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"M-May I ask what the sleeping arrangements are to be? Or have they yet to be decided?" Mama's question is a good one, and one that I had not thought to ask for myself... It had never crossed my mind that I would not spend every night as I did last night... Curled up safely in Prince Edmund's arms...Though I am very aware that it would not be appropriate.

It is a question that I notice makes my sweet Prince tighten his protective hold on my body, another light kiss being pressed to the top of my hair with a slight hum before he finds it within himself to answer Mama, "Jasper will have his own room, and an attendant to watch over him and monitor his heart as he sleeps."

His answer causes me to shuffle myself closer to his cool chest in an effort to be as close to his person as possible knowing that I will not be able to indulge in his embrace this evening when I feel like I may need it most... An action that is met with the most endearing of coos as his hand leaves my hair so that he might caress my cheek in the gentlest way he knows how.




"Will the attendant be..." My future Mother-In-Law hesitates over her wording in a way that draws the smile already gracing my face into a wider stance, her wanting to keep from being offensive something highly appreciated.

"Human?" I know very well that that is not the word that her tongue is tripping over, but I see it as more of a mercy to not make her flinch by uttering the word vampire when she is already so very flustered, "Unfortunately, no. Our best medical staff are of our own race, our senses are keener and more suited to the task of monitoring health. But worry not, I would never place Jasper in any kind of dangerous situation. His safety will always be a priority." I cannot help but say the words more to the delicate beauty that is my Beloved, his shivering melting the very essence of my being down to nothing but a simmering pool of unyielding emotion and the intense urge to secret my sweetheart away so that we might relax alone together and I might coax him into blessing me with that lovely voice of his.

"I suppose if a-a vampire is more suited to the task then it will surely be what is best for you Jassy!" It is touching how chipper she tries to be, and the smile that she shares with my own Mother so very touching in and of itself in the moment that they take the time to share.

"Worry not. Jasper's reputation is safe in our hands, my Dear. I would never let our sons ruin themselves on my watch." And by this I know she means she will watch carefully over the progression of our bond to ensure that is is not tampered with, and that we take our time in nursing and nurturing things between us properly... We both know that I'll not be able to keep myself away from Jasper, no matter the time of day... And while he will absolutely have his own room, the only person I truly trust my sweet Angel with is myself... And I shall watch over him carefully and with as much grace as the gods will allow me.




Mama falls blessedly silent for a little while before picking up a very polite line of questions for the Queen and Princess Carrilynn, and I am allowed to let my mind drift into nothingness so that I might enjoy the feel of Prince Edmund's arms wrapped so carefully around me... For I adore the way this feels... And I find myself feeling more and more as though I adore Edmond himself... His voice... The way his scent lingers in my nose... The feel of his hand taking its time while stroking my hair...

Everything about him is so very very calming and I am unsure of how to combat the warmth that he is causing to pool within my aching chest... Even right down to the way he's anticipating my needs while still hanging on to the conversation with the others, his hand leaping out the moment I raise one of my own to reach for the now chilled cup of tea sitting on the table before us.

I do not even need to hold it on my own, Prince Edmund seeming to find it fit to lift the fine china to my lips for me so that I might swallow down a few more mouthfuls of the tepid tea infused with his blood, a very intoxicating medicine indeed... And it is he who pulls the teacup away from my lips when I pull my lips away from the rim, and I find that the action leaves my Prince's face so very close to my own... His lips seeming so very tempting for some odd reason...

It is clear that he also finds himself just as enraptured in my own lips with the way he starts to lean into me after setting the now empty cup back on the table, and just as my eyes start to close so that I might meet him unaware of anything else that might be happening in the room, his hand finding itself gripping my chin just so to hold me still... Only to have a knock on the parlor door frighten us both, the Queen clearing her throat when she notices the position that we have found ourselves in, my eyes opening to find her cheeks glowing almost as brightly as my own.

I do not have it in me to check Mama's face... Before now I had never dreamed of kissing anyone at all...Much less a vampiric man who just happens to be rightful heir to the throne... And just now I had been waiting for his lips to graze my own right in front of both of our mothers and have no time whatsoever to focus on it before Her Majesty calls for the doors to be opened, my father smiling on just the other side of them with a footman helping him with the small amount of luggage that is holding what I am hoping is at least most of what I was able to call mine back at home, though I know my siblings have likely laid claim to a trinket or two.

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