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Chapter Nine

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"Forget something? I'm gonna need an apology before you get your stuff back, though, and an explanation as to why-"

"It's Amy...there's been an accident."

Amy's trembling body stiffened at my words and I just kept a tight grip around her, hoping that my hug could chase off the nightmares and the terror when I knew damn well that it wouldn't work. It might comfort her for a while but when I was gone, and she was finally alone with herself, the memories would come back to haunt her night after night.

It was a reality I knew myself all too well, and Blair could attest to the fact that the nightmares still ran rampant through my mind as I'd woken her up one too many times in a fit of screams and tears.

"What kind of accident? Where are you, I'll come to you."

"We're at the dorms, but I wouldn't suggest coming here just yet. My roommate just called the cops and they'll be here any second, and from my experience with this type of...situation, the cops will most likely bring her down to the station to write a statement and try to get a sketch."

Blair threw a confused look my way.

"Who are you on the phone with? Her parents?"

I waved her off as Sawyer began speaking again.

"Okay, I'll park outside the dorms and when the cops show up I'll get out and speak with them."

"I don't think that's a very good idea..." I trailed off, not wanting hordes of screaming girls around while Amy was in such a fragile state.

"Amy needs to be calm right now and I don't think your...presence would help the situation."

The realization finally dawned on him, as I hoped it would.

I could see him in my mind's eye pulling his hands through his dark hair and pacing around in anxiousness, wanting to do something to help.

"I'll call you as soon as the police are done and let you know what they say. I have Amy, she's safe with me, and the guys that were with me when we heard her scream chased after the guy so they might have caught him..." I trailed off as I heard a frightened whimper escape Amy's mouth.

I just hugged her tighter.

I didn't ask if she was okay. I didn't ask her anything, actually.

After my attack, I was less than okay, and I could tell by the fact that she was still fully clothed that it hadn't been that kind of attack, but she had still been overpowered by a man and I had plenty of experience in that area, unfortunately.

The last thing I wanted after it happened was everyone throwing a million questions my way. I just wanted to be left alone and to follow Ryan's ambulance to the hospital to make sure that he was okay; I hardly cared about myself.

"What guys?"

Huh? Oh...

"My roommate's friends, a few are on the football team. I'm sure they'll catch up to him, or at the very least get a good description of him."

"Is she...did he-"

"It looked like the guy was trying to rob her as she was coming to her dorms through the stairwell, but I caught the tail end of it. I think she'll be just fine, but we still want the police to do what they can."

"Okay. Call me the second they're done talking. I have to call our parents, they're going to want to fly down here now I'm sure."

"Okay I will."

He hung up without saying goodbye and Blair gave me a quizzical look but I didn't care about her, all I cared about was making sure Amy was alright.

I pulled away from her a bit so I could look in her eyes and I could tell she was calming down a bit so I finally decided to ask her what happened.

"I was coming home from the coffeehouse when I decided to come in through the back way. I saw a shadow behind me and that was when he pushed me down. I got up and ran into the stairway, but he grabbed my book bag. I think he was trying to do something more to me when he grabbed my shirt up but I screamed and that was when you guys came running...thank you so much, I-"

She broke down then and started crying and I could more than sympathize with her. It was one thing to think that someone just wanted to rob you, but a completely different scenario when you knew they wanted to violate you.

It sent disgusting shivers down your body and drew a nauseous boiling into your stomach.

I felt that nausea in that very moment, and it was hard not to let my mind wander to those disturbing moments before Ryan was sent out of the window careening down to his doom.

I couldn't focus on myself in that moment, though, and before I knew it the police were there to figure out the problem.

Brake, Elliott and Matt returned empty handed but all wheezing from the exertion of trying to catch Amy's assailant.

Elliott had his chest puffed out as if trying to seem like a hero in a bad movie and I wanted to swat him away like an annoying gnat but I couldn't forget how he had tried to find her attacker, and for that he would receive my thanks later.

The cop with a full-on seventies' mustache brought out a notepad and took down Amy's story and, sure enough, wanted to take her down to the station.

The cop told Sienna and Blair to go back to their rooms since they hadn't really witnessed anything and said there was nothing more that the guys could do so they, too, retreated from the building after parting ways with quick condolences about the incident.

I thought I saw Matt trying to catch my eye, but I had no intentions of letting him think I returned his interest in me. I wanted nothing to do with boys ever again. I was far too damaged for my own good, and I refused to allow Amy to become that way.

"Ma'am, if you'll just come with us and we can take you to the station."

Amy's blue eyes flitted up to meet mine and I could tell what the pleading there meant.

"Uh, actually, her brother is waiting outside. Can he drive us and we can follow you?"

Mustache man nodded and said, "Sure. Why didn't he come in?"

"Long story...we'll fill you in at the station."

"Alright..." he trailed off, clearly confused, but if he had ever turned on a radio then he would understand once Sawyer walked into the police station.

This was going to be good...

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