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Chapter Six

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I had missed my first morning class which began at nine twenty-five, but if I hurried in dropping my bags off at Daphne's dorm, I would be able to make it to my eleven o'clock class, Sociology.

The halls were abuzz with the traveling news that Sawyer Reeves was on campus. On any normal day I would've brushed the chatter off as annoying, but today I was flat out done with it.

How dare he try and say that I was the self-centered one when all this time, it had been his fault that my brother died? It was his party, his friends, his alcohol...

Obviously, Sawyer wasn't the one who had fought Ryan that night...Sawyer wasn't even there for the second half of the night when the fight broke out, but it was still his fault. If Ryan hadn't become Sawyer's friend in the first place, he never would've gone to that party. He never would've been pushed out of a second-story window to his death by a—

Nope. Not going to think about it.

That had become my mantra every time my brain decided to do an involuntary flashback to that disgusting night.

I wished I'd never gone to that party, either.

Sawyer didn't know that I was there that night, but I watched as he flirted with every single girl there. I swallowed my sorrows in cheap beer and that was how I had made myself vulnerable to him, my brother's killer.

I knew I could ID him if the police ever caught him, but I never learned his name. Sawyer had invited so many college people to his friend's house that night that no one really knew how the mystery killer even knew about the party, even though everyone was questioned thoroughly.

Thinking back on his words, it was hard not to let the anger bubble to the surface and I fought a rising urge to punch a brick column, but I took my deep breaths and tried to focus on the things that I could control.

One step in front of the other, don't slouch, don't scowl as if everyone you cross paths with is the devil.

That last one was a bit hard to accomplish due to my hardships with 'resting bitch face', but after a while of putting on a facade that everything was alright, it wasn't hard to pretend.

Halfway through Sociology and the 'crew' walked in. I guessed they'd gotten bored of our dorm room as a cramped little hangout spot and decided to actually go to the classes that they—I'm sorry—their parents paid for.

Elliott's eyes captured mine and if I was honest with myself, the guy kind of gave me the creeps. Matt and Brake simply nodded their heads in acknowledgement towards me while Sienna, the only girl from their crew in the class, gave me a tight-lipped smile and a meek half wave, which confused the hell out of me.

Are you a bitch, are you an ally? Are you only a bitch around your other bitchy friends? I honestly didn't have the time or the willpower to force myself to care.

Matt slid into a seat next to me whereas the rest of the guys and Sienna found the rest of the open seats on the other side of the room.

"Hey, you going to the Sawyer Reeves concert this Friday?"

I eyed him suspiciously, wondering what the Quarterback of our football team was doing asking me that kind of a question.

"I'm going to a frat party with Connor actually," I told him, wondering why our professor had chosen class time to check her personal emails and allow us to talk amongst ourselves under the guise of 'reading the chapter to ourselves'.

"Nice. Yeah, a bunch of us are going there after the concert too. Maybe we'll see you there," he said and I peeked a glance his way.

He was really cute, but I knew I would be target numero uno if I tried to go on a date with someone of his caliber.

I nodded my head in response and stuck my head in my textbook, being the only one in the class to actually do so.

"So, are you and Connor going out?"

I almost choked on my laughter.

"Hardly. He's more like my little brother."

"Oh, good, good. Yeah, I'm trying to set him up with Sienna but he keeps acting like he's not interested which is crazy because she's so hot. I thought maybe you guys had a thing or something, you seemed so close."

"I mean, yeah we're close but I really don't see him like that, and I don't think he feels that way about me either. I think he might have a crush on my other friend, actually..." I trailed off, thinking of how Daphne was always staring after Connor.

Okay, maybe Daphne was the one who had a crush, but I wondered if I spoke it into existence then it would become true?

I would love for my friends to be happy together. At least some of us should get a happy ever after...

"So, you're single then?"

At my nod he continued, "And how is that possible?"

The bell rang and I began to pack my things but we continued our conversation.

"Well, let's just say I have a lot in common with the baggage claim area in the airport."

And with that, I gave him a small wave and hustled my way out of the door before he could say anything more to me. I'd seen enough movies and read enough books to know that once a guy asked if you were single and then why, he was most likely going to ask you out in the next breath, which was something I most definitely didn't want.

I had enough male drama in my life to last me a lifetime, and that was from just one male!

I was hurrying so fast down the hall that I didn't realize I was headed directly for someone before I'd completely crashed into them already.

"I am so sorry! Oh, hey!"


It was Amy, and she didn't look too happy to see me.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier in your dorm. I really wasn't expecting to see you know who and he really threw me off balance with his attitude and...well, I'm sorry."

Her blue eyes softened and damn what I would have given to see Sawyer's eyes be able to do the same thing, but all his were capable of were staring and glaring.

Based off of their personalities, I would have forgotten they were related had they not looked so strikingly similar, it was a wonder no one had figured out that she was his little sister yet.

"No need to apologize at all. I know my brother can be a bit...mercurial at times, but he's still my brother and I'll love him no matter what. Although, I am sorry about what he said to you, that wasn't right. And I'm glad you put him in his place."

I laughed with her as we began walking down the halls together.

"Well, I'm not so sure it did me any good. Now I'm all wound up and angry and I don't have any outlet to let it all go."

"Have you not heard of the new place on campus?"

"What? Is it like an axe throwing room or a room where you get to smash everything in sight with giant baseball bats, because I could be so into that!"

She gave me a look as if I were a bit unhinged. Hell, maybe I was.

"Nooooo...it's a self-defense class. I'm going later tonight to my first one, you should try it out with me! Please?"

How could I say no to possibly being able to kick people in the face? All for the sake of learning, of course.

"Alright. What time? Maybe we can meet up before!"

"Umm, well I'm having dinner with you know who right before, but I can meet you there! It's at the rec center at eight."

"Sounds good. Get ready, because I'm feeling punchy."

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