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Chapter Seventeen

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The car ride was silent and a little bit awkward but I pretended like I didn't notice.

"I... I'm sorry."

He turned his head slightly to look at me while still keeping his eyes on the road.


"What I said earlier...about your dad. It was out of line, and I'm sorry."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up just the slightest amount to give him that tousled look that always drove me crazy.

"You shouldn't be sorry, it's the truth. My dad's always been a dead beat, it's just a fact and I shouldn't get upset when someone points out that fact."

"I know, but I did it to try to hurt you, and for that I'm sorry. I'm not that person and I don't want to be that person, ever."

His features softened and I bit my lip as I stared at him.

"You were never that person, Felicity. No matter how hard you try you could never be capable of the things that I did to you, and that's why I should be the one apologizing."

I didn't argue with him on that one and just allowed the rest of the ride to follow in silence, my bottom lip firmly stuck in my teeth the entire time.

A swarm of flying insects invaded my abdomen when he pulled up to his condo and I wanted nothing more than to just pull him into his room and never let him leave but I knew he probably didn't feel that level of attraction with me as I did for him and if I tried to make a move I'd probably end up just embarrassing myself in the end.

I gathered my bag in the backseat as he came around and opened my door for me. Pretty chivalrous for someone who used to treat me like crap.

And it was intrusive thoughts like those that kept me from ever really and truly trusting him again. He could apologize a million times and I would still doubt the motive behind those words.

I was more than a mess...I was wrecked.

I took a seat at the bar in the kitchen and picked at my nails while Sawyer pulled a box of pizza out of the fridge and began to reheat it in the microwave.

"You like pepperoni?"

"Oh, no. Sorry, I'm a vegetarian," I joked, feeling the satisfaction as the blood drained from his face.

I laughed. "Pepperoni is fine, I was kidding."

"You know, you're not funny."

He walked around to the island so he was leaned across it and staring at me straight in the face. I could see the wear and tear of his busy schedule as there were dark circles starting to form underneath his cobalt eyes.

I knew he was back in town to start writing and recording his new album but I wondered when he ever got the time to do so with always being there for me and Amy.

"Oh I think I am very funny, you just don't understand my sense of humor," I said.

I smirked at him as the microwave beeped and he grabbed plates for us.

The adrenaline rush from the previous events of the night were starting to wear off, and it was what I imagined coming off of a high from a drug, the effects slowly leaving your system as everything came back into focus.

"I seem to recall you with the worse sense of humor if memory serves. You used to make me watch all of those terrible YouTube videos with the guy whose voice sounded like a hamster and then don't get me started on the talking orange-"

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