Chapter 3: Skeppy!

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Spifey's POV

As I open the door, I can see Y/N's eyes shining like a star. She seems like she's a huge fan of...Zak. That one goofy diamond cube troller. He waves to me and Y/N. He asks Y/N, "Hii! Are you spifey's girlfriend?~ Sorry to disturb your "romantic" moment." Y/N's cheek Is red like a tomato and so am I..

She, then, answers zak's question.
"Of course I'm not..We're just friends¡.." She puts her hand behind her. Zak chuckles a bit. I welcomed zak In and bring him to the living room. "Soo..what brings you here, Zak?" I question him. He replies, "Well..My parents are also on vacation and my sister wanted to learn how to take care of the house alone soo..Can I stay with you both? I promise, It won't be that long." I stood there and waited for Y/N's response however she looks at me and nods. I say to zak, "Sure! I don't mind at all. And so does she." I point to her. Zak hugs me and Y/N.."Thank youuu! I promise I wont bother you both, maybee...." We both laughed because we know that was a lie. He's probably gonna troll us more than Darryl (Bbh).

While still talking together in the living room, I ask zak.. "Do you wanna sleep In the bedroom or living room?" He answers. "Bedroom!" I looked at Y/N and give that sinister look. Y/N says to zak.."Guess we're roomates then?" He says yes. I don't know why but I have a feeling that this was a bad choice, for some reason. Noo.. It's not a jealous feeling, I swear.

A few hours later has passed and we're all In different rooms. Zak Is with Y/N, And I'm alone In the living room. I scrolled through Instagram and read people's dm. I'm bored and I don't know what to do. I could record a video, yes..but I don't know what type and stuff. And my computer, gaming set and all of that Is upstairs..
While thinking of that, I heard a Scream In the bedroom. I ran upstairs to see..

No one? What? But Zak and Y/N was just here a few minutes ago.. Wait, don't tell me this Is one of their prank together? I knew this was a bad idea to let them be roomates, but here we are.. I tried to search everywhere In that room but I cant find them. I looked In other rooms upstairs too but I still cant find them at all. Suddenly, all the lights and electricity went off. Yeah..I'm sure this is their prank.

Suddenly, Someone taps my shoulder. I looked back and forth but theres no one. I took my phone and messaged Y/N and Skeppy but they didn't answered or even read it at all. Is someone breaking In my house or..?
I took an umbrella and used that as a weapon Incase someone attacks me. I called Zak and Y/N's name but they're no where to be found. I panicked. I'm scared, what are they doing right now? Are they still alive?

Skeppy's POV

Me and Y/N are currently hiding In the bathroom next to the kitchen and dining room downstairs. Hehe, I'm sure he's panicking right now. However, something's not right. Me and Y/N did let that Scream In that bedroom and then left and then went In here, but.. We didn't turn off all the lights and electricity at all. Uhhh...I did not planned this.

Y/N Comes closer to me and says.. "Do you wanna check on George? I'm abit worried now..I don't hear his voice or footsteps anymore." I nod and we both went out of the bathroom. We head upstairs and called George's name a few times but now..He's not answering!

This Is just like a horror movie, and I'm scared. My heart Is racing so bad right now.. I look at Y/N and shes still with me. We walked and looked at everywhere but, George Is not In there.

All of a sudden, we heard something fell down. Y/N looks afraid..I try to comfort and calm her down. It works, a little. We go to where that sound Is and see..George. It looks like he has fainted? I'm not quite sure. Y/N Pokes his cheek a few times, He's still not waking up. I could call a doctor or something but It looks like he just fainted. Nothing more..

Some hours later..He finally woke up. He looks at me and Y/N In an angry gesture. "...Why did you guys so that?"
He asks. Me and Y/N Hugged him and explained what happened. He hugs us back and says.."Then, who's that guy?" Y/N Answers, "Who?" George tells us about him. "He was wearing a black hoodie and a mask. I cant really see anything about him, to be honest. He hit me when I looked back and then I passed out. He didn't say anything.." What the hell? Who would do such thing? I didn't even tell anyone else except Y/N about the prank.

Y/N Then says.."Atleast It's gone now. Should we report It to the police or something? He could come again In here and..."bother" us." Me and George agrees and the three of us went Into the police station.

We explained what happened In the house and they said they will check the house soon. They will also bring us..bodyguards. They told us to always watch out and be careful. Always prepare a weapon and a plan Incase they came In again. We nod..and kept that In mind

We came back to the house and nothing happened. It's still the same.
Since I didn't want them to keep worrying and thinking about that..I asked them to play Minecraft together with me and have fun! They both agree. We played hypixel games. After that, we watched a romantic movie.
While watching that movie, Y/N Falls asleep and leaned Into George's shoulder. George blushes and patted her head. I look at George and give him that "I ship it" look. He chuckles at my reaction.

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