13: Meanwhile in the Warrens...

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Per sat watching the dawn lighten the eastern sky. He shivered slightly as the chill early morning breeze ruffled his hair. The thirty six hours since the skimmer arrived had been one shock after another and his brain was still reeling from trying to process it all. What he'd wanted, and needed, last night was for Ben to fuck him into oblivion. What he got was Mik throwing up and wanting his Dads. By the time they'd sorted him out and made sure the cause was greed rather than illness it was late. He'd come back from the toilet intending to suggest they sneak out for sex to find Ben collapsed on the bed sound asleep. He hadn't had the heart to wake him. He'd also been exhausted from the day's work but it hadn't been enough to stop his brain churning. Sleep had eluded him and after a few hours of tossing and turning he'd abandoned the attempt in favour of sitting outside to watch the dawn. Stoic calm continued to elude him. He lifted his head and gazed out over the fens as the first shafts of light from the rising sun tipped the reed beds with gold. He wasn't looking forward to this morning's conversation with his father and Gilfi-Jon, which was going to be awkward at best. Then spires knew what was going on in the city right now but whatever it was it seemed certain they were going to be dragged into it. He sighed deeply. His sigh was answered by a soft chuckle. Ben came over and stood behind him resting his hands on his shoulders.

"I thought I'd find you here."

"I couldn't sleep." 

Ben's hands started gently massaging the top of his shoulders "I guessed. How long have you been up?"

"I don't know, a couple of hours maybe. Mmm, mmm, that feels good." Ben's thumbs were working the knot of tension at the base of his neck and between his shoulder blades. "How's Mik?"

"He was still asleep. Unlike you. Want to talk about it?"

"I appear to have lost the ability to be calm and rational. I'm a mess of chaotic emotions that keep on washing through me, all of them in direct contradiction to the previous one. Right now I'd settle for feeling the same thing twice in a row. This morning's meeting with Arn and Gilfi-Jon..."

Ben's hands stopped their motion "Arn? Don't stop calling him Dad. Not now, not when Grandma's knocked some sense into him and he's about to make an effort."

"I'm not. That's the muddled state of my head. I don't know how I feel about anything or anyone right now" he twisted round and caught Ben's hand in his "except you. I'll never have any doubts about how I feel about you. Kiss me."

Ben lifted Per's hand and kissed his palm. Without breaking contact he shifted position to sit next to Per. He let go of Per's hand and leant in until their lips met. The kiss was soft and lingering and when they broke apart Per smiled and rested his forehead against Ben's

"If you hadn't passed out the minute you hit the bed last night I was going to suggest slipping out and finding a secluded spot to have sex."

"You should have woken me."

Per shook his head "You were gone. It would have been unfair to haul you out of a deep sleep and drag you outside."

"Why outside? We could have done it in bed."

"While we have got very good at making love quietly I didn't want that. I wanted to shriek and howl and moan and generally let the universe know how fantastic it feels to be fucked by you." He grinned briefly "And with Mik on one side and my new brother and sister on the other..."

"We could always do it now."

"Ben! It's broad daylight, we're on the lookout which is the highest point for kilometres and there are lots of people out in the fields."

"I didn't mean here idiot. I meant we could go and find that secluded spot but I suppose what we ought to do is check on Mik."

"And I'd better find Dad and Gilfi-Jon." he gave Ben a peck on the lips "Thank you." he smothered a yawn "Now I just have to avoid disgracing myself by falling asleep while Dad is talking to me."

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