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It had not taken much convincing on our part to coax Jasper's mother into staying while his father goes with the carriage I had arranged for in order to fetch my Beloved's belongings, her gaze ever trained on her son as he stays nestled in my lap repeatedly seeking out my scent like the Angel he is...

It is not as though we are hard-pressed for conversation, the easy air that has taken over the room mostly due in part to the relief his parents now feel knowing that their son is not only safe and cared for... But also that he is going to live a long, full life without it being cut short by the mistimed beating that has plagued him all of his life... No... Instead, we are all content to sit and stare at Jasper as he hides his face from us,  the only sign that he's awake being when he builds up enough daring to peek out at us... Only to hide himself away once more when he realizes that we are indeed still looking at him. 

"The two of you seem quite... attached already. I... I-Is that normal?" The question is more than fair with the two of us wrapped around each other the way we are, my eyes having trouble focusing on anything other than Jasper himself for any true length of time. 




At first, I expect Edmund to answer, but he seems too concerned with stroking my hair and pressing light, flustered kisses to my forehead while he keeps me close, the Queen being the one to answer Mama's question with words that further serve to bring my soul peace, "Absolutely. Upon finding one's beloved, the bond is nearly instant, and we are consumed with the need to comfort and protect them."

And then for the first time since joining us, Princess Carilynn shares her voice, "The intensity can be a bit shocking for those who have never witnessed the bond before... I can assure you there is nothing for you to fear... The two of them are simply sharing the joy that comes with finding each other... It is innocent.

Her voice is hushed and kind, and I cannot help but remember the tender way she had reached out to hold my hand when I was nervous in the face of my parents... The way she had interlaced her fingers with mine as though she somehow knew just how much I had feared that they would strike down the idea of me moving into the castle... Of me belonging to Prince Edmund... I think I like Princess Carilynn, and now that is settled that I am to stay I very much hope that the two of us might be friends.

"I see... That isn't a bad thing at all... I-Is there anything I should know? Anything I should be asking?" I can understand Mama's curiosity... I can't help but think that I myself should have more questions than I currently have asked... But it is so easy for me to give in to the comfort Prince Edmund seems so happy to offer me and not worry over the finer details, "Will there be a cost for you to keep him? Any court tithings he shall need? We don't have much but we would be happy to offer anythi-"




"Hush." I know it is rude to interrupt, but this woman is to be my mother-in-law, and if we are truly to make her and the rest of Jasper's family feel welcomed amongst us we should treat them just as what they are, family, by letting proper etiquette drop with it just being the small collection of us here in the sitting room, "No tithings or dues will ever be required. Jasper's place is here, and with your blessing in place there is nothing short of his own free will that could ever give him reason to leave." 

It is far too easy to answer her with such assuredness, the way her son is currently clinging to me surely pointing towards the fact that even he feels the pull of our bond driving him to nuzzle his sweet face into my shoulder leaving me ever so enchanted with him... There is so much we need to discuss... So much that we do not know about each other... 

But somehow none of that seems as important as the intimate moments we are sharing with each other and a small portion of our family... It feels important to let myself listen to the tender whimpers that just barely escape the back of Jasper's throat every time he adjusts himself in order to feel impossibly closer to me, "We're family now... And that means you, as Jasper's relatives, are also more than welcome to come and go as you please. The only thing you truly need to keep in mind is that already, Jasper is loved... And he shall always have a place here so long as he chooses to stay by my side."

I know my declaration is presumptive,  and that my Mother is likely thinking that I am very much the love-drunken fool at the moment... But she is absolutely right in this instance... I am thoroughly intoxicated by Jasper's mere presence and I have no intention of ever being otherwise, no matter how many nights he lays sleeping in my arms... 

His parents will have absolutely nothing to worry about in the way of care and adoration when it comes to Jasper... I shall help his heart heal itself enough to withstand the change that will allow him to overstep the cusp of the humanity he was born into and into the life he was always meant to be... He will be given the title of crown-Princess as soon as it is acceptable for us to announce our engagement to the people... And then when we marry he shall be Queen, and the entire time he shall want for nothing. 

His needs would never again go ignored or unchecked... Alistair will be by our sides overseeing my sweet Jasper's blood therapy, likely Mother, Father, and my siblings as well, their fascination with the newest human member of our family surely one to catch their interest at some time or another... And soon his parents shall be able to witness something that they have never been blessed with before but have likely always craved... The sight of their sickly son finally starting to thrive. 

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