39: How well do you know the enemy?

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Pico was waiting when Ben and Per signed off from attempting to reassure the citizens. Per was far from sure that they should have said that the Futurans were pipe rats who were about to be exterminated. It was only after he'd blurted it out that he remembered the pipe rats usually beat the exterminators. Ben's snigger hadn't helped and he'd been conscious that he started blushing which immediately made him blush more. Ben had leant over and added 'what my friend means is they won't dare come out in the open because they know they'll get their heads bashed in. We've got them bottled up and there they will stay'. Per had chipped in again with a reminder that the Futurans weren't interested in anything other than destroying the city and enslaving its inhabitants so it wasn't like anyone even the CSB could cut a deal with them. Fighting them until they gave up and went away was the only option. He requested all citizens to be vigilant but not to try and take on the invaders. Ben had then leant over again and added with a grin 'just call the exterminators we'll be round to deal with them and for once there'll be no additional fees'. That had caused an explosion of laughter from the few remaining technicians and even Pico let out a chuckle. Probably not what the Boss had in mind but no doubt a laugh wouldn't do any harm. As soon as the screen went blank the technicians started hastily packing up the equipment. Pico strolled over

"Boss wants us to pull some blinds down and switch a few lights on our way back up."

They passed a constant stream of people leaving the building but there was no panic or rush. Pico directed them to certain offices where they pulled blinds and switched on lights. Ninety percent of the building was already in darkness and that was apparently how Asken wanted it. By the time they reached the third floor there was no one coming down and when they got back to Asken's office he was the only person there.

"Time to go. Deputy Administrator Gore says they are advancing steadily but cautiously. Their initial reception seems to have made them wary." Ben and Per picked up their weapons and Asken gestured to some bags on the floor. "Those are the drones."

Pico nodded "Right we'll get going and so should you."

"I am. I just wanted to be sure of being the last person out." He picked up his bag and they followed him down the scalers. By the time they got to the lobby there was only one person. A technician waiting to turn off the scalers. When they stopped running the building was eerily silent and their footfalls echoed on the marble floor. They parted from Asken at the door and as they started to walk away from the building a rapid response vehicle appeared. For a heart stopping moment Pico thought it was Stravel and his troops but then he realised the people in it were wearing ARM uniforms. DA Gore pulled the vehicle to a halt.

"They're about five minutes away. Administrator do you want a lift to the escape route?" Asken nodded and gestured to Pico to come back and take the buggy he had been going to use. He and the technician climbed into the other vehicle which shot off at a rapid thirty kilometres an hour.

Pico dumped his bag "Come on this will be quicker than walking and we can keep a bit further away from them." As he climbed in Ben asked where they were going and Pico responded "Through the Esta's back door. They've taken out all the drones and the Boss wants some more eyes in the Spires. Once we're done we'll go down the escape route ourselves."

They left the buggy at the end of the road and walked the last few hundred metres across the park to the pavilions. There was a sudden volley of small explosions from just ahead and they flung themselves flat on the grass. Pico waited a moment then once he was sure the fire was not directed at them crawled rapidly into the shrubbery. Ben and Per were hard on his heels.

"What the fuck?" Ben exclaimed then dropping his voice to a whisper "I thought they were supposed to be attacking the Administration building."

Pico half turned "So did I but that came from somewhere just ahead."

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