Waiting for Her - Wednesday March 25th 2015

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Derek's POV

I look at my wife in the hospital bed with sad eyes. I squeeze her hand tightly, hoping she will squeeze back but get no response from her. The doctors told me they excepted her to wake up after just a couple weeks but she hasn't woken up. It has been three weeks since the accident and there has been no sign of her waking up anytime soon. Some of our friends and family have come to visit us at the hospital but some had to go back to their homes. There has been no sign of her waking up anytime soon.

"Hey. Beautiful. I know I've said this so many times, but I am so sorry that I didn't tell you about the audition. I didn't imagine our marriage to be like this. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I never want to hurt you again. Just please wake up Beautiful. That's all I want right now. I miss you and I miss hearing you yell 'Flyboy' whenever you want my attention. Please wake up," I plead softly, leaning over to place a soft kiss on her cheek. I sit back down as the door opens.

"Daddy?" Cassie asks from the doorway. I jerk my head to look at my daughter and Willow and smile weakly.

"Come here Stardust," I whisper, letting go of Parker's hand. I hold my hands out to her and gesture for her to come to me.

Willow leads her over to the bed and lets her walk around it to me.  Cassie reaches up to me and I lift her up onto my lap and hold her close. She reaches up and touches my newly grown beard. I haven't had enough energy to shave it since Parker got into that car accident.

"I wasn't going to bring her today but she kept asking for you. I tried calling you a few times but I couldn't get through to you so I just decided to bring her here. I'm sorry if it makes it worse," Willow apologizes as she sits in the chair on the other side of the bed. She reaches out and takes Parker's hand.

"My phone died so it's charging," I tell her, looking down at the girl in my lap who is playing with my fingers.

"Go home, Derek," she says after a few beats of silence. I look up at her again.

"I... I can't," I respond, full of emotion. "What if she wakes up. I can't leave her side. I can't go home," I say, worried.

"I will call you as soon as something happens," she pauses, and looks down at her best friend laying motionless on the bed, "if something happens," she whispers.

"I can't leave her side," I say again.

"James will take you home. He is waiting in the lobby. Please go with him. For your own health, you need to go home and rest. When was the last time you slept?" she asks, looking at me again. I look down at Cassiopeia, trying to remember.

"I don't know," I admit.

"Please go home. I will stay by her side at all times until you come back. I promise."

"Okay," I say, defeated. "I don't think I can go home right now because everything there reminds me of her. Can James take me to your place?" I ask my wife's best friend. She looks at me and nods.

"Of course. You go now. I will stay here by her side. I promise," Willow tells me as I run a hand through my hair. I look down at the young girl in my lap.

"Should we get going Stardust?" I ask her. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Yeah. Let's go home," she says, placing a hand on my cheek.

"We are not going home Stardust. We will go to Auntie Willows house instead. Is that okay?" I ask her as I set her down and get up.

"Yeah. Let's go!" she says, walking to the door.

"Wait, Stardust. I have to get some things first," I say, laughing softly. This is the first time I have laughed in three weeks. I grab my phone and some other essentials before walking to the door of the hospital room.

"I promise I will text you as soon as something happens," Willow says again as I take Cassie's hand and open the door.

"Thank you," I whisper before walking out the door and down the hallway.

"James started reading me a new story," Cassie says, swinging her arm back and forth, making mine swing as well since I'm holding onto her hand.

"Really? What is it about?" I ask my daughter as I press the button to call the elevator.

"A princess who saves the dragon! It's so good!" she tells me as the elevator doors open. We step in and I press the button for the main floor.

"That sounds amazing Stardust. I'm glad you like it," I say, squeezing her hand lightly.

We continue talking as the elevator descends. The doors open to let a few more people in and then continues it's descent. As soon as the doors open in the lobby, I see James sitting in one of the not so comfortable chairs, scrolling through Instagram. Cassie and I walk up to him as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket with a text. I ignore it as James notices us. He stands up and starts walking towards us.

"Hi Derek. Willow talked you into leaving the room?" he asks once he stops in front of us.

I nod and my phone vibrates again. I take my phone out of my pocket to see a text from Willow. My eyes widen and I quickly grab Cassiopeia and start walking back towards the elevators. I hear James call after me but I don't care. I press the call button multiple times, trying to make the elevator come faster. James stops next to us as the door opens.

"What happened?" he asks, confused.

"Parker is starting to wake up!"

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