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"I" Though the effort to do so only serves to exhaust me further, my eyes falling shut when the hand that came up to ever so gently stroke my cheek takes a moment to brush some of my tangles away from my face and behind my ear. With every caress, I feel more and more conflicted... I know I should not be here... I should not be in this palace... I should not be in this softer than air bedding... And I most certainly should not be allowing myself to lean into the feel of the Prince's palm when he cradles my cheek with seemingly no other purpose but to drag his slightly chilled thumb over my sensitive skin...

The kind Prince seems to want me to take comfort in him... And strangely enough before my collapse, it almost seemed like he was encouraging the same behavior from me when we had landed on the ground after my tumble from Annabeth's saddle... The way he had crooned to me and held me close... The way he had held me fast in his lap when I had tried to stand the first time... Yes... Prince Edmund seems to very much want to comfort me... I just haven't got the slightest idea why he wants to do so.


Alister's eyes flick to mine when my Love's pallid skin turns a shade paler, the soft rise and fall of his chest as he breathes faltering from the effort it's taking him to be verbal... From trying to stay present with us instead of letting himself drift away into what most likely will be a seamless, exhaustion induced sleep that he looks as though he so desperately needs.

"Just a few more questions, Jasper, and then you can rest while I conduct the actual examination." Alister wisely holds off on touching my Angel at the moment so as not to jostle him while attempting to take a medical history, "Has this type of episode happened to you before? If you have has it happened often?"

It's almost endearing to watch the keeper of my newfound adoration struggle to keep his head up as he grows wearier and wearier... And yet I find myself pulling one of the extra pillows from where I've set them next to the bed in order to slip it behind his delicate head for added support... The support that seems to make it easier for him to relax and in turn, easier to speak, his words making my very soul sore with a profound ache that I feel may not leave me until he is turned and healthy and not in any danger of his heart failing.

"I've got... I've got a murmur...That's what the Doctors have all said." He has to take a moment to swallow, the tongue that darts out to attempt to wet his lips having a rather hard time of it... A reminder that I still have not sent for the cup of tea I had felt he had needed ages ago... One that I can't focus on as he begins again, "I-It comes and goes with stress... I have to try and be careful."


"I bet you do... What we're you up to when the episode fell upon you today?" Doctor Alister is keen with the way he hangs on to my words, his next question one that I am asked every time a Doctore is sent for for me... Except this time instead of having to admit that I was attempting to help with the farm work at home that I've promised time and time again to let be... I have to admit that, "I... I lost control of my horse...And... And..." It's getting harder and hard to stay awake, my eyelids getting heavier as I reach for the proper way to articulate what had sent me into this last attack.

"I think my name gave him quite a shock. We took a tumble when I stopped his horse and he was worried about the state of my clothes." The Prince takes pity on me and fills in the gaps in my explanation, Alister humming in understanding.

"Alright." Alister keeps his tone light and low as he proceeds, "Go ahead and rest while I take a moment to look you over. Just try and stay limp and if it's needed I'll move you."

The Doctor waits until I give a nod of understanding, and then I feel him. His touch is gentle and barely-there as he fishes for a pulse on my wrist, and then again on my throat. His hands keep moving, a thorough work through surely, but one that seems quicker and more in-depth than the exams that I've had before.

Being moved this way and that... Being sat up without having to support myself one of the oddest sensations when accomplished by leaning against an ear pressed to my back while quick fingers tap away on my chest.

I'm allowed to lay back only to have my legs uncovered and lifted, bent this way and that, my range of motion tested in my knees and ankles, my joints examined for fluid build up... Which when found is quickly massaged and when expressed gives me the greatest sense of relief in my ankles.

To my surprise when the lower half of the examination is over pillows get gently pushed beneath me- one under my knees and one under my ankles to keep them propped up to prevent the fluid from pooling once again in my ankles and feet... I don't think I've ever even seen more than four pillows in my entire life and in this room alone there are so many... All so soft... And being wasted on me of all people.

I get tucked back under the covers, the Doctor giving a hushed whisper to the Prince before a gentle hand finds my shoulder to rouse me just a touch, the sight of Doctor Alister looming over me with a small smile waiting for me when I manage to finally open my eyes.

"Jasper... I think it best if you stay here for the night. In a few minutes there will be some tea brought up that will have medicine in it that'll ease some of the discomfort I'm sure you're in, and I'll need you to finish it for me, okay? And do not be afraid to ask for another cup if you become uncomfortable again... In the meantime though, I'll need your last name so we can send word to your family of what's happened and where you are." The words should fill me with panic... But when I look past the kind Doctor Alister and meet the eyes of the Prince that had come to my rescue this afternoon... I feel... Safe.

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