Chapter 4: Chaos

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Y/N's POV..

I woke up to see that I've been leaning on George's shoulder as he sleeps. However, Zak Is still awake.. I wanna move but I don't wanna wake George up. Besides, I know he's tired after everything that just happened.  So, I try to sleep again but damn It's hard. Especially If you just woke up.. I guess I'll just stay like this. Pretending to be asleep..

All of a sudden, Zak looks at me and wanted to laugh. “My, oh my.. you both “slept together” again?” He chuckles as he teases me. “No..! It's not like that, dummy!“ “Oh? Are you surrrreeeee?“ Goddamnit, who would've known that he would be such a tease?! I mean.. I don't mind but poor George. Being shipped with a girl like me. He doesn't deserve to be with me, right?

Suddenly, I can feel something poking my cheeks. I looked back and see that was George's hand. “Good morning, Y/N!“ He says.  “Ah..good morning to you too, Geo. Did you have a good sleep?“ “Well, kind of? I guess.“ Eeeh..I guess he's okay, I'm glad. But If he did have a bad nightmare.. I will try to comfort him and make him forget about that. I just want the best for him.

As I keep thinking about that, Geo moves and notices that last time I slept on his shoulder. I blushed and hide my face. “Sorry, geo..” He moves over and faces me eye to eye. “Don't be. Besides, I don't mind..“ He says. I am a bit relieved; I thought, maybe.. He was uncomfortable.

Zak calls me and geo and looks at the window. “You guys..seeing this?“ He points to one of the bodyguards who seems like they've passed out.. There's also a little bloodstain In the floor. I am anxious and scared of what's going to happen. I whisper to zak, “What If we take the weapons downstairs and go up? Geo can hide In here, right?“ He nods. “That's a great Idea. If all of us went downstairs, one of us could just..get Injured already by "that guy" or something else that's much worser.“ I, then, explain to geo about our plan with zak. He said he wanted to join us but nevermind. He wishes us goodluck, and be careful.

After that, Me and Zak went downstairs carefully and ran to the kitchen to take the knife(s). We also took other kitchen weapons, like.. a frying pan and a butcher knife and a lot of other stuff. We also thought we could trap him with  something..Ehehehe. Guess this Is what happens when two great minds think alike. But..I'm sure George Is much smarter than me and zak.

Zak/Skeppy's POV

After a few 9+ minutes,
Me and Y/N have gathered the weapons and stuff for the plan we have to trap “the evil guy”. Hopefully this actually works and doesn't take a wrong turn. If It does, might just think about other plans. Me, Geo, Y/N can do this! We're the powerful trio. Or..maybe not? I don't know;

While me and y/n were talking, we heard a sound of a broken window shattering. It's as If..someone's breaking In again. I turn off the lights and open my phone. I try to call the police and 911 again but I noticed that my phone's battery is 1% and.. It died. Goddamnit, when I need you In moments like this you die. Why? I ask y/n If she brought her phone downstairs but apparently It was upstairs.. with George.

We both hear footsteps coming closer and louder. I hold my breath, and so does y/n. I throw one of the small knifes but It seems It doesn't hit anywhere. Instead I hear someone mumbling.. “Oh! There you are..“ 
After hearing that, I told y/n to run with me. We ran slowly to the bathroom and closed the door. We also locked It. “Hey y/n, what would you do If we died right now?“ She looks at me worriedly and answers. “Uhm..don't say that, dummy. We're going to manage! I promise. But..If we don't, please forgive me If I ever hurt you with my words and actions..” “Forgive me, too..“ After talking a bit, I come closer to her and hug her. “I know I always bully or tease you, but..not this time.“ She hugs me back very tightly. However, I can see a shadow under the door. And someone Is saying.. “Is there anyone In the bathroom? Come out~! I wont hurt you, hehehe.“ I, somehow, don't trust this guy. Y/N told me not to open the door but I mean...We have weapons right?

I opened the door and see the guy George mentioned. He wears the same outfit! I pull out my knife as y/n does the same. The guy chuckles. “Aaah, hello my sweet y/n! I know you would be here In the house of that spifey guy.“ It seems like they both know eachother but y/n looks very confused. She says..“Who the hell are you? And what do you want?“ The guy opens his hoodie and shows his face. “It's me, Dylan! Your favorite..ex lover.“ Y/N then come closer to him and slapped him. “Go away! We already broke up, didn't we?!“ It looks like she's about to stab him 45x. “No, not yet. You're always gonna be mine..“ That guy, then, hitted y/n with a bat and Injected something with his syringe. I try to wake y/n up and pick her up but..I was too late. I also got hurted several times by him. We both, then passed out..

Spifey/George's POV

It's been a few long minutes and they haven't came back yet. I want to see and go out but.. they told me to stay here whatever I see or heard. I try to contact Zak with Y/N's phone but he's not answering at all.

I guess I need to go downstairs..I take my pocket knife and all of the stuffs I have and carefully go to the kitchen. As I go there, I Saw nothing..except the fact that the kitchen stuff In there are gone. I know Zak and Y/N took It but.. why Is there bloodstains close to the bathroom door? I wonder what happened. I called their names but no response at all. Maybe they caught the guy and already went to the police station..? I gotta think positive.

I check the blood much closer with my eyes and hear some sounds under the basement. It sounds like they're saying.. “PLEASE! SOMEONE, HELP! I BEG YOU.. WE NEED—“ Wait, who's In my basement?! They don't even have the key, right? Or do they..? I ran down there, only to see..

cliffhanger again 😳😳 i'm sorry

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