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After finally allowing himself to collapse into me, it seems that it is so much easier for my sweet Jasper to accept comfort from me, his lips grazing my neck in the smallest form of appreciation every single time a soft whimper leaves him, my hand taking its time to stroke his hair while he relaxes in my lap, his parents as well as Mother standing not too far from where we stay entangled in the bed that will rarely if ever see only one of us if not both spending time resting on its firm softness.

It seems a bit hard... For his parents to really keep their eyes to themselves, not that I blame them... This must be a shock to his entire family... To receive news that he had fallen so ill from the stress of his ride that he had needed to see our physician, only to find their son wrapped up in my arms and returning every ounce of affection I impart to him... His lips having been so close to being sampled if only I had been quicker to lean in...

But still, it is not hard to tell that the attention makes my Beloved more than just anxious... It seems as though he feels on display, and in retaliation to the feeling he has nearly been successful at turning himself to straddle me as he had done yesterday after falling from his horse, my hands being the only thing stopping sweet Jasper from trying to wrap his legs around my waist, a position I would not find any fault in, though his parents might...

Ever to the aide of romance wherever she can find it, Carrilyn, my sweet sister, is doing what she can to block their view by standing in front of us cooing at my sweet to come out from where he is keeping his sweet face hidden so that she might feed him one of the sweets that Alister insists on showering her in... The filling of this one burnt sugar and brandy, a flavor combination I have no idea if he will actually enjoy... Though a mental note has been made to ask if he has had this type of confectionary before to actually know what type of chocolate and candy he might actually enjoy... Not that Carrilyn isn't willing to stand here and dote on him by feeding him each and every flavor her beau has had crafted in her honor and gifted with a smile... Either way... The way that he shies away from each and every coo that leaves Carrilyn's mouth is absolutely stunning, and not only because it causes him to press himself all the more firmly into my chest to try and hide from her attentions.




I do not think cheeks can take much more attention with the way all of the eyes in the room seem to keep circling back to me... Even when there are such interesting things placed all around us... Even the fireplace has more of a story than I have, my entire life being spent in beds far less comfortable than this one not even allowed to run and play with my other siblings... I've always been left alone to comfort myself...

And even though I am fully aware that I do not want Prince Edmund to leave my side, I know that it is very likely that when his Mother and sister leave us that he shall likely follow, the Queen having reassured Mama several times that my only objective while being here with them other than getting to know Prince Edmund is resting as much as possible so that their remedies and treatments might have a chance to truly work... Even if Mama and Papa don't know that those treatments and remedies involve Edmund opening his wrist and turning it over my cup...

Not that I think that that would truly have any bearing on whether or not they would let me stay if the Royal family truly can heal my heart... Even if it sounds as though it is some dark morbid tale to warn others into giving the castle an even wider birth than most of us do already, except it wouldn't be out of respect for the well-kept grounds, it would be because the act sounds so much more monstrous than it actually is...

I try not to let my mind run away with me, instead focusing solely on the feel of Prince Edmund as he holds me, the gentle caress of his fingers through my hair the only thing shielding me from Princess Carrilyn as she waves that sugared morsel so very close to my face... I've never truly had chocolate before to my knowledge... It is always so expensive, and most of my family's extra money went towards buying cure after rumored cure trying to prevent my heart from stealing away what is left of the life that I have just barely lived...

As much as I would like to accept the treat being offered to me I know that it would mean pulling my face away from the collar that smells so very lovely under my nose... And the cool sensation of having Prince Edmund's cool shoulder under my flushed cheek... I know very much so that I will very likely have to climb out of his lap soon and onto the bed that shall be mine until my heart is well enough for us to decide on how to move forward with each other, my own heart hoping that my Prince will volunteer a bit more information to my ears so that I might understand him and the strange bond between us a bit better than I currently am so that Prince Edmund might take his leave and return to his normal duties.

It is a thought that scares me... And I know that rationally it should not... That just because I am new here and a guest does not mean that I am not safe if the one who brought me here is not constantly by my side to ensure that nothing befalls me... I know that as the Prince he must have other things to do... More important things to do... And yet all morning he has done nothing but whisper to me how lovely it is that I allow him to hold me just the way we are at the moment... That he already adores me... That the beat of my heart, when steady, is charming to his ears... That he is so very sorry for nearly taking the liberty of plucking from my lips what he had accurately assumed to be my first kiss... A kiss that he has asked if I might save for him and a more appropriate moment...

While the stares of everyone else in the room weigh so heavily on my soul... I dare say that the gaze of the Prince who has yet to look anywhere other than me since the moment we met each other yesterday... It is actually soft enough to make me feel safe... And as if if I were to stare back at him that there would suddenly be no one else in the room, just like in the sitting room earlier... When his lips had been so close to touching mine...

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