. Amy, this is Blair, my roommate."

Amy's face resembled mine when I first met Blair, eyebrows raised and a half smirk painting her soft features.

God, she looked so much like Sawyer it almost hurt to look at her sometimes as it felt like those same stark blue eyes were pinning me with the weight of all of our history.

I cleared my throat as I realized Amy hadn't said anything and that was probably because she'd heard her nasty tone towards me when I first walked in.

"Anyways, we're going to go sit with my friends. See you later," I told Blair and pushed past her with Amy trailing close behind me, a snicker escaping her as we passed Blair's dumbfounded look. She couldn't understand why Amy wasn't sucking up to her, just like what had happened when I first met Blair, not shrinking to her popularity.

"Well she seems like a treat," Amy said as we reached our seats and I watched as Blair retreated to her group of three stunning females who knew just how gorgeous they were and a table of popular football players who were all roughhousing around.

I was surprised when I noticed Connor hanging out with the popular football guys and made my way towards Daphne in a secluded corner in the back.

"Hey, why isn't Connor sitting with us?" I asked Daphne, more than confused at his behavior. He'd never been one to hang out with the popular crowd, but ever since joining his frat, he'd been more vain and attention seeking than usual. It wasn't a good look on him.

"We walked in together and sat down and ordered but then his buddies came in and pulled him over there into their circle. I've never seen him talk to any of those guys before at all..." she trailed off, casting longing looks at him and it wasn't like I didn't recognize the puppy dog eyes she had for him, everyone besides him could tell she was in love with the guy.

"I'll go get him. Amy meet Daphne, Daphne this is Amy Smith, converse. I'll be back," I said with a flippant smile and didn't give them a chance to argue with me as I made my way over to the 'popular' crowd.

Had I done something like this back home, butterflies would have been attacking my insides with a growing ferocity, but in that moment I really didn't care. Was that a sign that something was wrong with me? Probably.

"Hey Connor," I started, and all heads whipped towards me.

"Felicity. I didn't know you knew Con-Con!"

Ew. Con-Con?

I grimaced at Blair as I began to respond to her in spite but Connor stopped me by draping an arm over my shoulders and I felt the need for the first time in a long time to shove him off in annoyance like I used to do with Ryan.

My throat grew sticky at the memory of my brother and I was thankful Connor decided to answer for me.

"Me and Lissy go way back," he stated and that was the moment I decided to throw him off.

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