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A/N- this chapter starts directly after the last one ends.

Sophie never thought this would happen. She had just kissed Keefe. KEEFE of all people... and loved it. Now she knew without a doubt how she felt about him. All along, her head had told her she liked Fitz, but her heart had always settled on another.

"So... what now?" She asked Keefe, blushing and glancing bashfully down at the floor.

"I really like you Sophie. Ummm... I'm not really good at this." Keefe's face fell as he plopped down onto Sophie's bed. He had even turned a little bit red. For once, she let him stay there, and sat beside him.

"Neither am I. I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to this, but all
I know is that I really like you and want to be with you." Those words seemed to be exactly what Keefe needed to hear. He sat up straighter, looking so adorably earnest that it made Sophie's heart melt.

"Like... for real?"

"Yeah. When I was dating Fitz, something always felt... off. The whole matchmaking system was so scary to me. Now that I'm with you, it's not so bad. I guess I just had to find the right person." Sophie couldn't believe she created a coherent sentence. In these situations, she usually couldn't talk at all, much less cheer someone up. Then she realized that she had assumed that Keefe would want to date her. Uh oh.

"Um I mean if you want to. You don't have to date me, I didn't mean..." She rapidly tried to backpedal.

"Sophie, it's okay." Keefe said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Today has felt like a dream come true. You have no idea how long I've wanted this to happen." By now, Keefe was smiling ear to ear. The only thing she was thinking about was that he had called her Sophie. It made her feel special in a new way, and not one that pressured her to change the world.

"You used my real name."

"Don't get used to it, Foster." He winked and smirked at her, leaning his forehead against her's.

She could feel his soft-blonde hair tickling her forehead. She really hoped he couldn't hear how loud her heart was beating. Wait... he was an empath, so he already knew.

He leaned in and kissed her again, softly. Her heart went out of control as she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening it.

When he finally pulled away, both of their faces were tomato red, but it wasn't awkward anymore. The silence that followed felt comfortable, until Keefe was forced to break it.

"Oh no, I told my father I'd be home half an hour ago. I hope he doesn't make me sleep next to the giant lumenite statue of him. I still have nightmares about it." Keefe cringed, clearly thinking about other ways Lord Cassius could punish him. Holding out his home crystal, he offered her one last heartfelt smile before glittering away with the smirking ogre princess.

Sophie was speechless and couldn't stop smiling. She didn't know how her life had changed so drastically over the course of one afternoon, but she did know it would be for the better.

A/N- Sorry the chapter was so short! I hope you liked it anyway, if you want you can vote, comment, and give suggestions on chapters you want to see. Have a great day!!

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